Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Spruce formerly had a distribution area that included almost all of Europe. Gradually, with the intensification of human economic activity, spruce forests began to shrink, and today this species of spruce in central Europe has survived only in the Alps, the mountainous regions of the Czech Republic and in southern Poland
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Today we can say with confidence that if the seal, due to a number of serious circumstances, died in the process of evolution as a species, then the planet Earth would become much poorer. Why? We will try to answer the question in this article
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The Snezhnaya River attracts a large number of rafting enthusiasts every year. The turbulent streams of a mountain river flowing into Lake Baikal originate in the Tyryngyn mountains, picking up speed from a height of 2300 meters on the northern ridge of Khamar-Daban. This full-flowing river is one of the four largest rivers in the region. In the company with her are such giants as the Upper Angara, Serengoy and Barguzin
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Studying the habits of coot birds may be of interest to hunters. Yes, and naturalists who love to observe beautiful living creatures will surely like the agile bird with an unusual “hairstyle”
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There is a river Pur in the Kara Sea basin. Its length is 389 kilometers. And with the Pyakupur River and its tributary. Yangyagun - 1024 kilometers. The Pur is one of the longest Russian rivers. The area of its basin is 112 thousand square kilometers. The Pur flows into the Kara Taz Bay
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
These beautiful decorative deciduous trees are very popular in landscape design today. There are many types of decorative maple
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Medvedka is a pest insect. It belongs to the family of the same name. Another name for the bear is earthen crayfish. This pest has a rather thick body covered with hairs. It is brown above, dark yellow below. The forelimbs of this insect are very shortened and are intended for digging the earth. So, the guest of our today's article is an ordinary bear
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Water resources of the Irkutsk region are quite extensive. They include more than 67 thousand rivers, mineral and underground springs, Lake Baikal, which is the largest on the planet, as well as natural lakes and artificial reservoirs
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The name of this picturesque river, translated from the Turkic language, means “a river flowing between the hills”. Cheptsa is a natural reservoir flowing through the territories of the Perm Territory, Udmurtia and the Kirov Region of Russia. This is a tributary. Vyatka, belonging to the Volga basin
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
In Colombia, the Magdalena River flows, considered the largest waterway of the state. Its length is admirable, because it is about 1550 kilometers. The basin, formed by the river itself and its tributaries, covers 24% of the country's mainland, and the total length of waterways is 4 thousand kilometers. The Blue Artery attracts tourists because it flows through the most picturesque places with a unique flavor
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This river is one of the most accessible water arteries in the Khabarovsk Territory. Thanks to a fairly well-developed road network, you can get almost to its very headwaters. This is an amazingly picturesque area, which is of interest both in terms of spending holidays surrounded by nature, and in terms of getting to know the features of the Far Eastern nature and the nature of taiga rivers
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
These unusual deep-sea fish, found in the tropical temperate waters of the oceans, got their name for their bizarre characteristic appearance, reminiscent of an ax in shape - a wide body and a narrow tail
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The idealized appearance of a teddy bear creates a deceptive impression that kindness itself is in front of you. However, the powerful jaws of the giant panda hide strong teeth that can chew on more than just bamboo. And her sharp claws can cause serious injury to the offender. Is a panda dangerous to humans if you meet an animal in nature?
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Whales are representatives of the class of mammals. These marine animals are impressive in size. In ancient times, when fishermen began to notice such large creatures, disputes began to arise about whether it was a fish or an animal. Many people want to know where whales can be seen today, what lifestyle they lead, how many species there are
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
What do we know about the giraffe? Of course, this is the highest living being on the planet. If desired, he could look into your windows located on the second floor. The giraffe is a mammalian herbivore, very hardy and strong. In the wild, he has only one enemy - the lion. With the rest of the brethren, cooperation or armed neutrality is observed, as, for example, with elephants. The giraffe has very good eyesight, which is not surprising - with such and such growth. Now let's get to the details
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Salmon - royal fish, which previously could afford only very we althy segments of the population. Nowadays, it is quite popular for most families, as it is considered an extremely useful product
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Indian wolf, aka Asian or Iranian - a species that once flourished, but is currently quite small. Like many other animals around the globe, it is threatened with extinction due to extermination by hunters and the destruction of their habitual habitat by people due to land development. Where does the Indian wolf live? What does this animal eat, what lifestyle does it lead? All this will be briefly discussed in the article
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
This article reveals the main concepts and questions that relate to the structure of our Galaxy. At all times the peoples of the world asked the same questions. Today you can find out what the Milky Way is and how our solar system moves in its orbit
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The young layer of wood directly under the bark is sapwood. It is considered less resistant to attack by insects or fungi, and also has low strength and contains a lot of water, compared to mature wood and core. In nature, there are such tree species, the wood of which consists entirely of sapwood, for example, aspen
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Having a large size, rich interesting history and incredible appearance and habits, polypteruses are rightfully considered one of the most outlandish inhabitants of African waters. However, recently they have gained wide popularity in the circles of aquarium lovers. In this article, we will look at the type of fish - polypterus delgesi, photos of individuals, features and habitat of this prehistoric species that has come down to our times
