Since ostriches are the largest members of the avian tribe, it is not surprising that the eggs laid by the female are also the largest in size. However, few people know that compared to the size of the bird itself, that is, if we keep in mind the proportional ratio, the ostrich lays the smallest eggs.
In this article we will tell you what is the size of an ostrich egg in centimeters, and also give some interesting facts from biology about the life of an amazing group of birds.
African ostrich
This bird is considered the only one of the representatives of the once very extensive Ostrich family, which in the Late Pleistocene inhabited the lands of Africa and Arabia, Iraq and Iran, as well as other dry treeless spaces of the Middle East. Archaeological excavations suggest that ostriches have lived on the planet for over 120 million years.
Birds similar in body structure, butdiffering in zoological classification - rhea and emu, which scientists at one time considered ostriches - actually belong to other families. The rhea is native to South America, while the emu is the largest bird on the Australian mainland. At the same time, both the rhea, the emu, and the African ostrich are similar in appearance and are considered the largest of the currently known flightless birds.

Before talking about the size of an ostrich egg, let's briefly look at how this bird actually looks like.
So, the ostrich has strong bones, is quite powerful in physique, especially the torso and large long legs. At the same time, since the ostrich does not fly, it is characterized by the complete absence of a keel (an outgrowth of the sternum in flying birds), and its pectoral muscles are poorly developed. All keelless or smooth-chested birds have underdeveloped wings, the fingers of which end in spur claws. The ostrich has a long neck, a small flattened head and a straight beak. The eyes are quite large, and the eyelashes of the upper eyelid are thick.
The weight of an adult is about 120 kg with an average height of 2.5 meters. It is clear that most of the latter indicator falls on the neck and legs of the ostrich.
The ostrich survives thanks to the ability to develop a fairly high speed when running (60-70 km per hour). Moving on its powerful legs, this bird makes jumps up to 4 meters long. In addition, the ostrich has excellent eyesight and easily distinguishes the impending danger. Another importantthe moment lies in the strength of his legs - sometimes one blow is enough to knock out even a lion.
The African ostrich prefers to eat mainly plant foods - shoots and seeds, but on occasion does not disdain insects such as locusts. Sometimes the ostrich even eats up the carrion left by the predators. At the same time, an ostrich, like any animal that lives in a desert, can do without water for quite a long time. However, ostrich farmers are well aware that these birds are willing to take a dip if given the opportunity.
Due to the fashion for ostrich feathers, which were used to make fans, fans and plumes, these birds were almost exterminated, and now they can be found only in natural parks and on farms where they are specially bred. These farms are located in 50 countries of the world, although most of them are concentrated in the natural habitats of these birds - Central and South Africa.

Currently, ostriches are bred for meat, which is recognized as dietary and contains a minimum of cholesterol, as well as skin, which is distinguished by its elasticity and softness. Products made from it (shoes, haberdashery, clothes) do not lose their high qualities and do not wear out for almost three decades. Ostrich feathers and eggs continue to be highly valued because of their high nutritional value. The shell, which has considerable strength, is used, as before, for the manufacture of bowls and goblets both in Africa and in Europe.
Weight and sizeostrich egg
The length of the egg (depending on the age of the bird) is from 15 to 21 cm. The average size in coverage is about 15 cm. The maximum weight is 2 kg, but, as a rule, the average egg weight does not exceed 1.3 kg. If we take a chicken egg as an example, then its average weight is 50 g, hence the equivalence of these two products is obvious - it is equal to 26.
To get an idea of the weight and size of an ostrich egg, take a look at the photo where chicken (medium-sized) and quail (smallest) eggs are placed next to it.

The shell is thick (up to half a centimeter) and strong, it can withstand loads up to 120 kg. By the way, in order to punch a hole in the wall of his first house and get out, it takes a little ostrich about an hour. And to open an egg at home, it is usually recommended to use (with all the necessary precautions) a chisel, a chisel or a small drill.
In appearance, the shell is somewhat reminiscent of porcelain - it is glossy and covered with micropores. The color of its surface depends on the breed and is yellowish, creamy, gray, less often pearly white.

The shell perfectly holds paint, which allows artists to create real decoupage masterpieces.
Characteristics and nutritional value
Most of the weight of an ostrich egg is protein. At the same time, it should be noted that in terms of fat saturation, an egg is similar to just one chicken egg, and its calorie content as a percentage is much lower. For example- the proportion of saturated fats in a chicken egg is about 2 grams, while in an ostrich they are completely absent. Just like cholesterol. In addition, the special composition of amino acids and proteins make it a particularly valuable source of protein. By the way, the calorie content of an ostrich egg is lower than that of a chicken one, and is estimated at 118 kilocalories per 100 g of the product.
And although it is believed that chicken and ostrich eggs taste identical, for all connoisseurs of he althy eating, the value of the second is obvious. That is why today the popularity of this product is greater than ever.

Now you know how much an ostrich egg weighs, the size of the egg itself, its nutritional properties.