Ambition is a moral quality of a person, emphasizing his desire to become a leader and achieve his goals. It does not matter what tasks are in the first place - to graduate with honors, to make a discovery, to take a certain public position or position in society. The main thing is that the path to perfection can be carried out in various ways. Either at the expense of study, work, or - neglect of the interests of others, intrigues, lies and betrayal. Therefore, “ambition” is just a modality that does not have a clearly defined ethical connotation. It can be both positive, demonstrating purposefulness, and negative, characterizing the lust for power of a particular person.
Thus, there is no concept of "pure ambition", the meaning is given to it by specific actions and deeds. They are conditioned by the social environment and, if you like, moralpressure from her. In other words, ambition is a socially active category that forms individual consciousness. It would seem that the example is completely “from a different opera”: everyone watched the Star Wars series and remembers the story of young Skywalker. The boy, and then the young man, had pure intentions and a sincere belief in his rightness, and most importantly, the desire to become the best. So if not for the loss of a mother, the death of a wife, then who knows how everything could have turned out?

It's very simple: only a human can do such an action as creating values. Words by themselves may not carry any meaning, but the choice of context also means the choice of the appropriate sign - we proceed from our own interests and sometimes absolutely selfishly arrange "pluses" and "minuses". And we don’t think that how we arrange them depends on how we live our lives in the future.
However, if we recognize a socially active feeling behind ambition, then we need to talk about personal mobility and the ability to move mountains on our way. And here, again, the problem arises: what sign to put? You can, of course, follow the path of the heroine of the film “Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears” or (many may disagree with me) Boris Yeltsin in the second half of the 80s. Ekaterina managed to mobilize her own patience, "hide in a deep box" resentment and humiliation, and capitalize on her own knowledge and experience. And as a reward - the position of the director of the factory.
In turn, Boris Yeltsin refused the privilege of being an integral part of the "guiding" and guidingsystems, managed to overcome the fear of the people (even if only conditionally), decapitalize party capital and replace it with people's legitimacy. Practically love. Let's remember the level of his popularity in the last years of perestroika (1989-1991)!

But both of these examples are similar. The heroes sacrificed their former status, their freedom and ambitions. And in both cases ambition played. The meaning of the word here is sacrifice. You have to be able to sacrifice one to get another. And thereby win over your opponents.
Now back to Skywalker. He accepted the sacrifice and himself became a victim of his own ambitions, turning into Darth Vader. Ambition is not just setting priorities, goals and objectives of your life. First of all, it is the ability to think rationally. That's the point.