Currently, the problem of trade in exotic animals on the black market is very acute. The desire to become the owner of an iguana, lemur, manul or sugar possum can bring a lot of problems to the buyer. As a rule, sellers do not fully know all the features of the development and life of beautiful and rare young animals. Therefore, even a small change in nutrition can have a detrimental effect on the he alth of the animal. From the wrong climate, the lack of a reservoir, a tree, or another prerequisite, an exotic pet may die. And if for the owner this may not be a big problem, for nature, the death of even one representative of a rare species is a catastrophe leading to the disappearance of the entire group. It is for the purpose of preventing and eradicating the illegal trade in rare animals that the environmental police is being created. Of course, its tasks are not limited to minimizing the criminal business. This division also deals with other problems, one way or another related to the natural environment.

First appearance
In the early 90s of the twentieth century, on the territory of the modern CIS in many cities there were divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs that helped the population solve problems with unauthorized dumps, pollution of rivers and water bodies, cutting down trees and other similar issues. These associations were called ecological militia. They were created as an experiment and after a certain time they were disbanded. Their work was suspended due to ongoing political events in the country.

The Ecological Militia was a special group of people working under the wing of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and engaged in the protection and preservation of the biosphere. The work of this unit was connected with the prevention of environmental destruction and its restoration. It fought against the illegal actions of people over animals, with landfills, emissions of waste and pollutants, etc. The effectiveness of this service was quite large. However, even the popularization of the work of the environmental police could not resist the devastation in the country, and it was disbanded.

Second life
However, in 2001, such groups were again formed in the capital. The modern environmental police of Moscow is an experimental unit that builds its activities in accordance with Order No. 767 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, signed on August 27, 2001in the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of Moscow. The second document legalizing the work of the body is Decree No. 849-PP, approved on September 18, 2001 - "On the Department for Combating Violations in the Field of Environmental Protection of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of Moscow." In accordance with these orders, the subdivision of the capital performs the following types of tasks:
- Detection, suppression and subsequent prevention of offenses committed in the field of the environment.
- Identification of the perpetrators of the crimes committed and the imposition of punishments on them.
- Monitoring the environmental situation in the capital.
- Creating strong professional relationships with similar departments and similar structures in other cities and regions, which also includes the environmental police of the Moscow region, fish surveillance, epidemiological stations, etc.

Preserving the biosphere
Following the capital, many large cities also began to introduce units into the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs that care for the purity of nature. To date, on a voluntary basis, groups have begun to be created that are fighting for the preservation of the environment. There is such a kind of environmental police in Murmansk, Ulan-Ude, Krasnoyarsk, Novokuznetsk, Novosibirsk, etc. There is an acute question of recreating similar units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the territory of all major regional centers and district cities. Environmental police - units that can help environmentalists in the fight for the restoration and protection of nature from negative consequenceshuman activity. Garbage dumps that can often be found in dead ends of the streets, a large number of stray animals, waste discharges into water bodies, old cars that pollute the air, and many other problems can be solved in this way.