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Today, scientists know the species of snakes, which can rightly be called the fastest in the world. We are talking about a reptile living in Africa - the black mamba. Few people in Europe know which snake is the fastest and that it lives on the southernmost continent of the world. However, the locals are familiar with it firsthand
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
If a snake looks at you and blinks, know that this is not a snake, but a yellowbell lizard. This amazing animal has no paws, which misleads an unenlightened person. Where can you find this unusual reptile? The main habitats of the yellowbell lizard are Central and Southwestern Asia, Eastern Europe, China, Western Africa, North America
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Fur seals belong to the class of pinnipeds, to the family of eared seals. In total, about nine species of these animals are known (scientists have not yet come to a consensus on this matter), which are divided into two large groups - northern fur seals (they include one species that is called that) and southern fur seals (the rest kinds). The life of these unusual animals has always aroused great interest among fauna lovers
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In the southern part of the territory of the Far East, in a relatively small corner of it, a very bold and at the same time secretive bird lives. Her name is wild grouse, but taiga hunters and locals called her humble hazel grouse. And in fact, looking at this bird from some distance, it can easily be confused with a hazel grouse
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Krasnostebelny peristolifolia belongs to the family of slantberry and is an exotic aquarium plant. Due to its erratic growth and strong branching, it is considered a good option for containers with viviparous fish. Fry can easily hide in its thickets
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The Republic of Karelia is the land of forests and blue lakes. There are at least 60,000 of the latter here. Our article will be devoted to one of them. This is Lake Segozero, located in the central part of the region. Next, you will learn about the hydrology, features and ichthyofauna of this reservoir
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Kaliningrad region is a unique region of Russia. First of all, due to its geographical location. In our article you will find a description of the nature of the Kaliningrad region, with photos and a story about the most interesting places. In particular, you will learn about the relief, climate, flora and fauna of this region
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The planet Earth is amazing and beautiful. Perhaps soon, with the development of space tourism, the dream of many people to see our planet from space will come true. And now you can admire the breathtaking magnificent panoramas of the Earth only in photographs
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Every day, thousands of people take the subway. Today, this type of transport is the most convenient way to get to work, study, visit, visit the library or go on a date. And it never occurs to any of the passengers that an unusual encounter with rats in the subway can await him
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The pink Chilean tarantula is considered one of the brightest representatives of the family of tarantulas. It is also often referred to as the pink Chilean tarantula. Large size, unusual coloring, kind nature and unpretentiousness make the pink Chilean tarantula in demand among those people who keep terrariums at home
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Deer living in North America are also called Caribou. In scientific circles, they are also called Canadian deer. These animals are unusual in that they are the only ones of their kind that helped man to develop the northern lands. The Canadian reindeer is indispensable in the household and perfectly copes with the role of pack transport. Its habitat is the tundra
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Drongo is a bird, or rather, the common name of 20 species of birds belonging to the Sparrow order. Within the family, representatives of this species are subdivided into two more orders - Drongo ordinary and Drongo Papuan. The latter are quite rare and live only in the New Guinean highlands
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Sea fish barracuda is very similar to pike. Her body resembles a long cylinder, covered with small scales. Slightly pointed head with strong teeth and front fangs also looks like a pike head
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Serval is a cat that can be called a good-natured and rather docile animal, despite its powerful family ties with representatives of a far from peaceful nature. However, this does not mean that individuals of this breed will tolerate resentment
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Savannah (African steppe) is a vast territory covered with rare trees and shrubs and herbaceous vegetation, which belongs to the subequatorial belt. For savannahs, a characteristic type of climate is subequatorial, which is marked by a pronounced division into dry and rainy seasons
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
It is worth going to Kenya even in order to visit the Masai Mara conservation area, which is the most famous national park in Africa. In terms of the richness of the fauna, it can only be compared with the Tanzanian reserves of Ngorongoro and Serengeti. The Kenyan reserve is home to many birds (more than 450 species) and about 80 varieties of mammals
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Dense-flowered pine is a bright representative of the coniferous class. Its evergreen crowns have long delighted the eyes of Asian sages and poets. They admired her fortitude and immutability, as if time itself had no power over her. Alas, they were bitterly mistaken, because after centuries this tree was on the verge of extinction. And now only a few lucky ones can admire its beautiful branches with pleasure
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Aggressive hunter, luxurious handsome man, owner of a unique vision - all this is a mantis shrimp. Aquarists avoid starting it at home. Crayfish easily break glass and exterminate all living creatures in the neighborhood. There are many rumors about their terrible claws. How dangerous is a predator for humans, where does it live and what does it eat? And whether there is a giant mantis shrimp, we will find out in the article
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The article tells about the unique nature reserve "Bastak", where rare animals live and plants listed in the Red Book of our country grow
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On the territory of the largest country grows the largest number of plants adapted to different climatic zones and conditions. Despite all the diversity of flora and fauna, natural resources are shrinking and retreating under the onslaught of human activity. In such a situation, it is necessary to take and observe measures to protect the flora