Why are Russians called Russians? Why are Russians called quilted jackets, katsaps, Muscovites?

Why are Russians called Russians? Why are Russians called quilted jackets, katsaps, Muscovites?
Why are Russians called Russians? Why are Russians called quilted jackets, katsaps, Muscovites?

It is believed that the people call themselves, based on what ideal they associate themselves with. Many do not invent anything to talk about themselves. They just pronounce the word "man" in their own language. Why are Russians called Russians? Why such strangeness? After all, it's an adjective. That is a word that describes quality, not belonging. Let's figure it out by digging into scientific papers.

How different nations call themselves

The name of some, as already said, simply reflects the fact. So, the name "Mari" means "man" (mari) in translation. Gypsies prefer to refer to themselves as "Roma". If translated into Russian, then again it turns out "man".

why are russians called russians
why are russians called russians

Other nations preferred to associate themselves with leaders, like Jews and Czechs. Others are accustomed to being associated with their native places. Such are the Poles and Italians. There are even more interesting examples. Germans are generally differentare called. They themselves say "Deutsch", the French call them the word "Aleman", the British - "Joman". In Russia, they were named from the word mute, that is, those who do not understand local speech and are not able to answer.

Our people are another matter. Whatever theories they came up with to explain why Russians are called Russians. Some claimed that this was the name of those Normans that in the 10th century set out to rule over the local people. Others defended the opinion that the name comes from the name of a tributary of the Dnieper. This is a small river - Ros. Only there is no such precedent that the people were called from a water body. Somehow this does not fit with self-consciousness (albeit ancient). Cunning, you see, theorists.

Version of Academician Trebachev O. N

Why are Russians called Vatniks?
Why are Russians called Vatniks?

The scientist also wondered why Russians are called Russians, considering his importance undeniable. In his opinion, the solution was to influence the future fate of the people. He convincingly proved that the root of the word goes back to the Old Slavic "ruks-" and the Indo-Aryan "roks-". Both are translated approximately the same and mean "white, light." This, by the way, was more like the truth, since the name of the people was associated with racial characteristics, which was justified millennia ago. And now we can proudly, referring to an authoritative opinion, to the question of why Russians are called Russians, answer: "We are the people of the Light!" Yes, and the roots of ancient words can be cited for justification. It will turn out quite objectively, conclusively. Although there are other sources confirmingacademician's theory.

Arabic manuscripts

"Ruses are tall people with fair skin," says the manuscripts created long before the well-known Slavic sources. "These people are blue-eyed and fair-haired. In addition, they themselves called their land Rus, which meant "white light" The rest of the territory, which they did not settle in, was not considered as the Motherland, that is, their own." Maybe it was from those times that the Russians had qualities that favorably distinguish them from other tribes. First, we do not covet foreign lands. Secondly, they are ready to give for their lives. Agree, this is no longer just a word denoting the people. This is a symbol of his character, and therefore, fate. Russians are those people who settle down (care, look after, love) the lands. They grow in their soul, making them not territories, but the Motherland in the most ex alted sense. This logic, by the way, will tell you why Russians are called quilted jackets. Although it seems that the offensive nickname comes from the clothes that our ancestors wore for a while.

Why are Russians called katsaps
Why are Russians called katsaps

Why Russians are called quilted jackets

To understand the depth and dubious offensiveness of this nickname, it is worth talking to those people who still remember the times of the Great Patriotic War. Ask about the living conditions in which they had to survive. What did they eat, what did they wear. It turns out that most of the population really escaped the cold with padded jackets. These are rough and ugly clothes. They called it that because cotton wool served as a heater.

Those who dothey call Russians, put an insulting meaning into the word. Like, you are beggars, uncultured rednecks. Only a padded jacket is also a symbol of the heroism of our grandfathers and grandmothers, who were able to defend the rear, giving strength to the front. This is a constant reminder of the feat of every inhabitant of a vast country that defeated fascism. Now you can answer the question of why Russians are called Colorados. Very much these 2 names have something in common.

Colors of St. George Ribbon

Why are Russians called Muscovites?
Why are Russians called Muscovites?

The black and yellow stripe was attached to awards in tsarist times. In the Soviet period, they forgot about it. Now in Russia it is a symbol of national patriotism. A certain political strategist, who does not belong to our friends, saw in this important attribute a resemblance to the Colorado potato beetle. That one, if you saw it, is also striped, although its colors are somewhat different from the patriotic symbol of the Russians. Nevertheless, the cunning political strategist decided that he could use the likeness and put into circulation the offensive nickname "Colorado". The idea turned out to be not entirely successful, because, judging by the information from the other side of the planet, it aroused the public, no less patriotic, of the state of Colorado (USA). People decided that either their countrymen were being beaten somewhere, or their land was being encroached upon, out of fear they began to create self-defense units.

Other offensive nicknames

Why are Russians called Colorados?
Why are Russians called Colorados?

The question of why Russians are called Muscovites is easy to answer. Do you remember which city is the capital of our Motherland? This comes from Moscowoffensive word. Although there is nothing offensive in it actually. It means people originating from Muscovy.

There is a more incomprehensible question for historians: "Why are Russians called katsaps?" Those who tried to deal with this found out that our people were perceived somewhat strangely by our Western neighbors. It is believed that "katsap" is a modified version of "kasap", which means "butcher". Most likely, the neighbors were afraid of white-skinned giants, fearless and invincible. There is another thought that explains why Russians are called katsaps. It is assumed that this nickname comes from the Ukrainian "tsap" ("goat"). That is, the neighbors were compared with this stubborn, cocky animal. Such an analogy of foreigners could be prompted by a beard that every Russian man had, and the ability to achieve his own. That is, there was nothing offensive in the title. Just dressing perception into a word.

Thinking about how we are perceived from the outside, we should understand that it depends on each Russian. By the way you behave in a particular situation, they judge the whole people. It should be remembered. And don't respond to stupid nicknames yet. They are not used by the smartest and most courageous people.
