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The nature of Russia is amazing and diverse. Kamchatka is a unique mountainous region. It is distinguished by the originality of the landscape, the harsh climate, the richness of flora and fauna
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In the south of Jordan there is an amazing area, which is a vast sandy and rocky desert. It has been practically untouched by civilization for four millennia. This place is the delightful desert of Wadi Rum (Valley of the Moon)
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Puppeteer is a herb whose rhizome has long been used in folk medicine to treat neurological diseases and rheumatism. In addition, infusions of this herb are used to treat pneumonia, as an antipyretic, as well as to treat eczema and even typhoid
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Have you ever come across an orange mushroom? If so, then you probably noticed its bright, cheerful color and thought - is it edible? This article will be devoted to this organism. What is an orange mushroom? Can it be eaten?
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Which theory is correct? So far, no one knows for sure. Perhaps the time will come when we will reliably establish how the Universe came into being. In the meantime, we have time to dream, invent, explore, analyze
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Depending on the nature of the allelic genes, homozygous and heterozygous organisms are distinguished. Their interaction is normalized by the patterns prescribed in modern genetics. Let's look at some of them
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Plants and animals… Despite the fact that the differences between ethics categories, at first glance, may seem obvious, even experienced biologists often cannot draw the clearest line separating these concepts
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One of the TV presenters joked unsuccessfully about Michael Phelps, comparing his memory with the memory of fish, marking it as an interval of three seconds. Is it really that the mental abilities of fish are so insignificant, or, on the contrary, did the journalist undeservedly offend both the great athlete and the aquatic inhabitants?
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Cats, dogs, rodents and fish have long ceased to be the dream of many pet lovers. Now, at the peak of popularity, keeping reptiles in an apartment, which are rather unpretentious in care and nutrition, are distinguished by activity, cheerfulness, and good he alth. Among such creatures, one can fully attribute the bright garter snake, a guest from the American continent, which has perfectly taken root in Russia
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The eagle is a bird that has always been associated with greatness, pride and a strong spirit. This is one of the oldest and most universal symbols of the world. For many peoples, he was identified with the Sun and power, for others - with a warrior and victory. What is the bird itself? Where does she live and what kind of life does she lead?
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There are more than forty thousand lakes in sunny Kazakhstan. Over 4,000 artificial reservoirs have also been built there, collecting huge reserves of fresh water. Almost all lakes are endorheic, containing s alt water
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The world is full of miracles, most of which many people have not heard and do not know. Himalayan bees can be safely attributed to one of these phenomena, along with the oldest profession of the mountainous Nepal, called “honey hunters”. Rare travelers climb so high into the mountains and communicate with the locals. There are even fewer Europeans who managed to watch the “hunt”, experience unimaginable delight and respect, and then tell about what they saw
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The Voronezh, Caucasian and Danube biosphere reserves are the largest nature protection complexes located on the territory of the post-Soviet space. The Voronezh Biosphere Reserve arose where beavers used to be bred. The history of the Danube Reserve originates from the small Black Sea Reserve. And the Caucasus Reserve was created back in 1924 in order to preserve the unique ecosystem of the Greater Caucasus
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Sargassum algae: a description of the plant and where it grows. Necessary conditions for living. The process of reproduction and interesting facts about embryos. Rivalry in the outside world, as sargasso defeat other species and spread throughout the world. Homeland of algae. The harm and benefits of the plant
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A lake is a closed natural body of water. Such reservoirs are classified by volume, water balance, origin and other factors. Today we will consider a list of the freshest lakes. We will also tell interesting facts about them
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The Gulf of Gdansk, which at all times was an important strategic object, at the dawn of the twentieth century turned into a recreation area
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A huge number of living beings live on our planet, surprising with their species and forms. Among them there is an interesting and unique animal - a mammal siren that lives in sea and fresh waters. It is represented by several types, different in their characteristics
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The Caspian Sea is located in different geographical areas. It plays a big role in world history, is an important economic region and a source of resources. The Caspian Sea is a unique body of water
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Each living organism is unique, but at the same time has a certain number of identical organs, depending on its species. The information described in this article will allow you to study this important organ, its structure and functions, and also answer the question of which animals have a diaphragm
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An interesting representative of the animal world is the wildebeest. This is the most common and numerous type of antelope
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Cep mushroom is especially valued for its nutritional properties. In addition, it is very tasty, it can be prepared in any way. Therefore, the people called him an expensive mushroom
