The universe is “the building of the world”. What is it? Big or small? How many floors does it have? How to get inside it, through which doors? These and other questions from the series “The Universe is…” have been worrying mankind since time immemorial. And if we assume that there is no beginning and end, and everything is infinity and continuity, then these questions and multiple answers to them will also worry us forever.
Secrets of the universe
Quite often we have to hear the expression "mysteries of the universe." What is it and, as they say, what is it eaten with? The secrets of the universe are a rather voluminous range of questions about the world, about the Universe, about the origin of life, for which there are no definite answers. You can meet many hypotheses, judgments and conjectures, and all of them claim to be the indisputable truth in the last resort. For example, in physics, the secrets of the universe are considered from the point of view of elementary particle theory, the Unified Field Theory, the Big Bang theory, etc. The most widespread religions of the world put God at the forefront, hence notquestionable doctrine of the divine creation of the world. Conveniently located between science and religion, philosophy offers its own solution to the question, the answer to which will be the disclosure of the problem of the relationship between consciousness and matter.

Worlds, like nesting dolls, live in each other…
With all the variety of "living" sciences, and with them various systems, teachings and assumptions, there is a number of coincidences in the vision of the structure of the universe. So, esotericism offers its world outlook. According to scientists V. V. Popova and L. V. Andrianova, the universe is an infinitely huge system consisting of worlds visible and invisible to man. They are essentially, in their structure, completely different, but are in close relationship with each other. The "building of the world" consists of three floors, otherwise - three main levels: the Absolute, the Information World and the Material World. The latter contains the Highest, Intermediate and Level of Crystalline Structures, as well as an unimaginable number of transitional sublevels.
Did God really create everything?
Biophysicists believe that there is some space around the planet Earth, similar to a huge computer with countless files about everything that exists in this world. The ancient Hindus also had a similar view of the world. It was called "Akasha", or the Universal Mind. Russian academician Vernadsky offered his view - the information field of the Earth, or the Noosphere. It can be depicted as an aura that collects and stores all kinds of thoughts, ideas and knowledge. Each of us, or rather the thoughteach of us, every second becomes a part, that drop, from which the bottomless sea of the collective mind is formed. We are both senders of priceless cargo and its recipients. One has only to send a request to the question that interests us, as after a while, everything depends on the strength and depth of the desire to know, we get an answer. It can be unexpected, in the form of a movie accidentally watched, a word or phrase involuntarily dropped by someone. The main thing is that he cannot but come…

Outstanding Russian scientist, academician G. I. Shipov offers his theory, his "formula" of the World. This is the Theory of physical vacuum, according to which the universe is a system consisting of “seven levels of reality”: the Absolute or Absolute Nothing, primary torsion fields of torsion, ether, plasma, gas, liquid and solid body. As you can see, the last four steps are good or bad, but still familiar to us the world of matter. But what about the top three levels? Here, for the first time in mathematics, reflections about the Subtle World and the Absolute Nothing appear, which, according to the scientist, is the Absolute Everything. It cannot be described by formulas; there is no structure in it that is subject to human thought. He is the Creator or Creator, He is the beginning of everything. Unlike esotericism, which endows the Absolute with higher energies - Love, Consciousness and Will, physicists distinguish only two properties - Primary Consciousness or Superconsciousness, and Will, which are able to realize and organize the Absolute. Love, unfortunately, has never been considered by science as energy, butthe more dominant. Therefore, she remained "overboard".
However, this kind of coincidence of religious, esoteric and scientific views on the structure of the universe cannot but rejoice. This means that humanity does not stand still in an attempt to define "the universe is …". The ship is moving forward, and maybe one day the same island of unchanging and indisputable truth will loom on the horizon.

Eternal Laws
Ambiguous universe gives rise to ambiguous laws of the universe. In Christianity, the latter include God's ten commandments - this is a lantern with fire given by God to man so as not to stray from the true path. Philosophy, esotericism and modern science offer their postulates. There are a great many of them. For example, physics professor James Trefil recently released a unique encyclopedia describing two hundred laws of the universe. Impressive, isn't it? Pleases only one thing - some and others have a lot of similarities. Apparently, again, the truth wanders somewhere nearby, if largely opposite teachings agree on what underlies everything and everything, what destroys and what creates … For example, in esotericism there is the Law of Source, which means that everything comes from the Creator, which is consonant with the first commandment of God - “I am the Lord your God; May you have no other gods but Me. In general, the laws of the universe proposed by certain scientists (the Law of Unity - the unity and diversity of the world; the Law of Feedback - everything returns sooner or later; the Law of Free Will, etc.), nevertheless, should not be consideredas a kind of dogma, but as a starting point for their own thoughts, feelings, reflections, since each person is a part of the whole - the infinite universe. And just as a part cannot exist by itself without its whole, so the whole can only be whole thanks to its parts.