
Mountains of Uzbekistan: description, history and interesting facts

Mountains of Uzbekistan: description, history and interesting facts

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The state of Uzbekistan is located in Central Asia. Mountain systems pass through many countries located in this part of the world: Pamir, Kun-Lun, Tien Shan, Himalayas. But I wonder if there are mountains in Uzbekistan? Let's take a closer look at this topic

How to determine the age of fish?

How to determine the age of fish?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The question of how to determine the age of fish has long been of interest to scientists, and as it turned out, this is not so difficult to do. The article talks about it in great detail

Bear Island (Norway): description, photo

Bear Island (Norway): description, photo

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Bear Island is a small piece of land in the Barents Sea. It also borders the Norwegian Sea. It is the southern part of the Svalbard archipelago. Has an area of 180 sq. km. Territorially belongs to Norway

Crested cormorant: photo, description, lifestyle

Crested cormorant: photo, description, lifestyle

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The crested cormorant, or Phalacrocorax aristotelis (lat.), is the smallest of all species under consideration. These are amazing birds with special distinctive habits. They are individual in their way of catching fish, as well as in taking various positions during the mating season

Gray crane: photo, lifestyle features

Gray crane: photo, lifestyle features

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

This article will talk about one of the most interesting and large birds. This is a crane. In total, 7 species of such birds live in Russia. Of these, the most common and numerous is the common crane

State Kandalaksha Nature Reserve

State Kandalaksha Nature Reserve

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Protected natural areas are studied at school as part of the discipline "Natural Science". Kandalaksha Nature Reserve is no exception

American mink: maintenance and care

American mink: maintenance and care

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Mink is a dexterous and agile animal. Because of its silky thick fur, it is bred for industrial purposes

Kolyma (river) where is it?

Kolyma (river) where is it?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

It just so happened that the name Kolyma is used to designate a whole region that unites the Magadan region and Yakutia, which by the will of fate became the center of the punitive system of the country of the Soviets

Dresva: what is it and why is it so popular

Dresva: what is it and why is it so popular

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

In fact, gruss - what is it? This is a by-product, and therefore its price is much lower in comparison with crushed stone

Where and how do figs grow?

Where and how do figs grow?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

How do figs grow? What conditions are needed for growth? It seems impossible, but it is quite possible to cultivate a subtropical crop in our northern climate

Saker falcon: photo and description

Saker falcon: photo and description

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

One of the most dangerous, but at the same time beautiful and swift birds on the planet is the Saker Falcon (a kind of falcon). We learn about the features and characteristics of this smart bird from the article

A bird of the hawk family. Description of the brightest representatives

A bird of the hawk family. Description of the brightest representatives

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Description of birds of the Hawk family: Pacific or Steller's sea eagle, common buzzard, black vulture, vulture

What is a flood, where, when and why do they occur

What is a flood, where, when and why do they occur

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Inhabitants of flat areas, especially in the waters of large rivers, know firsthand what a flood is. Unfortunately, this natural disaster is far from uncommon. And even in the modern world, when many elements are subdued to man, such a seemingly peaceful phenomenon as the melting of snow and ice sometimes leads to disastrous consequences. You can read about how they can be eliminated, and most importantly, how to prevent them

Siberian spruce: description, habitat, use in traditional medicine

Siberian spruce: description, habitat, use in traditional medicine

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Among the various coniferous trees growing in the vastness of Russia, one of the most famous is Siberian spruce. This forest beauty feels great even in the shade of larger relatives ( although she herself sometimes reaches 20-30 meters in height) and is not very picky in terms of climate and soil quality. How does it differ from ordinary spruce, where it grows, how it reproduces, and also about some of the beneficial properties of this tree - more

Where does the squirrel live and what does it eat? How squirrels live in the forest

Where does the squirrel live and what does it eat? How squirrels live in the forest

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The study of wild animals is an extremely important process, which determines the relationship of man to nature and, as a result, maintaining a balance in the ecosystem for future generations. The following material is devoted to where the squirrel lives, what it eats, how it reproduces. In it you can read about the types of this cute animal, its habits and role for the environment in general and humans in particular

Interesting facts about reptiles: how snakes reproduce

Interesting facts about reptiles: how snakes reproduce

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Snakes are cold-blooded animals found on all continents except Antarctica. In total, there are more than 3,000 species of them on Earth. These reptiles are harmless and very poisonous, small (only a few centimeters long) and giant (more than 10 meters)

What is the climate in the forest zone of Russia?