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Learning that a flamingo is a bird, many are surprised. This is a very beautiful word. But when you see this bird with your own eyes, you cease to doubt that this name suits it. The word "flamingo" means "red feather". And it is right. After all, representatives of this family have red or hot pink feathers with black edging around the edges, which is visible only at the time of flight
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Avid mushroom pickers must have met in the midst of summer an inconspicuous mushroom called pig. The thin pig mushroom (or Paxillus involutus) grows in both coniferous and deciduous forests, as well as in parks, along roads, in garbage dumps, on bare ground, and even among anthills
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Many famous artists captured the nature of this picturesque corner of the earth in poetry, and poets sang it in verse. Iosif Mandelstam, Andrei Bely, Nikolai Tikhonov and Valery Bryusov wrote about the we alth and austere beauty of these places. Unique landscapes are reflected in the paintings of artists Minas Avetisyan and Martiros Saryan, as well as in the priceless canvases of Ivan Aivazovsky ("Ararat Valley" and "View of Lake Sevan")
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Since ostriches are the largest members of the avian tribe, it is not surprising that the eggs laid by the female are also the largest in size. However, few people know that compared to the dimensions of the bird itself, that is, if we keep in mind the proportional ratio, the ostrich carries the smallest eggs. In this article, we will look at an ostrich egg - its size, weight, as well as some interesting facts from the biology of this amazing group of birds
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Does everyone know the definition of the word "reserve"? What is a protected area? So, the reserve is a piece of a unique territory, which is protected by the state in a natural state. This is done in order to protect the flora and fauna from the harmful effects of humans
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Among its useful actions: the elimination of migraines, the treatment of bronchitis, whooping cough, laryngitis, vegetative - vascular dystonia, indigestion and intestines
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Connoisseurs and horse lovers know that the mouse horse is a very beautiful animal. It is impossible not to admire his appearance, he looks simply fabulous. No wonder this suit is reflected in the literature
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This medium-sized berry of pleasant red color, mostly grown in the harsh northern latitudes, has been known for its amazing beneficial properties for many centuries. It is not only a delicious treat, but also a very useful healing product. There have always been legends about this magical berry, and it had an impressive name - “berry of immortality”
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Caracal cats, also called desert or steppe lynxes, except for the Sahara desert, live in Africa, as well as in southwestern Asia. Despite the name, this predator has nothing to do with lynxes, there is only some similarity in appearance
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Starling is a bird belonging to the order of passeriformes, the family of starlings. Body length is about 23 cm, and weight is about 75 g
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Steppe larks live in Russia, Ukraine, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Portugal, Libya and some other countries. They prefer steppe areas, fields with thick grass, cereal areas, choosing places warmed by the sun
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How many interesting things exist in our plant world! What unusual, amazing trees grow on Earth! And one of them is called the Schmidt birch
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If you ask someone why chickens don't fly, you will probably hear a lot of different assumptions. The most common is due to excess weight. Chickens love to eat, because it’s not so easy for them to lift their magnificent forms into the air. Another popular opinion is that they lost their ability as unnecessary
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As practice shows, in the animal world, not predators, but representatives of large herbivores often have an obstinate disposition and aggressiveness. For example, elephants, hippos, rhinos and water buffalo (Indian or Asian), which will be discussed
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Maybe one of the most controversial animals on earth is the crocodile. Someone considers him terrible and bloodthirsty, someone thinks that he is useful, and some are completely sure that these reptiles are the real descendants of dinosaurs living in our time. We all know interesting facts about crocodiles that are hard to believe. Let's figure out where is the truth and where is fiction
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Man causes destructive harm to nature. This affects primarily animals and plants. A large number of species of living beings are on the verge of extinction. For example, the saiga, which for forty years has been considered the main food animal, although not yet listed in the Red Book, already has the status of a vulnerable species. At the moment, the government of Kazakhstan is making great efforts and investing a lot of money to restore the saiga population
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The biological method of pest control is based on the breeding method of ichneumons. Females lay eggs in (or on) the body of the victim, and the larvae that appear feed on the tissues of the host
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Moth is an insect that can piss off even the most calm person. Friends, who among us has not chased a chaotically fluttering moth with the obsessive goal of swatting it down? There are no such! And after all, what is interesting: we know that this is an absolutely useless exercise, and we still write out "triple sheepskin coats" in the air. But this same moth butterfly does not do any harm to our things stored in cabinets. It's all the fault of her caterpillar! Let's talk about this
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
There are more than 2500 species of these insects all over the world. They appear out of the blue during the spring thaw, when the ice has not yet ended. Every year and regularly they accompany the spring. Hence their name - stoneflies