The Day of the Border Guard in Kazakhstan: features of the celebration, history and date

The Day of the Border Guard in Kazakhstan: features of the celebration, history and date
The Day of the Border Guard in Kazakhstan: features of the celebration, history and date

For a state, the border is both the beginning and the end. It is the border guards who meet everyone who wants to visit the country and they also see off the guests. Not to mention hostile invasions - and here the burden falls on the shoulders of the border troops to be the first to repel enemy attacks or to identify smugglers and poachers. The well-established nature of this service is a test of the power for a fortress, a sign of its political and economic strength. And Border Guard Day in Kazakhstan is a tribute to those who guard the borders of the Motherland.

From allied to independent

The history of the Border Troops of independent Kazakhstan began on August 18, 1992, when Nursultan Nazarbayev signed the Decree “On the Border Troops of the Republic of Kazakhstan”.

border guard day in kazakhstan
border guard day in kazakhstan

With the collapse of the Soviet Union, the newly created units faced manydifficulties: before they had to protect only the border with China, which was only 1718 kilometers long. And after leaving the USSR, this figure increased almost 8 times! There was a lack of trained personnel, the exact coordinates of the dividing lines between states were not determined, outposts were created and equipped from scratch. Since then, the troops have gone through several reforms and reorganizations, and only in 2012 did Border Guard Day in Kazakhstan - August 18 - become an official holiday. This brought some clarity. Until that moment, the question of what date the day of the border guard in Kazakhstan remained open and many celebrated it in the old fashioned way on May 28, as in the Russian Federation and some other CIS countries.

Politics and topography

One of the problems of sovereign Kazakhstan at the beginning of its journey was the imperfection of the legal framework and the uncertainty of the dividing lines. Disputed borders could become a reason for conflicts with neighboring powers, and this should be de alt with as quickly as possible.

border guard day in kazakhstan 18 august
border guard day in kazakhstan 18 august

The organization of a topographical working group of representatives of Kazakhstan, China, Russia, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan allowed the parties in January 1996 to exchange updated maps of border sections and agree on them.

In 1997, the issue with Kyrgyzstan was resolved. In 2000, problems with China were completely settled. In 2005, the demarcation of the border with Turkmenistan came to a head. At the same time, an agreement was signed on the Kazakh-Russian border. In 2008 - fully defined and marked by bordermarks the borders of Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.

With every right to celebrate the Day of the Border Guard in Kazakhstan on August 18: the work has been colossal, and now the territory of the state has no disputed areas.

On land

The border troops of the Republic of Kazakhstan are the direct heirs of the units of the Red Banner Eastern Border District of the KGB of the USSR. To date, four regional departments are responsible for protecting the land borders of Kazakhstan: Ontustik in the south, Shygys in the east, Batys in the west, and Soltustik in the north. The most difficult everyday life was expected by the southern divisions: constant tension in the Tajik-Afghan direction, terrorists, drug couriers and lovers of easy money of all stripes taking advantage of any loophole.

border guard day in kazakhstan congratulations
border guard day in kazakhstan congratulations

The stories of the outposts near Gasan-Kuli, Koktuma, Naryn, Baskuncha, the name of Onopko and many others are sometimes written in blood. And even now, when technologies and information systems make the task much easier, the main resource of the service is people. It is on their vigilance and readiness to engage in battle that the security of the borders of the state depends. This holiday is dedicated to them: the Day of the Border Troops of Kazakhstan - the Day of the Border Guard - the date of honoring the courageous and faithful to duty.

And on the sea

The common joke about “a submarine in the steppes of Kazakhstan” turns out to be not so unrealistic: the country's border in the Caspian Sea is about two thousand kilometers, if we take into account the continental shelf and territorial waters. Enough work: poachers, smugglersfind the area very attractive. It also happens to save fishermen in trouble.

congratulatory speech on the day of the border guard in kazakhstan
congratulatory speech on the day of the border guard in kazakhstan

In 1995, in the Tupkaragan district in the village of Bautino, the first of many border boats of independent Kazakhstan was launched. In 2008, a specialized Coast Guard unit was created, working in close contact with the ground and air forces of the border troops. Aviation equipment modified for flights over the sea. Now there are three divisions of ships in the BOHR, one of them is based in Atyrau.

Government Awards

Not only on the Day of the border guard in Kazakhstan, soldiers and officers receive well-deserved recognition. On the eve of the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, Kazakh border guards received special attention from the president. Orders and medals were awarded to both service veterans and active military men.

what date is the day of the border guard in kazakhstan
what date is the day of the border guard in kazakhstan

In particular, the Order of "Aibyn" II degree was received by the deputy commander of the air base, Colonel Murat Kausenov for professionalism, excellent organization of work and determination shown in an emergency. Captain-Lieutenant Yerbolat Kalishev, commander of the Saқshy ship, received the Erligi Ushin medal. At that time, "Saқshy" went on raids thirty-seven times, thanks to him and the crew, many violators were detained and several lives were saved.

The service does not like publicity

The border troops are part of the National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan anddirectly subordinate to him. The total number of military men who have risen under the banner of this department is secret information. Therefore, it is so rare to see in newspapers and on television those on whom the security of life in the country depends.

day of the border troops of kazakhstan day of the border guard
day of the border troops of kazakhstan day of the border guard

On the Day of the Border Guard in Kazakhstan, military personnel receive congratulations from the immediate and higher leadership, from relatives and friends. Awards are presented, ceremonial meetings are held in parts, small concerts are held here and there, congratulatory speeches are heard. On the day of the border guard in Kazakhstan, there are practically no noisy festivities and loud celebrations; in rare cases, local military parades are held in border towns. The congratulatory texts mention the merits of the border service as a whole, the names of those who distinguished themselves are voiced, cases of selfless and outstanding deeds are given, the importance of the activities of these people for the country's security is noted.

On the turn - the elite

The post-Soviet countries, defining their borders, slaughtered "on the live". Entire villages remained on opposite sides of the borders. And in addition to fighting obvious intruders, border guards have to deal with unwitting violators. The shepherd drove the cows to graze on the grass, and wandered into a neighboring state, the hunter got lost in search of game - and ended up behind the cordon. All this requires not only military training, but also the skills of diplomacy. The border guards recruit the best. Most of the personnel is formed from contract soldiers, the harsh life at the outposts does not tolerate random people. In theseparts in a special way, the connection of generations is felt. And Border Guard Day in Kazakhstan is a time to remember those who had a share in doing their duty in especially dangerous times, and an occasion to think about their role in the fate of their native land.
