The problem of anthroposociogenesis in philosophy

The problem of anthroposociogenesis in philosophy
The problem of anthroposociogenesis in philosophy

The problem of man in philosophy and the problem of anthroposociogenesis are two concepts that unite the only question of how a person originated from an animal in the physical and spiritual sense. The great philosophers of our planet have worked and are working on these problems. Such great minds as Sigmund Freud, Carl Gustav Jung, Friedrich Engels, Johan Huizing, Jacques Derida, Alfred Adler and many other theorists and philosophers directed their work towards solving the main problems of anthroposociogenesis.

problem of anthroposociogenesis
problem of anthroposociogenesis

What is anthroposociogenesis?

Anthroposociogenesis is the process of social formation and physical development of Homo sapiens as a species in the course of historical events and in the process of formation of all links in the chain of evolution. The problem of anthroposociogenesis is considered from the side of philosophy, sociology and other natural sciences and humanities. The main issue of anthroposociogenesis is the leap of evolution from the last animal to man.

Anthroposociogenesis and philosophy

Anthropogenesis considers the issues of biological development and formationmodern man, sociogenesis - the formation of a social society. Since these issues cannot exist separately from each other or be consistent in the process of human development, the concept of anthroposociogenesis has appeared. And on the solution of questions and problems of this concept, philosophers and other theoretical scientists are working mainly. Why the problem of anthroposociogenesis is a philosophical problem is fairly easy to explain. The fact is that the theory of the origin of man itself has not been proven, and there are a number of inexplicable facts that do not allow making it logical and harmonious.

Also, every day more and more new facts about the life and customs of primitive people are discovered, which periodically call into question most theories about the origin of man. And since the question of the origin of Homo sapiens as a species remains open, its social development, all the more, cannot be fully disclosed. Therefore, it is philosophers, starting from emerging facts, who are trying to recreate a picture of the formation of society and a person in it.

the problem of anthroposociogenesis in philosophy
the problem of anthroposociogenesis in philosophy

The problem of anthroposociogenesis

The entire prehistory of mankind is still not known for certain, every day scientists face new mysteries and secrets of the past. Anthropologists and philosophers tirelessly argue about the origin of man. Moreover, their opinions and positions often contradict each other. Anthropologists are busy looking for the "missing" link in evolution that helped the ape-like ancestor evolve into modern humans. Philosophers are interested ina deeper issue - the process of becoming a person and the emergence of society.

In the course of research, it became quite clear that animals did not become people in the process of any one significant event. It was a rather long, gradual transition from one physical and social state to another, modern one. Scientists, considering the problem of anthroposociogenesis, agreed that this process took place over 3 or 4 million years. That is, much longer than the entire history of human evolution known to us today.

Anthroposociogenesis is complex, since there could not be a clear sequence in the emergence of labor, society, language, consciousness and thinking. It was the combination of these processes that helped the formation of man. The theory of labor has the most followers, which indicates that labor was the determining factor in human development, and thanks to it, other basic social and physiological skills have already begun to develop. The philosophical problems of anthroposociogenesis lie in the fact that labor could not have arisen without a certain social interaction between ancient people. And they must have already had some useful skills that animals lack in order to intentionally create tools and use them.

The problem of anthroposociogenesis, the factors and principles of the development of anthroposociogenesis indicate that one of the most important factors should be considered the emergence of articulate speech and, as a result, a language suitable for communication. It has been established that in the course of a conversation, people reachmaximum unity and understanding. The entire subject environment around a person is designated by means of a linguistic description, acquires the so-called sign meaning. Only with the help of language is it possible to synchronize and concretize the surrounding world. From this we can conclude that the activity with the manufacture and use of any tools of labor could have arisen in no way before the appearance of colloquial speech.

philosophical problems of anthroposociogenesis
philosophical problems of anthroposociogenesis

Based on this, the problem of anthroposociogenesis can be briefly divided into three messages: labor activity (the emergence of tools), language (the emergence and development of speech), social life (unification of people and the establishment of basic interpersonal relationships and prohibitions). These main messages of anthroposociogenesis were identified by Demetrius of Phaler, the ancient Greek philosopher.

