Thailand has long been a favorite place for Russian tourists. A country with tropical jungles, warm seas, entertainment on the verge of morality, exotic cuisine where everything that grows and moves is eaten. And Thailand is the birthplace of an incredible fruit called durian, the photos illustrate how unusual it is.

What does a durian look like? The fruit is a green oblong fruit weighing an average of 2-3 kg, ranging in size from 15 to 30 cm. But there are specimens the size of a soccer ball and weighing up to 10 kg. Edible pulp of bright yellow color is located in the very center, behind the bones. This is the most valuable thing he possesses.
What is durian famous for? This fruit is considered royal. Although it can be called the most controversial creation of nature. Since its external characteristics are absolutely contrary to the internal content. And all due to the fact that durian has a very unpleasant aroma. What can we say, the overripe fruit just desperately stinks. In hotels, public places, especially airports, it is banned. But as stinky as this fruit is, it's delicious, just delicious.

Why is durian valued? Its useful properties are very diverse. In addition to the main set of vitamins and microelements characteristic of fruits, it contains biologically active sulfur. This is what gives the fruit a specific smell. Active sulfur helps with diabetes, cleanses the body of toxins. But the most important thing for which this unusual fruit is valued: it is a strong natural aphrodisiac.
What is durian? The fruit grows on huge trees, up to 20 m tall. Thailand, along with Indonesia, is the birthplace of an incredible fruit, but now there are already plantations in Brazil, Central Africa, and also in some countries of Southeast Asia. In the field of planting, trees begin to bear fruit at 8-10 years, fruiting continues all year round, but in their homeland the active period of these trees lasts from May to November. Durian throws out a flower that blooms

just a few hours. Fruits are not plucked from the tree, when the fruit reaches the condition, it falls by itself, therefore, for safety reasons, it is forbidden to be on the plantation without a helmet. Agree that getting hit on the head with a studded car weighing up to 5 kg, which fell from a twenty-meter height, is not only unpleasant, but also very dangerous. By the way, only overripe specimens emit a very strong unpleasant odor, and conditioned fruits smell tolerant.
How to choose and eat durian? Good quality fruit can only be found in Thailand itself. It happens that it ends up in a purified form on the shelves of Western supermarkets,but, as connoisseurs assure, this is a bad option, since the most delicious and he althy fruits do not tolerate transportation. In Thailand, durian is best bought at the market, where the seller will help you choose it. It is difficult for an ignorant tourist to do this on their own. They won't let him into the hotel, and they won't let him on the plane either. You will have to eat it without leaving the cash register, this is not a metaphor, the smell in the room will beat off all your appetite. The color of the fruit can only be bright yellow, if this is not the case, it should not be consumed. It tastes like a creamy vanilla dessert with strawberry and pineapple flavors. They eat it with a spoon and preferably with gloves, the smell is very corrosive.