It often happens that the simplest things require complex explanations. The children's question about why the grass is green puts many adults, if not in a dead end, then in a very difficult position. Despite the fact that this topic is from the field of the school curriculum, not everyone will be able to remember such words as photosynthesis or chlorophyll, not to mention the processes associated with them.
The answer to the question of why the grass is green lies in the plane of science. First of all, it is necessary to understand the process of formation of light perception in humans. The shades that our eyes see do not depend on the color range, but on its reflection under the influence of direct sunlight. This explanation is closely related to one of the main possible answers. The grass contains a special substance - chlorophyll, which means "green leaf" in Greek.

Chlorophyll absorbs the entire spectrum of shades, except for one. It is easy to guess that this is the color of the summer lawn.
There is a second answer to the question of why the grass is green. It is he who is most often voiced in school textbooks and is the mostclose to the truth. It is again based on the content of chlorophyll in the grass. Such a substance not only causes the use of carbon dioxide and the production of oxygen so necessary for human life, but is also a special pigment responsible for the green color of the grass.

Scientists have proven that the constituents of chlorophyll are indeed green. Their color is associated with the content of magnesium, which is responsible for the creation of this natural shade. Plants contain many other colored pigments, although in much smaller quantities. Thanks to them, green grass can sometimes take on a variety of shades.
Using chlorophyll in everyday matters is beyond the power of science today. Its components cannot be stored and almost immediately change their pleasant tone to an unsightly muddy color. True, now there are many artificial dyes based on this useful natural material.
Thus, chlorophyll not only brings beauty to the world around us and helps us answer the classic question of why grass is green, but is also a very important component. Its main purpose is to produce much-needed oxygen - the basis for the life of all mankind.

This process is called photosynthesis and is carried out by absolutely all representatives of the flora on planet Earth. If we briefly characterize its main stages, we get the following picture: the absorbed carbon dioxide under the influence ofchemical reactions decompose, electrons are transferred to it from hydrogen and water, resulting in the formation of carbohydrates and the release of oxygen.
In addition, photosynthesis produces many useful nutrients in grass and leaves, such as sugar, starch, protein.
The greener the grass, the more chlorophyll it contains, which means the higher the benefits it can bring to the planet.