Apparently, many of us have seen oriental patterns. In most cases, Europeans do not attach any importance to them, even if there is a letter ornament on the image or embroidery. Many of us do not even realize what secret meaning can be contained in such drawings and inscriptions.
Letter ornament: the history of occurrence
Speaking about the ornament in the form of letters, it is worth touching on the topic of its appearance. Basically? the manifestation of letter ornament and type art was initially focused on eastern countries. In Slavic culture, this was extremely rare until some time of the conquest of Russia.
If you look at it, the very art of using letters and symbols in the form of a pattern has been known for a long time. And it is attributed more to Muslim countries, where, in fact, it originated.

It is worth noting that in this case the font has such a structure that the letters can easily be intertwined with each other, thanks to the presence of some curls. It looks very interesting. Moreover, many ornaments of this type have an almost sacredmeaning and carry ancient wisdom. Note that even the tablets with the divine commandments given to Moses were written in this perspective.
The secret meaning of patterns
As for the meaning of such drawings, it is worth mentioning separately that the letter ornament in the same Ancient India played a rather significant role. Very often you can find many works in the same Sanskrit, written not in the form of a regular text, but in the form of intertwined symbols like the many-armed god Shiva.
By the way, each branch of such a text has its own meaning. At the same time, the pattern that is used to write a particular phrase is also important.
How to decode letter ornament
The most prominent minds of the scientific community have been deciphering letter ornaments for more than one century. Unfortunately, some texts cannot be deciphered at all, for example, those that refer to the mysterious country of Shambhala, in which, according to legend, in a certain state of meditation that has lasted for thousands of years, there are all known prophets and messiahs such as Christ, Buddha, etc..d. Although this is considered fiction from the point of view of modern practical science, there is definitely some truth in it.

If we talk specifically about oriental writing, it is worth noting that most of the texts and patterns are composed from right to left. Therefore, sometimes it is necessary to approach the drawing from the point of view of a European in the opposite way. Moreover, in the drawings and ornaments themselves, rather serious ciphers are often used, which are not yet available to modern science.understanding even with the use of the most advanced computer systems and decoders. The only question is: the ancients are considered wise, but their technology is completely forgotten.
And no one thought that even the simplest cuneiform ornament of a long-gone Sumerian civilization can tell us much more than what we can know? Unfortunately, the texts of the ancient Sumerians are not so easy to decipher. It remains to be hoped that someday we will still know the secret meaning of these signs and ornaments. Who knows, maybe it will be more than we even try to imagine…