Who are skinheads - Nazis or ideologues?
This is an informal association of mostly young men. Literally, the name "skinheads" (photo) is translated as "shaved head". Are they really aggressive Nazis who do not recognize any other race than the Russian? Is it true that it is skinheads who claim that Russia is only for Russians?

Skinheads appeared in Russia in the so-called "dashing nineties". They were shaved bald guys in berets (long-laced boots) with tattoos of Celtic, pagan or Scandinavian symbols. Their ideology is that "power belongs only to whites." Skinhead relationships are built on the principle of a rigid hierarchy with an unspoken code of honor.
Subculture or gang?
It is now generally accepted that the skinheads are the real bandits, that this is an absolutely cultureless criminal gang. Let me not completely agree with these conclusions! Of course, we are by no means going to justify them, but nevertheless we will bring some clarity about who skinheads are in the ideological sense.this word. To begin with, let's highlight a few values of this youth movement. So the skinheads claim that:
- firstly, a person must be a patriot of Russia;
- second, a person must work;
- Third, one must study;
- fourthly, a person should not be… racist!
As we can see, the necessary subcultural elements are here. And no one can call this kind of culture a bunch of criminals, just like criminal gangs - subcultures! And now attention! Let's bring some clarity to all this. The youth trend of skinheads has some "imitators" called "bonheads". Their movement is the same youth subculture, but has nothing to do with the ideology of skinheads. All that connects them with them is berets, bald skulls and suspenders. At the same time, the bonheads themselves call themselves skinheads!
It is the bonheads (and not the skinheads) who do not miss a single rally or massacre organized by the nationalists. They are the real Nazis!

In the 90s, there were well-read and smart guys among skinheads. But already by the beginning of the 2000s, the “intellectual” skinheads were replaced by, pardon the expression, stupid shaven-headed “thugs” - bonheads from various Moscow suburbs. They constantly staged pogroms in the markets, beating up people from the Caucasus, rowdy in trains, and with the advent of the Internet, they began to create Nazi sites with thematic slogans like “Entrance to the “chocks” is ordered!” or "Become a skin - and you are a god!". To my mind,this is not only terrible, but also blasphemous.
Since today everyone answers the question “who are skinheads” with one word - “cattle”, this means only one thing: these “parodists” have achieved the full degree of mixing with skinheads.

They even have a "code of honor" that is understandable only to them alone, but at the same time there is no definite power, disparate groups (10-15 people each), having their own obvious "leaders" and their own, sometimes not understandable to an adequate man, principles.
Who's Who: Debriefing
We remind you once again that our article is not aimed at idealizing the skinhead representatives of one of the subcultures, and we do not justify them in any way, we just state the facts for the sake of justice. People don't know who skinheads are. Remember, these are not Nazis and not criminals! These are just followers of a certain subculture with their own rules, values and norms of behavior. And the most offensive thing in all this is that when stupid bonheads commit crimes and pogroms, everyone shouts at once that they are skinheads. Why not set up?!