
Magnificent Viliya (river): geographical location, description

Magnificent Viliya (river): geographical location, description

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

For many, the Viliya River is known in connection with the pilgrimage hiking along its banks to nearby churches, healing springs and other holy places. There are numerous legends and interesting stories about these places: about the Tupalsky bridge, about the "speaking river", about ancient mounds, about a wooden church in an oak forest, etc

When and how man appeared on Earth

When and how man appeared on Earth

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

In different states and different eras, philosophers, scientists and researchers puzzled over the question of the formation of life on Earth and the appearance of man directly. This phenomenon still remains a mystery, which, perhaps, our descendants will be able to solve. Today, there is a huge number of theories devoted to the question of how a person appeared on Earth and when exactly this happened

Lop-eared cat is a charming pet

Lop-eared cat is a charming pet

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The lop-eared cat is beautiful, clean, non-aggressive, affectionate, calmly endures squeezing. Interestingly, only half of the kittens in the litter have folded ears

Amur leopard Far East: description, photo

Amur leopard Far East: description, photo

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Usually people think that leopards are representatives of the African savanna, although a rare subspecies of leopards can be found in the Far East of our country, as well as in northern China. This subspecies is called the Far Eastern Amur leopard. It is also known as the Amur leopard

The most tenacious creatures on earth: description with photo

The most tenacious creatures on earth: description with photo

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Many miracles in the world were created by man, but this is incomparable with what miracles nature creates! It remains only to be amazed and admire her creations. And how many more unexplored mysteries are fraught with the planet Earth

The largest snakes: tiger python

The largest snakes: tiger python

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The tiger python is a non-venomous snake that is considered one of the largest in the world. In 2005, the reptile of this species was recognized as the heaviest in the world. With a length of 8.2 m, she weighed 183 kg

Cuban crocodile: description, distribution, habitat and lifestyle

Cuban crocodile: description, distribution, habitat and lifestyle

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The Cuban crocodile, crocodylus rhombifer, as scientists call it, lives in a limited area. It is impossible to meet this reptile outside the Greater Antilles, of course, if you do not take into account terrariums and zoos. This species of crocodiles has a number of interesting differences from its relatives living in other parts of the world. This is explained by the isolated development of this species of reptiles

Lagomorphs squad: some interesting facts about hares and pikas

Lagomorphs squad: some interesting facts about hares and pikas

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Lagomorphs are a detachment of mammals. It includes two families: hare and pika. Representatives of the detachment are hares, rabbits and pikas. There are about 60 species in total. Despite the fact that they have sharp teeth, they are not classified as rodents. Lagomorphs have a small body size and a short tail

Reed toad: habitat, description, photo

Reed toad: habitat, description, photo

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Perhaps, reading the word "toad" in the title of our article, someone will wince in disgust. The mere mention of this amphibian in many people causes extremely unpleasant associations: it is unpleasant to pick up this creature, because all of its skin is covered in “warts”, and in general, its appearance is not the most pleasant

Giant white shark - the most dangerous marine predator

Giant white shark - the most dangerous marine predator

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Giant white shark tops the list of the most dangerous inhabitants of the deep sea. It was her bloodthirstiness that inspired filmmakers to create many horror films - this is how Jaws, Open Sea, Red Water and a number of similar films appeared. Let's take a closer look at this dangerous predator

Those reserved places where the truffle mushroom grows in Ukraine

Those reserved places where the truffle mushroom grows in Ukraine

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Where does the truffle mushroom grow in Ukraine? Unfortunately, its habitats are becoming less and less, and there are more and more people who want to feast on them. The summer truffle is listed in the Red Book of Ukraine, but is still served as a delicacy in its restaurants. Places of growth, conditions of extraction, attempts at artificial cultivation - questions that interest readers

Places in Russia where blackberries grow

Places in Russia where blackberries grow

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Russia is rich in berry crops, including blackberries. Where does blackberry grow? Almost everywhere you can find its wild forms. But gardening is not very popular yet. What places do blackberries like and what varieties are best used in different climatic zones?

