Some sources provide data characterizing the area of the Atlantic Ocean without taking into account the marginal and inland seas of this basin. But more often it is necessary to operate with indicators related to the entire water area. Consider several options for answering the question posed in the title of the article. Let us additionally compare the area of the Atlantic Basin with other parts of the World Ocean (MO). We will also touch on the topic of a possible rise in water levels, which threatens to flood huge coastal areas, densely populated and with complex infrastructure.
Problems of determining the area and boundaries of water areas
Calculating the size and comparing the territories of individual parts of the Moscow region makes it difficult to have different views on their number. The division into 4 oceans is generally recognized: Pacific, Atlantic, Indian and Arctic. There is another point of view, when the North and South Atlantics are separated, or the southern parts of the basins are combined into one part of the MO. The signs on which the division is based are the nature of the bottom topography, atmospheric and water circulation, temperature and other indicators. Complicates the situationthe fact that some sources attribute the Arctic Ocean to the Atlantic, considering the entire territory near 90 ° N as one of the seas. sh. This view has not found official recognition.

General characteristics of the Atlantic (briefly)
The ocean occupies a vast territory stretched in the meridional direction. The length of the Atlantic from north to south is 16 thousand km, which leads to significant differences in the natural and climatic conditions of the basin. The smallest width of the water area is near the equator, here the influence of the continents is felt more strongly. Including the seas, the area of the Atlantic Ocean is 91.66 million km2 (according to other sources - 106.46 million km2).
Two powerful mid-ocean ridges stand out in the bottom topography - the North and the South. The Atlantic Ocean reaches its maximum depth in the area of the Puerto Rican Trench - 8742 m. The average distance from the surface to the bottom is 3736 m. The total volume of water in the basin is 329.66 million km3.
The considerable length and vast area of the Atlantic Ocean have an impact on climate diversity. When moving away from the equator to the poles, there are significant fluctuations in air and water temperatures, the content of dissolved substances in it. The lowest salinity was found in the B altic Sea (8%), in tropical latitudes this figure rises to 37%.
Large rivers flow into the seas and gulfs of the Atlantic: Amazon, Congo, Mississippi, Orinoco, Niger, Loire, Rhine, Elbe and others. The Mediterranean Sea communicates with the ocean throughnarrow Strait of Gibr altar (13 km).

Shape of the Atlantic
The configuration of the ocean on the map resembles the letter S. The widest parts are located between 25 and 35°N. latitude, 35 and 65° S sh. The size of these water areas has a significant impact on the total area of the Atlantic Ocean. Its basin is characterized by significant dissection in the Northern Hemisphere. It is here that the largest seas, bays and archipelagos are located. Tropical latitudes abound with coral buildings and islands. If marginal and inland seas are not taken into account, then the area of the Atlantic Ocean (million km2) is 82.44. The width of this water basin varies significantly from north to south (km):
- between the islands of Ireland and Newfoundland - 3320;
- at the latitude of Bermuda, the water area is expanding - 4800;
- from Brazilian Cape San Roque to the coast of Liberia - 2850;
- between Cape Horn in South America and Cape Good Hope in Africa - 6500.

The boundaries of the Atlantic in the west and east
The natural boundaries of the ocean are the shores of North and South America. Previously, these continents were connected by the Isthmus of Panama, through which the shipping canal of the same name was laid about 100 years ago. It connected a small Pacific bay with the Caribbean Sea of the Atlantic Ocean, simultaneously dividing the two American continents. There are many archipelagos and islands in this part of the basin (Greater and Lesser Antilles, Bahamas and others).
The shortest distance between South America and Antarctica is in the Drake Passage. It is here that the southern border with the Pacific Basin passes. One of the options for demarcation is along the meridian 68 ° 04 W. from the South American Cape Horn to the nearest point on the coast of the Antarctic Peninsula. The easiest way to find the border with the Indian Ocean. It runs exactly at 20° E. e. - from the coast of Antarctica to the South African Cape Igolny. In the southern latitudes, the area of the Atlantic Ocean reaches its greatest values.

Borders in the north
It is more difficult to draw a division on the map of the waters of the Atlantic and Arctic oceans. The border passes in the region of the Labrador Sea and to the south of about. Greenland. In the Danish Strait, the waters of the Atlantic reach the Arctic Circle, in the region of about. The Iceland border dips a little further south. The western coast of Scandinavia is almost completely washed by the Atlantic Ocean, here the boundary is 70 ° N. sh. Large marginal and inland seas in the east: North, B altic, Mediterranean, Black.
What is the area of the Atlantic Ocean (compared to other parts of MO)
The Pacific Basin is the largest on Earth. The Atlantic ranks second in terms of water area and depth, covering 21% of the surface of our planet, and first in terms of catchment area. Together with the seas, the area of the Atlantic Ocean (million km2) ranges from 106.46 to 91.66. The smaller figure is almost half that of the Pacific basin. the Atlantic Ocean by about 15 millionkm2 more Indian.

In addition to calculations relating to the present, experts determine the possible increase and decrease in the level of MO, flooding of coastal areas. So far, no one can say when this will happen and how. The area of the Atlantic Ocean may change in the event of ice melting in the north and south as the climate warms. Level fluctuations occur constantly, but a general trend in the reduction of ice area in the Arctic and Antarctic is also noticeable. As a result of the rise of water in the Atlantic Ocean, significant areas on the east coast of Canada and the United States, in the west and north of Europe, including the shores of the B altic Sea, may be flooded.