Description and functions of the diaphragm. What animals have this organ?

Description and functions of the diaphragm. What animals have this organ?
Description and functions of the diaphragm. What animals have this organ?

Each living organism is unique, but at the same time, depending on its species, it has a certain number of identical organs that perform certain functions.

What animals have a diaphragm? In 8th grade, this is one of the questions that arise when studying the diverse world of animals and the structure of their body.


Before answering the question of which animals have a diaphragm, you need to know the definition of this concept. The diaphragm is a septum composed of muscle tissue that separates the thoracic and abdominal regions in humans and mammals.

Mammals are a species of animals that have an organized life activity, a characteristic feature of which is the feeding of offspring with mother's milk.

what animals have a diaphragm grade 8
what animals have a diaphragm grade 8

The shape, size and location of the diaphragm in mammals depends on the structure of the body of a certain kind of animal, but basically, like in humans, it has the shape of a dome. The diaphragm is an important component of the respiratoryprocess and contracts in parallel with the abdominal muscles.


The said organ consists of three sections: sternal, costal and lumbar. The esophagus, nerves, veins, and aorta pass through it. Their shape and size also depend on the structure of an individual organism.

The presence of a diaphragm is one of the features by which mammals can be distinguished from other species. So, for example, in birds and snakes, this organ is present in the embryonic state, while in fish it is completely absent.

Thus, apart from humans, all mammals have a diaphragm.

Aperture functions

In order to understand which animals have a diaphragm, it is also important to determine its meaning and functions in the body:

  1. The most important function of this organ is to separate the thoracic and abdominal regions. The diaphragm is a necessary partition that separates them from each other.
  2. From this feature follows the following - the union of these cavities in the body with each other.
  3. The diaphragm also acts as a connection to other internal organs.
  4. Is an important muscle involved in the breathing process.
  5. Normalizes pressure on internal organs, organizes blood flow to and from the heart.
  6. In the digestive system, the diaphragm helps to expel bile. With the help of its contractions, it improves intestinal motility, which has a beneficial effect on the proper digestion of food and the normalization of stools.
what animals have a diaphragm
what animals have a diaphragm


In addition to the question of which animals have a diaphragm, biology studies its possible pathologies and how to study them.

The diaphragm, like other internal organs, is prone to disease. A frequent problem for her is a hernia. It can be located both on the diaphragm itself and in the esophagus. A hernia can be a congenital pathology of an organ or acquired as a result of injuries of a different nature. With small sizes, diaphragmatic hernia usually does not cause discomfort. A strangulated hernia or its large size can lead to loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, and difficulty breathing. In the presence of a hernia, the internal organs can be displaced into the chest.

Also, the diaphragm can be damaged as a result of closed and open injuries of the abdominal cavity or thoracic region, an animal falling from a great height.

It is necessary to take into account possible diseases in order to fully reveal the topic of which animals have a diaphragm.

which animals have a diaphragm biology
which animals have a diaphragm biology

If the animal is domestic and has injuries of the abdominal or thoracic region, it is necessary to conduct a full examination in a veterinary clinic. First of all, the study is carried out using x-rays and fluorography, which can detect damage to the diaphragm, the presence or absence of a hernia and tumors.

Treatment depends on the severity of the disease and the nature of the damage. It is possible to use complex therapy or surgical intervention.

The information described will allow you to study this important organ,its structure and functions, as well as answer the question of which animals have a diaphragm.