What is the climate in the forest zone of Russia?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The climate of Russia's forests is quite diverse, ranging from moderately cold in the north and east of the country to moderately warm in the south and west. The number of sunny days, humidity and duration of the growing season of plants also vary significantly

What is a geyser? What is a volcano geyser?

What is a geyser? What is a volcano geyser?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Some natural phenomena, even being thoroughly studied for centuries, continue to fascinate with their appearance and attract with power and grandeur. For example, there are many active and extinct volcanoes in the world. Every year they attract hundreds of thousands of scientists and just tourists who want to understand the secrets of our planet. After studying the following material, you can find out what a geyser is, what they are, why they arise and how they are associated with volcanic activity

Big kamar, who is he - a harmless creature or a monster?

Big kamar, who is he - a harmless creature or a monster?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Big camaras met, of course, everyone. If such a “helicopter” flies into the house, many are frightened, considering them very dangerous, although of all types of insects these are the most harmless. So who are these monsters?

Typographer beetle is a big danger for coniferous trees

Typographer beetle is a big danger for coniferous trees

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Naked red trunks, looking up, dry branches without a hint of needles… Such a picture can sometimes be observed in pine forests or spruce forests. It seems that someone deliberately poisoned and destroyed the forest. In fact, the pest is to blame - the typographer beetle

The time when cherry blossoms is the most blessed time for the Japanese

The time when cherry blossoms is the most blessed time for the Japanese

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Japan is an amazing country with a unique culture and rich history. For us, the Japanese with their attitude to life will forever remain a mystery. Well, it is not given to practical Europeans and to us, daring Russians, to understand Eastern philosophy, their worldview, attitude to nature and surrounding things. Only at the time when the sakura blossoms, we have the opportunity to understand the unknown. After all, for the Japanese it has a sacred meaning

Durian is a royal fruit

Durian is a royal fruit

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Thailand has long been a favorite place for Russian tourists. A country with tropical jungles, warm seas, entertainment on the verge of morality, exotic cuisine where everything that grows and moves is eaten. And Thailand is the birthplace of an incredible fruit called durian, the photos illustrate how unusual it is

Malaria mosquito. How dangerous is his bite?

Malaria mosquito. How dangerous is his bite?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

This insect, in the opinion of zoologists, is even quite cute. It has an elongated body, long legs and sensitive antennae, belongs to the order Diptera. Just "cute", but it is called a malarial mosquito. How dangerous is his bite? We will talk about this further

Road wasps and their description

Road wasps and their description

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Road wasps are stinging insects that are widespread throughout the world and are known for their "love" for spiders. They belong to the stinger suborder, the Hymenoptera family, and in total there are about 5 thousand species; especially concentrated in areas with a tropical climate

Evolution of stars - red giant

Evolution of stars - red giant

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

A red giant, as well as a supergiant, are space objects with extended shells and high luminosity. They belong to the late spectral classes K and M. Their radii are hundreds of times larger than the solar one. The maximum radiation of these stars falls on the infrared and red regions of the spectrum

Mushroom twins are dangerous gifts of the forest

Mushroom twins are dangerous gifts of the forest

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

When setting out on a “silent hunt”, it would not be out of place to remember what mushroom twins look like, how they differ from representatives of the kingdom of wildlife, which are so desirable in our basket. After all, awareness is a reliable way to avoid the serious consequences of poisoning with “wrong” mushrooms