Concepts of anthroposociogenesis

Anthroposociogenesis considers the problem of human origin in two planes: social and biological. In the course of working on the solution of this philosophical question, several concepts were created by the minds of mankind: creationist, labor, play, psychoanalytic, semiotic.

Creationist concept

The name of this concept comes from the term "creationism", which in Latin means "creation". It presents a person as something unique, something that could not have arisen in this world without the intervention of forces from outside, that is, God. The Creator acts not only as the creator of a particular person, but also of the whole world in general. And the man is playingthe highest role is the crown of mind, strength and wisdom, a perfect creation.

The creationist concept is strongly religious in nature. Previously, a mythological approach to the problem of anthroposociogenesis was used. It was believed that man was created from space, water, earth or air. The main difference between man and animal is that man has an immortal soul. Islam, Judaism, and Christianity agree and support this theory, as it is fundamental to their religious teachings.

The creationist concept is not forgotten or refuted, supporters of this theory are working to prove it in the modern world. Leap-like stages of evolution, the presence of reason, the ability to think analytically, morality - all this could not have arisen by itself. The Big Bang theory or an extra-natural source of creation in the form of God - this is how these processes in the formation of man can be explained.

social and biological in man the problem of anthroposociogenesis
social and biological in man the problem of anthroposociogenesis

Labor Concept

This concept is a continuation of Darwin's theory of human evolution. Darwin proved the presence of the process of evolution in the biological sense, he substantiated the emergence of various species and subspecies of animals. But the scientist did not give a specific and clear answer to the question of how the primate could evolve to man. It is believed that it was labor that helped to turn into a human primate, that is, a monkey. In the course of the forced need to provide conditions for survival, the future Homo sapiens hasupright posture, the hand changes, the volume of the brain increases, speech skills develop. And not only. At the same time, labor laid the foundations for social interaction between primitive people and, as a result, the emergence and development of society and morality.

Based on the works of Friedrich Engels, who is the founder of this concept, anthroposociogenesis and the problem of the emergence of man depend on two factors:

  1. Natural biological factor. Earth's climate change forced the ancestors of modern man to descend from the trees and acquire new skills to survive in a changing world.
  2. Social factor. It includes activities using homemade tools; the appearance of the speech apparatus as a way to describe and convey the events taking place around, one's experience, memories, etc. Also here can be attributed the appearance of a ban on sexual relations of close relatives and the murder of a tribesman; progress in the manufacture of tools, namely the Neolithic revolution.

In addition to the theories presented, there is an opinion that labor first of all influenced the emergence of culture. And she subsequently made possible the development of man in the physical and social spheres.

Game concept

The labor concept is opposed by J. Huizinga's game model. In it, the game solves the problem of anthroposociogenesis. A person gets all his useful physical and social skills thanks to the game. Free creative activity, excessive in relation to material interests and the need to survive, expressed ingame form, and is the first reason for the formation of culture, philosophy, religion and the need for physical development.

the problem of the emergence of man anthroposociogenesis
the problem of the emergence of man anthroposociogenesis

In modern philosophy, art and science, it is not difficult to see signs of a playful nature, which does not allow us to discard this theory as insignificant. As a child, while playing, learns the world around him, joins the existing reality, so the primitive man, while playing, adapted and developed in a changing world. The problem of anthroposociogenesis in philosophy is that it is not possible to fully compare and determine the sequence of occurrence of the defining features and factors of the biological and social aspects of human life with any theory.

Psychosomatic concept

Briefly, the problem of anthroposociogenesis in philosophy from the point of view of the psychosomatic model lies in two concepts: totem and taboo. The totem arises as a result of the death of the leader of the community at the hands of his sons. And after the murder, he is deified and becomes a totem and a revered ancestor. Taboos arise also based on tragic events. Religion and morality arise from fatal situations in the sexual life of the community. And it was they who largely influenced the further development of culture and the person himself.

