Puppeteer - weed from drunkenness

Puppeteer - weed from drunkenness
Puppeteer - weed from drunkenness

The poisonous plant named after the Flemish botanist - hellebore Lobel - is simply called grass puppeteer. It is a perennial plant, the stem of which reaches a height of half a meter, has yellowish-green inflorescences-panicles about 50 cm long.

puppeteer grass
puppeteer grass

The lower leaves are dark green in color and have an elliptical shape, the upper ones, growing along the entire stem, are ovate, pointed, covered with a short whitish fluff, gradually decreasing closer to the inflorescence. The question arises: puppeteer-grass - where does it grow? It grows in floodplain meadows, clearings. Avoiding dry areas of land, prefers places with close groundwater. The plant grows in the European territory of Russia, in the Caucasus, in Asia Minor and Central Asia, in the Far East, in Western and Eastern Siberia.


puppeteer grass photo
puppeteer grass photo

Puppeteer is a herb whose rhizome has long been used in folk medicine to treat neurological diseases and rheumatism. In addition, infusions of this herb are used to treat pneumonia, as an antipyretic, and also to treateczema and even typhus.

Puppet grass, the photos of which you see in the article, is very poisonous. In modern medicine, it is prohibited for use as a component in various active food supplements. Puppeteer root contains about six different alkaloids that affect the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system and can suppress the central nervous system. Puppetgrass is so poisonous that a few grams of the fresh root of the plant can kill an adult horse. The content of poison in the root is especially high in the autumn and spring, which account for the collection of this drug. Greens are poisonous in the initial period of growth - in early spring, when the leaves have not yet unfolded. The collected leaves and roots are dried in a well-boiled room.

Drunkenness treatment

where the grass grows
where the grass grows

However, this plant has received the greatest popularity among those who wish to cure their loved ones from drunkenness. The fact is that the puppeteer is a grass, a decoction of the roots of which is incompatible with alcohol and causes rejection by the body. It is assumed that the decoction of the root added to the alcoholic drink will cause vomiting every time after drinking. An alcoholic, not suspecting anything about the true reasons for such a reaction of the body, will decide that he drank a low-quality drink. If every use of alcohol ends with vomiting, the drunkard will gradually begin to refuse to drink alcohol and finally get rid of this addiction. There is another positive in mixing decoction with alcohol.factor. The reaction of rejection causes weakness, as a result of which the aggressiveness of the alcoholic decreases.


The recipe for making a decoction is very simple: a quarter cup of boiling water is taken per teaspoon of crushed puppeteer roots (it's a little less than 10 grams). The broth is infused for an hour, and then filtered. Store the decoction in the refrigerator, out of the reach of anyone but you. In small doses (no more than 3-5 drops per meal), it is mixed with food. In total, the decoction rate per day should not exceed 10 drops. This is a very strict dose, as exceeding it can lead to irreversible consequences.