Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Fame came to Khinshtein after the first high-profile material in the genre of investigative journalism. He himself considers the sensational article about the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party V. Zhirinovsky to be his first step on the career ladder
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
In this review, we will take time to describe the professional activities and personal life of the famous Russian political scientist Sergei Karaganov. We will study the main points of his biography
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Yegor Borisov, whose biography is described in this article, is a well-known statesman, a former communist. He is a member of the United Russia party. The politician began his career as a simple technician, and later became the head of Yakutia. Doctor of Economic Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Economics
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Wars have never stopped and are unlikely to stop in the near future. There is always an armed conflict somewhere in the world, and today is no exception. At the moment, about 40 points have been recorded in the world, where wars of varying degrees of intensity are now going on
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“Communism is a way of life, evil and vicious. It is a contagion that spreads like an epidemic. In order not to catch the whole nation, as in epidemics, quarantine is necessary,” said Edgar Hoover, director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, who retained his seat under eight American presidents. He was not alone in calling Soviet communism a direct threat to American democracy at the height of the Cold War
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Pavel Klimkin, whose biography is worthy of attention, holds the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine. His life and achievements will be discussed in the article
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Far-Right is a common name for different groups of people who profess such a wide range of ideas and views that the camp of the far-right can be the worst enemies in relation to each other. The common unifying features of these radicals are a fanatical belief in their own exclusivity, superiority over others, vicious hatred towards those whom they do not understand and do not even try to understand, a passion for cheap populism and hopeless intellectual poverty
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Saad Hariri is the Lebanese Prime Minister, billionaire and revolutionary, who once earned himself political points by fighting Syrian influence in his country. He became the successor to the work of his father, Rafik Hariri, who was killed under mysterious circumstances that do not exclude the involvement of the Lebanese and Syrian special services
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The current head of state of Spain, King Philip VI, became the youngest European monarch in his time, having led the country after his father's abdication. Spain is a constitutional monarchy, therefore Philip performs mainly representative functions, reserving the role of a kind of arbiter during crises in different branches of government
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French President Emmanuel Macron, whose biography is of interest to many today, is an extremely extraordinary person. We will talk about it in the article
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The governor of the Ryazan region Oleg Ivanovich Kovalev is a very famous person. Alas, such popularity is based more on negativity than on good fame. Therefore, it is not surprising that every year the reputation of a politician is rapidly going down. However, let's not judge prejudice and look at the real facts
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The position of the President of Ireland is now largely considered representative, all power is concentrated in the hands of the Prime Minister, responsible to Parliament. As a rule, well-deserved and respected persons who have departed from the real political struggle are elected to the post of head of state. Today this role is played by Michael Higgins, a well-known political figure, sociologist, poet, writer, popular TV presenter
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Who is the ambassador of the Russian Embassy in Uzbekistan, what is the function of this diplomatic institution, what questions are addressed there
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Who makes laws in Russia? Who has the right to initiate the adoption of a particular bill? What is the role of the President and the Government in passing the law?
Who are the far right? Far-right parties and groups. Far Right and Far Left - What's the Difference?
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The rise in the number of votes given by voters in many countries to conservative and nationalist parties raises questions about the prospects for far-right groups. This article will tell about the ideology and features of this kind of political movements
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
People who regularly visit Spain know that in the event of any incident with them, they must urgently contact the Russian embassy or consulate. Here they will help in a difficult life situation, give valuable advice. You will know that you are not alone, as one of the duties of the embassy is to be the guarantor of the rights of Russian citizens
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Meri was engaged in the fate of Estonian history until the end of his life. In 2000, he published an essay en titled "The Will of Tacitus". In it, he explores in detail the ancient contacts that he believed existed between Estonia and the Roman Empire. He claims that it was Estonia that made a great contribution to the development of European culture, since amber, furs and Livonian dry were supplied to Europe in large volumes
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Edward Nalbandyan, whose biography will be described below, began his diplomatic career back in the seventies of the last century. During this time, he managed to work in the embassies of many Arab countries, become a Knight of the Legion of Honor of France, and also build embassies for the newly born independent Armenia. Since 2008, a respected diplomat and authoritative orientalist has been the Minister of Foreign Affairs of a small but proud republic
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A talented person Yastrzhembsky Sergey Vladimirovich, politician, diplomat, film director, surprises with the sharp turns of his biography and the ability to live and work with full dedication and for his own pleasure. Let's talk about how his professional and personal path developed, how he came from the spheres of supreme power to the creative world of cinema and what he does today