Semiotic concept

The problem of anthroposociogenesis in the semiotic concept is solved with the advent of language. When speech arose and a person was able to convey his thoughts to another individual, it was then that cultural and social development took place. The semiotic model represents a person as the only being that can create such a sign system.

Cosmogonic concept

This theory is a bit in contact with the creationist theory, since the emergence of man is not presented as the result of evolution, but is considered to be obtained outside of our world. The cosmogonic model assumes that man was "introduced" to the planet Earth by another alien civilization. By whom specifically and for what purpose - the theory does not answer these questions. Also, the cosmogonic concept cannot explain how life arose in space.

The "smart plan" concept

This is a completely new and modern theory that reveals the problem of anthroposociogenesis in philosophy. Despite its novelty, it has already managed to get the approval of a number of modern scientists and theoretical philosophers. The concept of "reasonable plan" does not put forward fundamentally new ideas about the biological and social development of man - it rationally interconnects the earlier concepts of anthroposociogenesis. Based on this theory, there is a higher power, which can be conditionally called God or the Creator, not yet known to modern science. This force designed and launched a comprehensive program for the development of the Universe. And how this program is implemented is described in other models of anthroposociogenesis. That is, both cosmogonic and creationist, labor, game, semiotic, psychosomatic models of anthroposociogenesis take place, act as various predetermined mechanisms of action of a singlegeneral system. A system whose purpose of creation is not yet available to anyone…

why the problem of anthroposociogenesis is a philosophical problem
why the problem of anthroposociogenesis is a philosophical problem

Unique human capabilities

Homo Sapiens is a biological species that has both similar features and characteristics of a representative of the animal world, as well as completely individual, not repeated in any other species and subspecies on planet Earth. Considering the issue from the side of biological development, one can note a number of qualities that significantly distinguish a person from an animal and help in the search for possible solutions to the problem of anthroposociogenesis. The social and biological in man are such inseparable concepts that it is extremely difficult to consider these issues separately. So, only a human can:

  • Adapt the environment for itself (the animal always adapts itself to existing conditions without trying to change them).
  • Change nature in the public interest (animals can only meet physiological needs).
  • Develop and create conditions for development in new areas. This refers to the areas and environments of our nature - water, earth, air, outer space (an animal is not able to independently change the way and environment for survival).
  • Create mass production of aids (the animal uses the tool randomly, as needed).
  • To use its knowledge rationally, can think rationally and engage in research and scientific activities (the animal relies only on itsinstincts and reflexes).
  • Create objects of creativity, moral, ethical and moral values (the actions of animals are aimed only at practical utility).

Biosocial human skills

The fact that a person is both a part of society and a part of organic nature was indicated by ancient Greek philosophers. "Political animal" - this is the name that Aristotle christened modern man. By this, he wanted to emphasize that two principles coexist in a person: social (political) and biological (animal).

the problem of anthroposociogenesis in philosophy briefly
the problem of anthroposociogenesis in philosophy briefly

From the point of view of biology, man is a mammal of the highest species. This definition is supported by several specific features, such as procreation, adaptation and self-regulation. Also, the biological properties include the process of the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics, the ability to learn the language during childhood, the existence of periods of human growing up, life cycles. Biology indicates that each person is completely individual, since the set of genes received from parents cannot be exactly repeated.

And processes such as language, thinking, activities aimed at production, social and political activity are the defining social features of a person. Marx also emphasized that a person cannot take place without society. Without society, no person can fulfill himself. Consciousness and thinking of a person can be formedonly due to social interaction.

Philosophical problems of anthroposociogenesis indicate that human social and biological skills cannot exist separately. Without the process of biological evolution, modern man could still appear, but without social life it is impossible to imagine his formation at the level of the highest being on our planet.