The inscription of the trees as a kind of geoglyph

The inscription of the trees as a kind of geoglyph

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Art sometimes takes bizarre forms. With the spread of satellite maps on the Internet, a wide variety of objects visible from orbit in the form of patterns and inscriptions on the surface of the Earth have been discovered. This article talks about inscriptions from trees

Lakes of Tatarstan: names, description. Diversity of the nature of Tatarstan. The largest lake in Tatarstan

Lakes of Tatarstan: names, description. Diversity of the nature of Tatarstan. The largest lake in Tatarstan

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The nature of Tatarstan is amazingly diverse. And it is this diversity that our article will be devoted to. Rivers and springs, lakes and ponds, picturesque ravines, pastel-colored hills and colorful meadows - this region is beautiful at any time of the year. The main topic of our story will be the lakes of Tatarstan. You will find a list and descriptions of the largest reservoirs in the region in this article

What is the average cloud weight?

What is the average cloud weight?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Clear weather, sunny warm day, the sky is slightly decorated with small white clouds… On such a beautiful day, it would be a crime not to go for a walk with a child. And suddenly: "Mom, dad, how much does the cloud weigh?" Not ready to answer the question - then read on

What is a solar eclipse? Lunar and solar eclipses: when and why do they happen?

What is a solar eclipse? Lunar and solar eclipses: when and why do they happen?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

A solar eclipse is a truly unique phenomenon that has fascinated people for centuries. And in order to fully enjoy the beautiful celestial phenomenon, you should carefully prepare

Dung beetle, exciting life

Dung beetle, exciting life

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Dung beetle - this name was given to the insect due to its addiction to manure. The insect feeds on manure, which is usually located away from its home. The family of the same name includes 4 species of beetles, namely lamellar, aphodia, geotrups, or true dung beetles, as well as scarabs

May Khrushchev is a highly developed pest

May Khrushchev is a highly developed pest

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The May beetle (Khrushch) is an insect belonging to the Coleoptera order, the genus of beetles, the lamellar family. This genus is quite numerous, it includes about 40 species. One of the species, namely the eastern May beetle, is especially common in our country

Healing plant - prickly tartar

Healing plant - prickly tartar

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Prickly tartar… Do you know what this fairly common plant in our strip looks like?

Exotic beauty of sumac. spice tree

Exotic beauty of sumac. spice tree

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Sumac is also called the vinegar tree, the reason lies in the unusual taste of its leaves. In many countries, the plant is used as a condiment

Road of death in Bolivia. La Paz: road of death (photo)

Road of death in Bolivia. La Paz: road of death (photo)

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Regular traffic rules don't apply here. Death Road in Bolivia has developed its own etiquette for drivers to meet on it. Upward traffic has priority

Frog caviar: a delicacy, medicine and coral

Frog caviar: a delicacy, medicine and coral

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Living creatures give humanity a huge number of interesting and amazing discoveries, you just need to be able to see them literally under your feet. Frog caviar is completely unremarkable, but it turns out that it is fraught with a lot of mysteries

Obligate predator: types, characteristics and nutritional features

Obligate predator: types, characteristics and nutritional features

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Representatives of wildlife have a wide variety of taste preferences and nutritional habits. For example, predators consume other organisms. But they can also differ from each other depending on the composition of the diet. Let's find out who are obligate predators? What animals are among them?

The Far Eastern leopard is a big cat on the verge of extinction

The Far Eastern leopard is a big cat on the verge of extinction

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The Far Eastern leopard is divided into three types: Korean, Amur and Manchurian. Many scientists consider it one of the most beautiful species of leopard. It combines beauty, grace, cunning, strength, flexibility and dexterity. It is sad to realize this, but these beauties are on the verge of extinction. Today, there are no more than 30 individuals in the wild, about 300 more animals live in zoos in the USA, Russia and Europe

Giant shrew: animal description, lifestyle, reproduction, interesting facts

Giant shrew: animal description, lifestyle, reproduction, interesting facts

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The giant shrew is a relic, endangered species of rodents. It is the largest creature in the presented order of animals. The giant shrew refers to creatures with a progressively declining population, is included in the Red Book

