Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The secretary bird is a beautiful bird with long black head feathers that stand out against its white and gray plumage. The article tells about what she eats, how she lives and breeds, and also about why these birds are so valued by the inhabitants of Africa
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Arowana or, as it is called in another way, dragon fish, has an interesting reputation. There are many beliefs according to which the owner of this resident of the aquarium will certainly be rich, luck and success will become his constant companions, and peace, kindness and comfort will settle in his house
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Salvinia floating fern is a small plant floating on the surface of water bodies belonging to the Salviniev family. This type species of the genus Salvinia is the only one growing on the territory of the Russian Federation. The plant is often cultivated as an aquarium
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The borer beetle is a beautiful bright insect. Its shiny, iridescent wings are used in creativity. Despite their beauty, all goldfish are pests of fruit and berry trees. In this article, you will learn about these beetles, the black borer and how to deal with it
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
A colorful moth in a jar for Valentine's Day is an original gift. And, most likely, it will be a nymphalida butterfly - a representative of one of the Lepidoptera families. The most numerous and replete with colorful representatives. But the world of butterflies is much more diverse and amazing. Their importance in nature can hardly be overestimated, and their transformation from a caterpillar into a beauty is amazing
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
There are up to 300 types of bluebells in the world. They are common in mixed and deciduous forests, ravines, meadows, along river banks. Most grow throughout Russia, and some of them can only be found in the Caucasus. The most famous of all types is the sprawling bell. It is used in landscaping but is more commonly known in folk medicine
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Dead Sea, despite the fact that its waters contain much more s alt, is not even the s altiest lake on the planet. It is ahead of Lake Assal, located in Djibouti. Its salinity is 35%, while its "rival" has only 27%. The s altiest sea is
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
An unusual underwater creature that can fly lives in the subtropics. This is a flying fish, the fins of which successfully replace the wings. What do you know about her?
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There may be a grotto inside an ordinary cave. Pilgrims who travel to such places could notice how, after narrow cave manholes, a large hall suddenly appeared, which is called a grotto
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Russian land is rich in beautiful places and unique landscapes. Perhaps life is not enough to see them all with my own eyes. The lake-forest complex of the Valdai Upland has been preserved due to the fact that at the end of the 20th century the national Valdai Park was organized here
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Plants, like many people, love and know how to travel. Through thousands of kilometers, through hundreds of years to our times, travel plants have reached, which have become familiar and irreplaceable. The travel plant potato was once thought to be poisonous; its flowers were used as a decoration for ladies' outfits. Now you understand how much people lost in past centuries without tasting potatoes, which are indispensable on our dining tables
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The ringed cap is a mushroom of the Spider web family. He received this name for the presence of a rather wide yellowish-white film ring on the leg. The people also call it: chicken, dim rosites, Turk, white bog
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
This article focuses on the Critically Endangered Central African Mountain Gorilla, one of the largest primates on earth
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The Taimyrsky Reserve has a complicated history of creation. Today it occupies an area of more than 1.5 thousand hectares. Rare representatives of flora and fauna listed in the Red Book are protected in these territories. The official date of foundation is considered to be 1979, it was then that the reserve was created with the aim of a detailed study and conservation of forests, mountain, tundra and lowland ecosystems
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
In many countries of the world, people keep chinchillas as pets. These funny little animals are unpretentious in care, very beautiful, with constant fuss and care they cheer up everyone. Before buying an animal, many people are interested in how long chinchillas live, because this fluffy lump becomes a family member from the first days, so I want him to be around for as long as possible
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Birds are man's feathered friends. Their role in nature is invaluable. Read about the origin of birds, their meaning and protection in the article
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One of the very rare birds of the Falcon family is the steppe kestrel. Very little is known about her, as she is quite rare
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Mandarin ducks are colored by gender. Males are bright, in their coloring there are almost all the colors of the rainbow, with a predominance of orange-brown tones. The plumage of the female is more modest, in grayish tones. Surprisingly, when flying, both males and females acquire blue-green tones of color
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Many plants are a harmonious combination of he alth and beauty. One of these is the northern bedstraw. A tall perennial plant belonging to the Rubiaceae family, it blooms profusely almost all summer, enveloping everything around with a rich and dense aroma. For this quality, the people called him honey grass. In addition, the plant has long been used in alternative medicine
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Some people believe that spiders are insects. However, it is not. Spiders are allocated in a separate class, and the structure of their body has some features. For example, insects always have three pairs of limbs
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Japanese pine: a brief description of whether the plant can survive in the harsh conditions of Russia and dirty megacities; growing a plant for planting in natural conditions and for the formation of bonsai; brief description of popular plant varieties
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Knowing elementary basics from geography lessons, most students will unanimously say that savannah and woodlands are the same natural zone as taiga, steppe, tundra, desert, etc. This article is intended to give a more definite and a clear concept of savannah and light forest