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Not everyone goes to the polls. The thing is, people don't really know how they do it. Systems are different, and the elections themselves too. They tell you that you need to go and vote in a single-member district. The first thought of the majority of voters - what is it? What does such an expression mean, and what should we do with it? Let's eradicate "political illiteracy"
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This review is dedicated to the biography of the famous Ukrainian businessman and politician Yevgeny Alfredovich Chervonenko. Attention will be paid to both his career and personal life
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The Stars and Stripes are often referred to as "Red White and Blue" in songs. The flag of the Russian Federation is also designed in these colors. But in this sequence, from top to bottom, the colors are located only on the banners of three countries. These are Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Croatia
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Vitaly Churkin, Permanent Representative of our country to the UN, has recently become a real star, a national hero of Russia. In this article, you will learn more about this person, as well as about his family
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It is believed that the people call themselves, based on what ideal they associate themselves with. Many do not invent anything to talk about themselves. They just pronounce the word "man" in their own language. Why are Russians called Russians? Why such strangeness? After all, it's an adjective. That is a word that describes quality, not belonging
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The philosopher Andrey Ashkerov became famous for the most large-scale and scientific exposure, thanks to his book of the same name. "Surkov's propaganda" became the topic of his research in the socio-culturological aspect. At the same time, it stands out in some special direction, which has a sharply defined Russian specificity
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
It must be recognized that we live in a period of change. Gradually, they gain such momentum that they can “crush” those who do not dodge in time. To understand the essence of change, it is necessary to navigate in terms that are a kind of "beacons" strongly signaling to ordinary citizens that events are rapidly gaining momentum. The expression "5th column" can be safely attributed to those. What it is?
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Sauli Niinistö: “I started learning Russian about as many times as I tried to quit smoking”
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During the Second World War, mankind first learned what a phosphorus bomb is in the form in which it exists today
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Politics is the activity of state bodies, which reflects the economic model and the structure of society. What is included in the realm of politics directly? Economy, national and social relations, security of the state and its citizens, demographic issues. Politics defines the directions to be followed, while leaving a reasonable leeway. Explains why it is necessary to fulfill the tasks set by the state and society. Directs actions related to their execution
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The demographic policy of Russia, briefly presented in the Concept and detailed in social programs, is a system of influence of the state and social institutions on processes in society in order to improve quantitative indicators and demographic development
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In the information space, sonorous sticky names sometimes appear, tenacious due to their figurativeness. They are not related to the worldview features of individual countries or nations. That is, the world perceives them unambiguously
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No one doubts that terrorism is a threat to society, especially in the modern world. Despite the fact that this phenomenon is quite young, it is actively developing and absorbing more and more territories. The population of the planet cannot sleep peacefully while such situations take place. So what is terrorism?
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Stalin's nationality, however, like his whole life, constantly causes a lot of controversy. The identity of the "father of peoples" is quite mysterious and is of interest to many historians. In order to understand this issue, it is necessary to open the topic
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Today, more and more people are beginning to be interested not only in the ruble exchange rate, but also in those events that influence it. Delving deeper into the topic, they are faced with the question: "What is geopolitics?" Is it theoretical or applied science? What is behind this concept, and most importantly, how does it affect the life of each individual person? Let's try to figure it out
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Zhigarev Sergey Aleksandrovich is a Russian political and public figure, a representative of the LDPR party. He is one of those few deputies who do not like to advertise their successes. And this is despite the fact that this politician really has something to brag about
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Sergei Alekseevich Veremeenko is one of the most famous entrepreneurs in Russia. For some, he is the standard of a successful person, for others - an insensitive oligarch. However, both those and others respect him for his courage and unshakable position in life
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Feldman Oleksandr Borisovych is a People's Deputy of Ukraine. Vice President of the Society of Jewish Parliamentarians. Member of the English Institute of International Affairs and President of the Jewish Committee. Active political and public figure. Initiator of many charitable projects
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Generalissimo is the highest rank a military man can receive. The peculiarity is that often it is given not just for long service or skillful leadership, but for special achievements in front of the Motherland. First of all, this statement is typical for the 20th century, when literally a few people around the globe received this title
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The 87th Prime Minister of Japan, Junichiro Koizumi, during his years at the head of the government of the Land of the Rising Sun, gained fame as a "lone wolf" and an eccentric. After his resignation, he disappeared from active politics for several years. However, in 2013 he returned, marked by a speech in which he presented to the public his radically changed position on the advisability of using nuclear energy in the Japanese islands
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
We often hear the word "deputy" from all sides. This concept is used in completely different senses, emotionally colored depending on the subject of publications and speeches