Caucasian State Biosphere Nature Reserve: detailed information

Caucasian State Biosphere Nature Reserve: detailed information
Caucasian State Biosphere Nature Reserve: detailed information

It is rare to find reserves that would extend their borders not only within the region or region, but also capture neighboring countries. The Caucasian State Biosphere Nature Reserve is just that. Starting in the Krasnodar Territory, it passes into the Adyghe, and then into the Karachay-Cherkess Republic.

History of the reserve

These lands have an interesting backstory that predates one man's idea to create a closed area here to conserve the endangered bison species. This is today the Shaposhnikov Caucasian State Natural Biosphere Reserve with an area of more than 280,000 hectares, and once there were grounds for royal hunting.

It all started in 1888, when the Grand Dukes took part of the land located along the Greater Caucasus Range, on lease for hunting there for representatives of the royal family and their guests. Initially for thisfun, 480,000 acres of forest were allocated, but after 4 years, interest in the land disappeared due to the he alth of the tenants.

When in 1906 the term of the land lease began to come to an end, it was extended for 3 years, during which the forester from the territory that belonged to the Kuban Army compiled and submitted a petition to the Academy of Sciences with a proposal to organize a reserve here. The surname of this person then began to be called the Caucasian State Natural Biosphere Reserve. Shaposhnikov.

caucasus state biosphere natural reserve
caucasus state biosphere natural reserve

The map attached to the petition accurately indicated the boundaries of the future protected area, created solely to preserve the Caucasian bison.

The division of land is a long process, and the commission convened by the Academy of Sciences was in no hurry to make a decision, so the necessary documents were signed only in 1919, but this was not the beginning. The advent of Soviet power "pushed back" the organization of the Caucasian State Biosphere Natural Reserve for another 5 years. It was established and fixed within its borders only in May 1924. From this moment, his activities to protect the unique flora and fauna of the Greater Caucasus Range begin.

Location of the reserve

The Caucasian State Biosphere Nature Reserve stretches from the northern to southern slopes of the Western Caucasus, but besides this territory it has separate "branches". For example, it was decided to include a grove with relic yews and boxwoods in its composition. Today it is located hereKhosta part of the Caucasian State Natural Biosphere Reserve, Sochi. Its area is only 302 hectares, but the world-wide value of the relict forest cannot be overestimated.

Caucasian State Natural Biosphere Reserve named after Shaposhnikov
Caucasian State Natural Biosphere Reserve named after Shaposhnikov

The entire territory of the reserve, as well as its Khosta branch and the Sochi National Park, is under protection.

For convenience, this natural area was divided into sections, which received their names according to their location, for example, Western, Eastern, Khostinsky and others. Foresters are assigned to each department, houses for their living and feeders for animals are equipped there.

Today the Caucasian State Biosphere Nature Reserve is a real open-air laboratory, where the best biologists, ecologists and zoologists of the country work. This is due not only to the fact that it became the property of UNESCO, but also a kind of territory to contain the negative attitude towards nature in the world, which affects all of humanity.

Flora of the protected area

These places can be called unique, since such a number of plants, mosses, trees and shrubs in one area is often not found, not without reason the Caucasian State Biosphere Nature Reserve (information from the organization's website) is the second largest and most important in Europe.

Caucasian State Natural Biosphere Reserve, Sochi
Caucasian State Natural Biosphere Reserve, Sochi

In total, 3000 plant species grow here, including:

  • More than seven hundred species of mushrooms.
  • The Astrov family is represented by 189 species.
  • Trees belonging to deciduous, 142 species, coniferous - 7, evergreen deciduous - 16.
  • According to local scientists, every fifth plant in the reserve is either a relic or an endemic growing exclusively in the Greater Caucasus Range.
  • Here you can find ferns (40 species) in the same area as orchids (more than 30).
  • The well-known yew-boxwood forest is home to trees that are over 2,000 years old. They also became the property of UNESCO.

If we consider the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Caucasian State Natural Biosphere Reserve" territorially, then it can be divided into a forest zone, which occupies most of the area, and alpine and subalpine meadows on the slopes of the mountains.


Maybe someone will not be pleased with the information that 10,000 species of insects live in the Caucasian Reserve, some of which do not favor tourists, but in fact these places are inhabited by unique and often rare animals. Among them:

  • Mammals - about 90 species.
  • More than 240 birds, some of which nest in these forests.
  • There are 15 species of reptiles and 9 species of amphibians.
  • Fish are represented by 21 species, but local reservoirs are rich in shellfish - more than a hundred.

Until now, scientists have not found out how many arachnids and invertebrates are in the reserve. On the other hand, large mammals - brown bears, deer, bison, chamois,West Caucasian tours and others.

FGBU Caucasian State Natural Biosphere Reserve
FGBU Caucasian State Natural Biosphere Reserve

Today, more than 70 animals living in the Caucasian Biosphere Nature Reserve are listed in the Red Book.


It is very difficult to equip and clean up such a huge territory as the Caucasian Reserve. Here, volunteers come to the rescue of forest rangers and scientists. In 2016 alone, nearly 500 people helped clean up fallen trees, mow grass for hay to give the animals something to eat in the winter, clean up the famous rope training park, and much more.

All work was carried out on a voluntary basis, and thanks to these people today the reserve looks more well-groomed and safe.

As a thank you, the administration of the protected area allowed volunteers to take walks in its most interesting corners and visit the aviary park, which contains wild animals.


Today this type of travel has become very popular, but not all countries can provide ecotourists with safe and incredibly beautiful routes. The Caucasian Reserve has succeeded in this. The following excursions are offered here:

  • Visit to the yew-boxwood relict forest.
  • Dolmens in Guzeripl.
  • Visit the rope park.
  • The famous "Devil's Gate" - a canyon in the bed of the Khosta river.
  • Wildlife enclosures.
  • Residing in log cabins among pristine nature in the Laura eco-complex.
caucasian state biosphere natural reserve information
caucasian state biosphere natural reserve information

New routes are developed every year. This is an important part of the work of the reserve, and the main thing here is not money for excursions, but the educational work that guides carry out, explaining to tourists the importance of the Caucasus Reserve as a world natural heritage.