Yellow snake: varieties and features

Yellow snake: varieties and features

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Already ordinary - a snake with yellow spots on its head: features and habits. Poisonous yellow snakes. Yellow-bellied snake: description of the species

What kind of water is. Types of water in nature

What kind of water is. Types of water in nature

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Water is the most amazing substance on Earth. Only it can exist in those states: liquid, solid and gaseous. And even in its usual form, it is also diverse. Few people on Earth know what water is. But without differing from each other externally, its different types have special properties

Kestrel common: description, habitat and lifestyle

Kestrel common: description, habitat and lifestyle

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

A very common bird of prey, at first glance resembling a dove - the kestrel falcon. Ornithologists explain the name like this. Since ancient times, hunting has been popular in Russia, in which gyrfalcons, saker falcons or sparrowhawks have always participated. The ancient hunters tried to teach this bird too, but all in vain

Mussels: internal and external structure

Mussels: internal and external structure

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Mussels are bivalve mollusks that live in all waters of the world's oceans. Their use is unique: mussels are used to make jewelry and prepare gourmet dishes. The external and internal structure of the mollusk is very interesting

Shark blunt: description and photo

Shark blunt: description and photo

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Of the family of gray sharks, the blunt-nosed is the most famous. It has several names: bull shark and gray bull shark. For what it is called that, you will find out a little later

What is the biggest pike in the world?

What is the biggest pike in the world?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

They say that this largest pike was 5 meters 70 centimeters long, and its mass was about 140 kg! The same story adds that there was no natural pigment in her scales - she was pure white

Sowing peas: the best varieties and their description

Sowing peas: the best varieties and their description

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Choosing a good seed pea is no easy task. There are a lot of varieties now. Each has not only its own advantages, but also disadvantages. On the territory of the country, brain, peeling and sugar varieties are registered and grown. All of them have different yields, resistance to pests and weather conditions

Common amaranth herb: description, useful properties, application

Common amaranth herb: description, useful properties, application

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The annual plant amaranth is a weed that many have seen in gardens and fields, on roadsides. Not everyone knows that traditional healers consider this herb to be a medicinal plant containing many useful substances necessary for a person

How long do midges live? Habitat

How long do midges live? Habitat

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Before we find out how long midges live, let's take a closer look at their lifestyle. These little mosquitoes are happy to attack livestock, humans and wild animals

The click beetle is a handsome man with bad habits

The click beetle is a handsome man with bad habits

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

If plants in your garden suddenly stop bearing fruit or simply die for an unknown reason, then some kind of pest has wound up on your land. Amateur gardeners who encounter this problem claim that either the wireworm larvae or their parent, the click beetle, are to blame

When snowdrops bloom, nature wakes up

When snowdrops bloom, nature wakes up

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Where and when do snowdrops grow? How is their reproduction? Why do snowdrops bloom early? You will learn all this from an article dedicated to this unusually tender first spring flower

Characteristic features and history of the volcano Vesuvius

Characteristic features and history of the volcano Vesuvius

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Mount Vesuvius is a stone's throw from the small town of Naples. You need to overcome only a distance of 9 km to find yourself at its foot. At first glance, it is even difficult to imagine that it is he who is the only one operating in Europe

What is volcanism and earthquakes? Where do these events take place?

What is volcanism and earthquakes? Where do these events take place?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Volcanism and earthquakes are among the oldest processes on Earth. They happened billions of years ago and continue to exist today. Moreover, they participated in the formation of the planet's topography and its geological structure. What is volcanism and earthquakes? We will talk about the nature and places of occurrence of these phenomena

Lacha Lacha: fishing, hunting and protected areas

Lacha Lacha: fishing, hunting and protected areas

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Lacha is a lake that can surprise. It would seem that an unremarkable reservoir in the Arkhangelsk region, it, nevertheless, is the largest in these parts, and part of it is also reserved. It is worth visiting it, if only for the reason that today it is very rare to see nature untouched by man, and if it is still rich in natural resources, then there are very few such places left

The stinkiest flower in the world

The stinkiest flower in the world

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Many plants attract the attention of a wide variety of insects and people with their charming beauty and juicy aroma. But it so happened that in nature there are species with a rather unpleasant, even disgusting, smell