A graceful and fragile girl who loves large SUVs and simple daisies is the same actress Elena Nikolaeva. Films and series with her participation in the past few years have been positively perceived by many film critics and have consistently collected a wide audience.
Children and school years

Elena Nikolaeva - an actress known to us from such sensational films as "The Girl", "The History of the Spring Call", "House on the Embankment", has an interesting biography and a beautiful life story. She was born on February 9, 1983. Her mother is a famous ballet dancer.
Elena's grandmother was also a person who was not alien to creativity. She actively participated in amateur performances and played well in amateur performances. It was she who saw the makings of an actress in her granddaughter.
From 4 to 6 years old, Lena was very diligent in rhythmic gymnastics. Everyone thought that she, having matured, could become a world champion. But the grandmother of the future "star" did not like that the girls were forbidden to eat semolina porridge there, and she made it from therepicked up.
At the age of 9, the girl entered the Borzov ballet school, and by the age of 11 she entered the well-known ensemble of Igor Moiseev, where she was the youngest student. She successfully completed it and later danced in the military ensemble "Sky of Russia".
Study at GITIS
In 2001, Elena decided to enter the Moscow Art Theater School along with her friend, but she could not get there. The girl decided not to be very upset and enter the next year, only at the theater institute. I learned a little and the next summer I entered GITIS (RATI). Studied as an actress at the directing department under the guidance of O. Kudryashov.
First Roles…
Elena Nikolaeva is an actress who has played excellent leading roles in many domestic films and series. All her works are extremely talented and stunningly realistic.
For the first time Elena Nikolaeva acted in films in 2003. It was the film "History of the Spring Conscription", which tells about the relationship between Vanya, who wants to serve in the paratroopers, and Sveta, who seeks to "get off" the guy and is ready to do anything for him, even to seduce the major from the military registration and enlistment office. Elena played the role of this girl's friend.
In 2006, the future actress graduated from GITIS and entered the Theater of Nations. After him, the well-known "Oleg Kudryashov's Workshop" became a new place of work.
…and first success
In 2007, Elena Nikolaeva, along with such famous actors as Irina Kupchenko and Alexei Petrenko, played in the drama House on the Coast. The film was hugely popular and critically acclaimed.
It was after thiscinema, the young actress began to be recognized on the streets. She gained a certain popularity and began to receive interesting filming offers from fashion directors. In the same 2007, she had roles in the films "Feather and Sword", "Tumbler", "Confidence Service".
From "Girl" to "Phonogram of Passion"
In 2008, good roles rained down on Elena Nikolaeva, as if from a "horn of plenty". She starred in "The Girl" - a film about a simple Moscow schoolgirl Lena Yartseva, who dreams of a luxurious life, but ends up in prison and finds her true calling - singing.

All songs Elena Nikolaeva sang on her own. She also became a co-author of the famous main hit "Kapkan". For her magnificent performance, the actress received a Special Prize from Andrei Tarkovsky, President of the II International Film Festival. It is interesting that this film was shot by the girl's namesake, Elena Vladislavovna Nikolaeva.
The experience gained on the set and the increased skill helped Elena to play well in the film "I'll be back" along with Alexander Porokhovshchikov, Elizaveta Boyarskaya and Alla Rogovtseva. She got the role of Guli - a girl with a difficult and absurd character.

In 2009, she starred in the melodrama "Phonogram of Passion". For acting in this film, the actress was awarded the "People's Choice Award", and the series "Scythian Gold", which also became very popular.
Elena Nikolaeva. Filmography, new facets of talent
Among other films inwhich Elena Nikolaeva starred in are also famous: “Confidence Service” (Lyusya), “Tumbler” (daughter of a businessman Tanya), “Freud's Method” (intern of the investigative department Lidia Fadeeva), “Viy”.

Elena Nikolaeva, whose filmography includes more than two dozen works, does not get tired of always being different, but equally interesting to all categories of viewers. Let's list some of her most successful works.
The film "Two Winters and Three Summers" (Varvara Inyakhina) tells the story of the Pryaslin family with many children, the collective farm chairman Anfisa Minina, the stern secretary of the district committee Evdokim Podrezov, the front-line soldier Lukashina and the lively Varvara Inyakhin, who made it clear that he is a welcome guest in her house. The war years, Lukashin and Anfisa Minina's feelings for each other, hard work and strong people trying to cope with all adversity - that's what is shown in this movie.
The drama "Shkera-18" (Tatiana, Andrei's sister) shocked many viewers. Special forces soldier Yevgeny Sormatov goes to Karelia and takes with him a letter from Andrei Yegorov, who died a few years ago. He gathers all his friend's relatives and tells about everything, after which he is going back. A storm is holding him back. At this time, Elena accidentally finds the weapons of the smugglers. And now the three of them - Elena, Evgeny and Tatyana are held hostage by terrorists.
Elena Nikolaeva, whose filmography was replenished with a good acting job in the film "Klushi" (Alesya), also has a comedic talent. The plot of this tape is simple: several women get to Cuba to disrupt the weddingAlice and Cyril. They have to go through a lot to carry out their plans, for example, fly to Panama or spend the night in a police station.
The series "While the fern is blooming" (Olesya Murashova) is a fairy tale full of real situations and recognizable events. Journalist Kirill suddenly finds himself in Altai, the mystical expanses of which give rise to strange thoughts and comedic situations. Parallel worlds, it turns out, intersect. And sometimes strange things happen at the point of their meeting.

It must be said that all the heroines played by Elena Nikolaeva turn out to be really good, strong, honest people who make every viewer think about the main thing. Maybe that's why she already has such a great track record.
What connects Elena Nikolaeva and Igor Nikolaev?
In domestic tabloids you can often see all sorts of tales that actress Elena Nikolaeva is the wife of Igor Nikolaev. Indeed, youthful love and the first wife of the singer and composer Igor Nikolaev was called Elena. She is the full namesake of the actress, but they are two completely different people. The first wife of Igor Nikolaev now lives in the USA and practically does not appear in Russia. Well, Igor Nikolaev is married to Yulia Proskuryakova today.
The truth about personal life
Actress Elena Nikolaeva has been married for more than ten years, her husband's name is Konstantin. Little is known about him: he is far from the film industry and does not like to communicate with journalists. She met her future husband on a trip when she went with her mother to the sea immediately aftergraduation from GITIS.

Elena Nikolaeva is a happy mother of two charming children. She has a 5 year old son and a 2 year old daughter (currently 2014). After the birth of children, Elena discovered new inclinations and talents in herself. Now she loves to cook and craft. The actress chooses the color of clothes according to her mood. Usually it is yellow, gray and brown. Likes flowers - tulips and daisies.
Currently, the actress works under the direction of Yevgeny Mironov at the Theater of Nations. The biography of Elena Nikolaeva is a vivid evidence of what an ordinary, but amazingly talented girl can achieve.
Elena Nikolaeva is an actress who has not only an extraordinary artistic talent, but also excellent directorial inclinations. Perhaps soon she will dare to try herself in a new role, and we will see her first independent work in this capacity.