In different states and in different eras, philosophers, scientists and researchers puzzled over the question of the formation of life on Earth and the appearance of man directly. This phenomenon still remains a mystery, which, perhaps, our descendants will be able to solve. Today, there are a huge number of theories devoted to the question of how a person appeared on Earth and when exactly this happened.

Although there are a lot of versions and they all suggest different periods and ways of the appearance of the first people, all hypotheses can be divided into four large groups. The most common version of how man appeared on Earth is the theory of evolution. It is her children who study at schools in biology lessons, and most scientists adhere to this hypothesis.
According to evolutionary theory, man has gone through a difficult path of rebirth from primates to a modern upright individual. The modification took placeby natural selection, when the strongest and smartest survived. It happened in four stages. The first stage was the appearance of upright Australopithecus monkeys that lived in herds and could manipulate various objects with their hands. The second stage is the appearance of Pithecanthropus, who learned to use fire. The third stage is the Neanderthal, which resembled a human in skeletal structure. The fourth stage is the emergence of modern people. It is assumed that it occurred in the Late Paleolithic, that is, about 70 thousand years ago.

This theory does not fully explain how man appeared on Earth, because scientists cannot find evidence of the manifestation of mutations that contribute to the improvement of the species. They usually do the opposite, worsening individual genes.
Religious theories of the origin of man on Earth are widespread among believers. Each nation has its own version, but they all agree that people were created by God from nothing. According to the biblical version, Adam and Eve were created from clay, other religions have their own hypotheses. This theory does not require confirmation, the main thing is faith.
There is also a hypothesis about alien intervention, that is, life originated on our planet thanks to other civilizations. It turns out that man is a descendant of aliens who flew to our planet in ancient times. There are several versions here:
- Crossing of human and alien ancestors occurred.
- People were produced in vitro.
- Smart man appeared thanks to geneengineering.
- Extraterrestrial intelligence controls the evolutionary development of life.

The theory of spatial anomalies also talks about how man appeared on Earth. It resembles an evolutionary hypothesis, but here a certain program for the development of random factors and life is added. It turns out that there is some kind of humanoid triad or spatial anomaly. If conditions are favorable, a humanoid mind will also appear.
Scientists have not fully figured out when a person appeared on Earth. According to evolutionary theory, this happened about 70 thousand years ago, but the religious version says that the first people appeared only 7.5 thousand years ago. The truth, as always, is in the middle, perhaps in the future humanity will be able to reveal the secrets of its origin.