Resources of the Caspian Sea. a brief description of

Resources of the Caspian Sea. a brief description of
Resources of the Caspian Sea. a brief description of

The Caspian Sea is located in different geographical areas. It plays a big role in world history, is an important economic region and a source of resources. The Caspian Sea is a unique body of water.

Short description

This sea is large. The bottom is covered with oceanic bark. These factors make it possible to classify it as a sea.

Is a closed body of water, has no drains and is not connected with the waters of the oceans. Therefore, it can also be attributed to the category of lakes. In this case, it will be the largest lake on the planet.

Caspian Sea resources
Caspian Sea resources

The approximate area of the Caspian Sea is about 370 thousand square kilometers. The volume of the sea changes depending on the various fluctuations in the water level. The average value is 80 thousand cubic kilometers. The depth varies in its parts: the southern one has a greater depth than the northern one. The average depth is 208 meters, the highest value in the southern part exceeds 1000 meters.

The Caspian Sea plays an important role in the development of trade relations between countries. The resources mined in it, as well as other trade items, were transported todifferent countries since the development of navigation at sea. Since the Middle Ages, merchants have delivered exotic goods, spices and furs. Today, in addition to transporting resources, ferries between cities are carried out by sea. Also, the Caspian Sea is connected by a shipping channel through the rivers with the Sea of Azov.

Geographic characteristics

The Caspian Sea is located between two continents - Europe and Asia. Washes the territory of several countries. These are Russia, Kazakhstan, Iran, Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan.

It has more than 50 islands, both large and small in size. For example, the islands of Ashur-Ada, Tyuleniy, Chigil, Gum, Zenbil. As well as peninsulas, the most significant - Absheron, Mangyshlak, Agrakhan and others.

The Caspian Sea receives the main inflow of water resources from the rivers flowing into it. In total, there are 130 tributaries of this reservoir. The largest is the Volga River, which brings the bulk of the water. The rivers Kheras, Ural, Terek, Astarchay, Kura, Sulak and many others also flow into it.

Resources of the Caspian Sea in brief
Resources of the Caspian Sea in brief

The waters of this sea form many bays. Among the largest are: Agrakhansky, Kizlyarsky, Turkmenbashi, Girkan Bay. In the eastern part there is a bay-lake called Kara-Bogaz-Gol. It communicates with the sea by a small strait.


The climate is characterized by the geographical location of the sea, therefore it has several types: from continental in the northern region to subtropical in the south. This affects the air temperature andwaters that have great contrasts depending on the part of the sea, especially during the cold season.

In winter, the average air temperature in the northern region is about -10 degrees, the water reaches -1 degrees.

In the southern region, the temperature of air and water in winter warms up to an average of +10 degrees.

In summer, the air temperature in the northern zone reaches +25 degrees. Much hotter in the south. The maximum recorded value here is + 44 degrees.


The natural resources of the Caspian Sea contain large reserves of various deposits.

Natural resources of the Caspian Sea
Natural resources of the Caspian Sea

One of the most valuable resources of the Caspian Sea is oil. Mining has been carried out since about 1820. Springs were opened on the territory of the seabed and its coast. By the beginning of the new century, the Caspian was at the forefront in obtaining this valuable product. During this time, thousands of wells were opened, which made it possible to extract oil on a huge industrial scale.

The Caspian Sea and its adjacent territory also have rich deposits of natural gas, mineral s alts, sand, lime, several types of natural clay and rocks.

Inhabitants and fisheries

The biological resources of the Caspian Sea are very diverse and have good productivity. It contains more than 1500 species of inhabitants, rich in commercial fish species. Population depends on climatic conditions in different parts of the sea.

In the northern part of the sea, pike perch, bream, catfish,asp, pike and other species. Gobies, mullet, bream, herring live in the western and eastern. Southern waters are rich in various representatives. One of the many are sturgeons. According to their content, this sea occupies a leading place among other water bodies.

Among a wide variety, tuna, beluga, stellate sturgeon, sprat and many others are also caught. In addition, there are molluscs, crayfish, echinoderms and jellyfish.

The Caspian seal, or the Caspian seal, lives in the Caspian Sea. This animal is unique and lives only in these waters.

Biological resources of the Caspian Sea
Biological resources of the Caspian Sea

The sea is also characterized by a high content of various algae, such as blue-green, red, brown; sea grass and phytoplankton.


Contents of some harmful substances in the sea exceed or approach acceptable levels. This negatively affects not only the habitat and life of marine life, but also human he alth.

The production and transportation of oil has a huge negative impact on the ecological situation of the sea. The ingress of oil products into water is almost inevitable. Oil slicks are causing irreparable damage to marine habitats.

Water resources of the Caspian Sea
Water resources of the Caspian Sea

The main inflow of water resources to the Caspian Sea is provided by rivers. Unfortunately, most of them have a high level of pollution, which degrades the quality of the water in the sea.

Industrial and domestic effluents from the surrounding cities in huge quantities merge into the sea, which also causesenvironmental damage.

Poaching causes great damage to marine habitats. Sturgeon species are the main target for illegal catching. This significantly reduces the number of sturgeon and threatens the entire population of this type.

The given information will help to assess the resources of the Caspian Sea, briefly study the characteristics and ecological situation of this unique reservoir.
