Beautiful Italian names for women and men: a list

Beautiful Italian names for women and men: a list
Beautiful Italian names for women and men: a list

Every person, having been born, receives a name. It may simply be chosen by the parents because of its beauty or popularity, the choice may be based on traditions in a particular country. Italian names are very popular, but not only for their beauty, but also for the fact that the inhabitants of Italy have an uncontrollable temperament.

At the level of Italian legislation, it is stipulated that a child at birth must receive a first and last name. It is not allowed to name the child in the same way as the father, if he is still alive, to name the child with offensive words or to give the same names as brothers and sisters have, to use a surname. Place names cannot be used, except for the word Asia, which was given to the daughter of the god of the Ocean.

Possible quantity

In Italy, it is allowed to give a child 3 names, for example, Mario Domenico Ferrari. In everyday life, you can use any of them, at Ferrari's work, Mario's home, and friends will call Domenico. However, official documentsshould indicate the one that is most commonly used. For example, the following wording can be found on ballot papers: “Anna Teresa Maria (known as Teresa)…”

Octavian Octavianus
Octavian Octavianus


In Italy, the rite of baptism is of great importance. The modern Catholic Church recommends giving the child a "Christian" name, but does not oblige. However, there are no restrictions on their number. If parents want to give a name that is not included in the Catholic calendar, then one more is added to it - some kind of saint.

Heritage of Ancient Rome

Modern Italian names were formed as a result of a long historical process. After the fall of the Roman Empire, the three-part name model disappeared. For several centuries, the Italians were content with one and only, in extreme cases, clarifications could be added, for example, Jacopo from Arezzo or Giacomo, son of Giovanni.

The heritage from Ancient Rome left generic names and nicknames that characterize a person, turned into personal ones, for example, such as are indicated in the following table.

Severus Severus

Children with this name are very cheerful and sociable. They always have many friends, but there is always one for whom Severus is ready to sacrifice almost everything for

Boys are able to make decisions only on the basis of a deep personal analysis of the situation. Personally, they prefer long-term relationships

Julius Iulius This very beautiful Italian name characterizes a person as a "fidget", while the love of movement does not disappear throughout life. However, the Juliuses often remain alone, although they are not at all burdened by this situation
Octavian Octavianus Octavian is a man ready to make sacrifices, so there must be a person nearby, at whose feet you can “throw the whole world”
Ursula Ursa

Directly translated means "bear". Usually such girls are choleric, with pronounced masculine traits. Ursulas are very responsible and assertive

Emilia Emilia In Latin it sounds like "rival". As a rule, these are individuals who are always dissatisfied with themselves, while being very decisive


In the annals of the XIV-XV country, the appearance of the so-called desirable names is recorded. In the same period, there are those who give in the hope of a serene future for the child. The following are Italian names (female and male) that are still popular today:

  • Contessa, Contessina, "Countess".
  • Bonadonna, Bonadonna, "good woman".
  • Benedetta, Benedetta, "noble".
  • Diotisalvi, Diotisalvi, "God save you."
  • Benvenuto, Benvenuto, welcome.
  • Bonfiglio, Bonfiglio,“good son.”
First name Contessina
First name Contessina

Ancient Greek Heritage

Italy has always had "powerful" contacts with Byzantium, as a result of which there are many names borrowed from the ancient Greek language in the country. A list of Italian names from ancient mythology and history can be found in the following table.



He is a balanced and calm person. He has an impressive intellect, but is slightly fussy. The Caesars are morally high and emotionally stable. Marry only for love



Usually majestic boys and men. They are bold and self-confident, domineering. Alexandrovs make excellent leaders, they are honest and frank



As a rule, these are impulsive and romantic natures. Very fond of company and fun and a little arrogant due to high self-esteem



These are very reliable girls and women. They are always in authority



These are shy and even secretive natures. They dream a lot and avoid noisy companies, but always have friends



These are very cheerful girls, energetic and believe that nothing is impossible

ContactChristian faith

Presumably, Jesus Christ was born in the Roman Empire, in the province of Judea. Despite the persecution, nevertheless, the Christian faith quickly spread throughout the country and around the world. Emperor Constantine legalized Christianity in 313. Therefore, in the country to this day there are many Italian names of saints and associated with Christian holidays, such as:

  • Pascual, Pasquale, or "Easter".
  • Natale, Natale, "Christmas".
  • Angel, Angelo, Arcangelo, or "archangel".
  • Romeo, Romeo, that is, a person who made a pilgrimage to Rome.
Gaius Julius Caesar
Gaius Julius Caesar

Germanic and Scandinavian origins

In the 5th century, German and Scandinavian names appear in Italy. They were associated with the ruling class for a long time, they were practically not found among commoners. A few centuries later, the situation changes, and already among the famous medieval personalities of simple origin there are names of German and Scandinavian origin, for example, Alberto Albizzi is an ordinary merchant, Ugolino is an ordinary handyman.

The table below shows Italian male names that appeared in the 5th century:



A person who strives to dominate in everything and always. The Anselms are not afraid of the fact that the opponent is much stronger



Means "brilliant" in German. This is a skeptical and self-confident personality,that relies solely on its own judgment and knowledge



These are necessarily very sociable and cheerful boys, they do not lose their qualities throughout their lives

Next in the table are Italian names for girls.



This is necessarily a bright and dynamic girl, but somewhat reserved. As a rule, he has an analytical mindset and has excellent mathematical abilities



The derivative of the feminine from the masculine is Albert. Berts know their worth, love to attract attention, a little boastful personality



Found in almost all languages of the world. Girls have magnetism and easily manipulate people



Women always live the way they want and do whatever they want. Felicias have great willpower and never doubt their innocence

Borrowed from literary sources

In the XIV century in Italy, names borrowed from literary sources began to enjoy wide popularity. Indeed, during this period, the famous works of Dante and Petrarch appear, later Boiardo and Tasso, and others. Here are the Italian names from that period that have survived to this day:

  • Angelica orAngelica.
  • Orlando, Roland.
  • Flordeliza.
  • Ruger or Ruggiero.
  • Isolda.
  • Saladin.
  • Guinevra.
  • Lancelot.
  • Clorinda.
The famous Isolde
The famous Isolde

"Russian" trace

Oddly enough, but there are many onomatics in the Italian language that came from Russian literature. In particular, in the 20th century, the names Katya (Katia), Sonya (Sonia), Tanya (Tania) and Nadia (Nadia) appeared. In most cases, incomplete forms were used, but diminutives.

There is also a Russian name Ivan in Italian - Ivano.

Girl with a Basket of Fruits (Lavinia)
Girl with a Basket of Fruits (Lavinia)

Popular and famous Italian names in our century

To date, there are about 1700 personal names in Italy. Naturally, popularity largely depends on the traditions that are accepted in a particular region.

The country has the National Institute of Statistics, which deals in particular with this issue, it was created back in 1926. According to the Institute, not the first year one of the most popular names is Francesca. Next come Alexandro and Andreas. Lorenzo and Mateo, Gabriel are also in the lead. And girls are most often called - Sofia and Julia. Next come the names of Martin and Georgia, Sarah and Emma.

Depiction of Guinevere
Depiction of Guinevere

Rare but very beautiful female names

  • Adriana. Characterized as a girl with a difficult character, strong and strong-willed. This is an ambitious and self-confident person. Most likely, a girl with that name will grow upa real schemer.
  • Arabella. Usually women with this name are very sensitive and retain childish character traits until the end of their lives. Achieving your goals is obtained with varying success due to lack of willpower. However, girls with this beautiful Italian female name can build a very successful career, as they have an excellent analytical mind and memory, and are also conceited.
  • Paolina. Although there are many disputes about the origin, there is even an opinion that it is of Russian origin and came from the male name Pavel. These are contact persons who feel good always and everywhere.
  • Nicoletta. These are strange natures that are very active and mobile. Often distrustful and have few friends.
  • Olivia. Girls with this name achieve success in the field of science and technology. They are very hopeful and stable, do not even like to listen to other people's advice and always make decisions based only on their own intuition and understanding of the world.
  • Federica. Girls with this name are distinguished by modesty and intelligence. They are quite power-hungry, but try to please everyone.
