Daniel Dennett: quotes, biography briefly

Daniel Dennett: quotes, biography briefly
Daniel Dennett: quotes, biography briefly

The main area of interest of the scientist lies in the study of the philosophical and at the same time scientific point of view of human consciousness, will and other basic concepts. But what factors and influences shaped the philosopher's thinking can be found in his biography, especially during his student life.

Daniel Dennett
Daniel Dennett

A trip to history

The day of the beginning is worth understanding his everyday life and environment, because Daniel Dennett, a biography briefly describes the life typical of a philosopher-scientist, was born in Boston in an ordinary American family of historians. He graduated from Harvard.

Daniel Dennett biography
Daniel Dennett biography

Further development of the scientist's thinking took place at Oxford University under the guidance of Professor Ryle. It was under his influence and patronage that Daniel Dennett wrote and defended his dissertation and published his first book, Content and Consciousness, in 1969. His views, of course, were influenced by the American period of life, but British analytics were also close to Dennett, so the book turned out to be quite revolutionary for those times.

Major Achievements

After receiving his Ph. D., the scientist goes toMassachusetts, Tufts University, where he teaches in his speci alty to this day. In addition, he gives single lectures at various universities around the world - from his native Harvard and Oxford to Moscow State University. Now the scientist is 74 years old, he is fond of science, sculpture. In 2012, he became an honorary laureate of the Erasmus of Rotterdam Prize for his significant contribution to European culture and society.

So, Daniel Dennett, whose biography partly influenced his thinking and statements, has written many works in his life. The most famous of them are Mind's Eye, Mind Views, Elbow Room, Brainstorms, Neurology and Philosophy. Many of them are revered among scientists, but, unfortunately, only a few have been translated into Russian.

Basics of Judgment

Daniel Dennett considered human consciousness to be the main metaphysical tool in his judgments. He supports his reasoning with scientific facts from cognitive psychology, cybernetics and microbiology. He also always treats like-minded colleagues with respect, but does not forget to get acquainted with their work, express his opinion and criticize constructively. For example, he wrote a review of Dawkins' book The Selfish Gene. His works show that the scientist is constantly thinking about consciousness, determining in which living beings it is. Daniel Dennett argues that "having knowledge of other people's experiences and thoughts" means having consciousness. The ability to use linguistics and reflection as a "sign of the possession of consciousness", the scientist is trying to substantiate the evolutionary Darwiniantheory. The Darwinian idea and the theory of the survival of the fittest is used by the philosopher to prove that man is the best in this area, because he knows how to build theories and calculate the near-term events of the future. As a result, we have an "intentional attitude". This concept means what we attribute in advance to the essence of feelings, opinions that could guide its actions. Intentionality seeks to achieve the maximum good for itself, so it is as predictable as possible, although in other aspects its values \u200b\u200bmay deviate.

Daniel Dennett biography briefly
Daniel Dennett biography briefly

In general, a person consists of microrobots, the role of which is played by systems of molecules. What we have in common with animals is the "knowing how" through which mechanical actions are performed in the environment. But man has the advantage of being able to question and reflect on this mechanical knowledge, to compare it with others. And you can transfer any information to another person, thereby stimulating the intellect and developing an intentional setting. All this is done with the help of ordinary words, which form new associative "knots" in the cerebral cortex. Sometimes, in order to free the brain from knots of memory and labels, a person uses written sources of information, which become a material continuation of thinking. Therefore, for rational thinking, there is no significant difference when using different sources of information.

Additional Orbs of Reflection

But the issue that Daniel Dennett is dealing with includes another thought:the intentionality of one person makes it possible for her to manipulate someone else. Therefore, more effective interspecies competition will be in case of hiding valuable information. And the most profitable behavioral strategy is communication and diplomacy - to tell, hiding some details for the sake of performing a cunning maneuver. The medium for holding back innuendo must be strong and iconic enough to realize the future. It follows from this that it is the struggle for survival that becomes primary, and intentionality secondary. Since the opponent/competitor also owns his own intentionality, it follows that our competition and struggle depends on the idea of the future of the other person or the environment in which we compete. In order to “calculate” thoughts about the future of another person, one must already be included in the sign environment, that is, to be calculated by someone. The circle of judgments closes, and Daniel Dennett, whose consciousness gave rise to this theory, cannot yet argue and explain where the origins of the sign environment come from. Therefore, his earliest theory still needs some work and a few missing links between Darwinism and consciousness.

free will
free will

Criticism of a scientist

In this theory, his opinion echoes Richard Dawkins, Steven Pinker and is in opposition to the judgments of Stephen Gould and Edward Wilson. The radical adaptationism in the writings of Daniel Dennett has generated much criticism among metaphysicians. They called his approach too simplistic and little different from the old trend.behaviorism. He too roughly and superficially explained such concepts as "qualia" (the basis of human perception of things), and other most complex objects in the mind. Daniel's most scathing review is "Mind Destroyed by Explanation".

Daniel Dennett consciousness
Daniel Dennett consciousness

Free Will Explained

Atheism and human free will are concepts that Daniel Dennett also drew attention to. Free will in his judgments is considered not from the point of view of existence, but from the point of view of the need for a person. He combines this concept with determinism (causal relationships), believing that a deep understanding of causality underlies free will. This direction was called "compatibilism". The Elbow Room is dedicated to him.

Correct thinking

The scientist may not be clear to all metaphysicians, his work always causes a lot of scientific disputes and debates. Despite this, he is convinced of his judgments and works to improve them. Daniel Dennett, whose quotes are popular among atheists, holds short lectures, where he lucidly and with examples argues his point of view on faith and religion in general. He conducts psychological experiments among priests and finds among them atheists who cannot admit it to themselves. At the same time, he recognizes the difference between God and the supernatural, and also asks many leading questions that help determine whether you are a believer or not. One of the recent works - Intuition Pumps And Other Tools for Thinking - talks about how to learnthink like a scientist.

Daniel Dennett quotes
Daniel Dennett quotes

Daniel Dennett gives this advice:

  • Using mistakes, introspection, rather than falling into despair and discouragement.
  • Question the phrase "of course", which, according to the scientist, indicates the unfoundedness of the fact and the desire of the narrator to "slip" false information to the listener as quickly as possible.
  • Respect your opponent, show justice and goodwill towards him, so that he accepts your criticism.
  • Let's answer rhetorical questions.
  • Use the principle of Occam's razor in your judgments, cutting off everything superfluous, and thereby save mental paths for proving a fact.
  • Use your time wisely by not wasting it on empty arguments, especially on ideological grounds.
  • Do not use such a concept as "pseudo-depth", it is created only on the basis of the incomprehensibility of the judgment, and not on its truth and justice.