What you need to know about dangerous mushrooms

What you need to know about dangerous mushrooms

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Usually people think about the existence of poisonous and very dangerous mushrooms only when they go out into the forest to "quietly hunt". But they don't always take it seriously. A large number of poisonings occur not only in autumn, but also in winter, when it is time to feast on prepared supplies. This suggests that it is very important to understand mushrooms, the lives of many close people can depend on such knowledge

Mushrooms mushrooms: description, dangerous double, where they grow and when to collect

Mushrooms mushrooms: description, dangerous double, where they grow and when to collect

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Mushrooms of honey agarics or honey agarics: a brief botanical description. The benefits and harms of eating mushrooms. In the prevention of what diseases honey mushrooms help. Where mushrooms grow and what forests they prefer. Varieties of mushrooms. When to collect. Doubles honey mushrooms and how to distinguish them from edible ones

What is the area of the Atlantic Ocean?

What is the area of the Atlantic Ocean?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

There are several answers to the question of what is the area of the Atlantic Ocean. Let's compare different indicators, and also touch on the topic of a possible rise in water levels, which threatens to flood huge coastal areas in the west and east of the basin

Gulf of Riga: description, location, resorts

Gulf of Riga: description, location, resorts

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The bay, which will be discussed in this article, is located between the two B altic states - Estonia and Latvia. It is located in the eastern part of the B altic Sea

Navy SEAL: artist and smart girl

Navy SEAL: artist and smart girl

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The northern fur seal was discovered thanks to the Russian naval expedition, at the origins of which was still Emperor Peter the Great. During the second expedition, due to a shipwreck, the sailors were forced to spend the winter on the island, which later received the name of Bering. Bering's assistant Georg Steller, a naturalist and doctor, discovered rookeries of unfamiliar animals on the island. So the Europeans first learned what kind of animal it is - fur seal

Northern Dvina River: location and general characteristics

Northern Dvina River: location and general characteristics

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The Northern Dvina River is one of the largest in the European part of our country, the most important water artery of the Russian North. Where does it originate, where does it flow and what sea does it flow into - you will find answers to all these questions in this informational article

The largest ranges of Russia: description, names and location

The largest ranges of Russia: description, names and location

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The ridges of Russia are an inexhaustible natural we alth. Riddles of the Ural Mountains. The largest mountain peaks of Russia

Meadow grass - a perennial grass

Meadow grass - a perennial grass

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Lawn mixture with bluegrass is actively used for children's and sports grounds, for suburban and park areas. In addition to landscaping and landscaping, bluegrass is used in animal husbandry and in the fight against soil erosion

Ohio River: description, nature of the flow

Ohio River: description, nature of the flow

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The largest full-flowing left tributary of the Mississippi River is the Ohio River, which carries its waters in the eastern United States. Before we characterize it, let's consider what the water bodies of North America are and briefly imagine the territory through which the Ohio flows

Were there gold mines in Karelia?

Were there gold mines in Karelia?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Gold in Russia began to be mined under Peter I. Many people know that the noble metal was mined on an industrial scale in the 18th century near Yekaterinburg. But for some reason, almost no mention is made of the fact that gold mines in Karelia started working even earlier

Are non-venomous snakes harmless?

Are non-venomous snakes harmless?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Snakes have always evoked mixed feelings in people - dislike, admiration, sacred awe. But how many people know that the vast majority of these creatures are non-venomous snakes?

Common fox: description, photo, classification

Common fox: description, photo, classification

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

She is the smallest member of the popular Canine (or Canine) family. It is distributed almost all over the world. She, like her relatives - coyotes and jackals - was able to survive, despite the harsh onslaught of man. The people called her a cunning cheat. Who is she? Of course, the fox! Let's talk about her

The water cycle in nature

The water cycle in nature

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The water cycle contributes to the moistening of artificial and natural ecosystems on land. The closer an area is to the ocean, the more precipitation it receives

Pony - small horses

Pony - small horses

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Pony - small copies of real horses, which, unlike their large relatives, have a calm disposition, complaisant character. They are ideal for teaching riding to young children