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
There are guinea pigs and water rats. There is no such animal as the sea rat. This is written in each of the encyclopedic publications devoted to the animal world and printed in printing houses, that is, they are completely official and accurate sources of knowledge that are trustworthy. Sea rats are colloquially called water rodents
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
It could be said that the pilot is a fish that is no different from many thousands of others. But she also has an amazing feature that has not so many analogues
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Since ancient times, women have been using cosmetics. Powder, blush, lipstick, etc. - all these tricks are designed to give the skin of the face an even tone, a pleasant blush to the cheeks, and a rich color to the lips, indicating excellent blood circulation and, therefore, cardiovascular he alth. systems. In general, the appearance of a woman testified to the state of her hormonal levels. And if there was something wrong with him, plant hormones were used: "chemistry" in ancient times
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Voronezh region is located on the border of the steppe and forest-steppe zones. The nature of this region is rich and varied. Several large rivers, a large number of forests and picturesque meadows provide excellent conditions for the life of a wide variety of animals. Reserves on the territory of the region have allowed to preserve several rare and endangered species. Animals of the Voronezh region are its we alth
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The carp grow up to 70 cm. Their body has a squared shape, an oblong tail and a large caudal fin. His head is small in size and seems to be slightly bent, he has small, neat eyes and strong pharyngeal teeth
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Science knows more than three million insects. There are different ones among them. The meager size and morphology of some are amazing! These are micrometers of organisms capable of giving up everything except the main thing - sexual desire. Nature is unique. It turns out you can not eat, not drink, and not even go beyond the intended space! The main thing is to wait for the only female who will find you in order to continue her kind, even if life lasts only a few days
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Birds are a special class of animals whose representatives conquered the sky. And for this, mother nature rewarded them with a number of adaptations in the external and internal structure. The streamlined shape of the body, feathers, wings, lack of teeth, hollow bones, the presence of a keel, double breathing, a fast metabolism and the presence of a goiter helped them in this
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We take certain familiar things for granted. For example, when we turn on a faucet, we are sure that water should flow from it, and this actually happens. We do not consider water the greatest treasure, but try to do without it: in a day you will not be able to think about anything but quench your thirst, and after 48 hours you will be ready to give anything for a sip of water. Our ancestors called reservoirs and springs, which had healing powers, living springs
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
In Antarctica at the end of the last century, a large subglacial lake was discovered near the Vostok station. Its area is about 20,000 sq. km., the volume of water - 5400 thousand cubic meters. km. Scientists of the world rank such a geographical discovery among the largest in the 20th century
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Mount Cat is one of the symbols of Simeiz. It rises above the village, separating it from the Blue Bay. What is interesting about this natural object? What attracts the interest of a huge number of tourists to it? Where is Mount Koshka and how to get there? Today we will talk about a unique natural rock, which stands out for its height and bizarre shape against the background of other outcasts of the neighborhood: Swan Wing, Panea, Diva
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Being a perennial deciduous shrub belonging to the Solanaceae family, common dereza is sometimes grown as an ornamental plant, the berries of which people call wolf berries. Meanwhile, its fruits have long been used as a medicine for a variety of diseases
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Striped horses are known to us from children's cartoons and fairy tales. Only now, not everyone knows in what corner of our magnificent planet they live. Let's figure it out
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For those who have never heard them, it is very interesting to know how nightingales sing and when they do it. It is believed that these birds give voice only at night, but this is not so. They sing during the day, just behind the noise created by other birds, they are not heard, but in the evening, at night and early in the morning, when it is quiet and calm on the street, their trills are carried throughout the district
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
In the exterior, the green color is, of course, the color of the foliage that surrounds us from all sides, while we basically don’t notice it, among others we don’t single it out, perceiving it only as a background that sets off more saturated and bright colors. Many people think that in landscape design this shade plays a secondary role
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Tits are one of the most common birds in the vastness of our country. They are easy to find not only in forests and fields, but also in any city. Pay attention to a bird the size of a sparrow with a lemon-yellow breast, snow-white cheeks and dark blue wings - this is the titmouse. These birds are sedentary, in autumn they rarely fly away, preferring to spend the winter near human habitation
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In nature, sparrow chicks feed on insects, so you can also bring your pet such food. Give them fly larvae, ant cocoons. It is also useful to give a chicken egg, cottage cheese and even carrots
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In today's urbanized world, most people have already begun to forget what game is. Successful hunting (as well as fishing) has long ceased to be a guarantee of survival. For most of the youth who grew up on the Internet education, game is nonsense and false stories told by a person who is often treated rather hostilely. You should probably remember what this term means
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The largest spider in the world does not spend energy building its own home. He occupies abandoned minks. It is possible that their former inhabitants fled when they saw this huge insect, or were eaten by it. Who knows?