Surprisingly boundless expanses of our country. They are rich in wild plants: cedar cones, medicinal herbs, mushrooms. And there have always been a great many berries in the forest expanses: raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries. Previously, blackberries belonged to wild plants, and people enjoyed the wonderful berries that grew on the outskirts of villages, sometimes right behind the gardens. Black-colored fruits were included in the diet of any family, they were used to make preparations for the winter.
Blackberry Places
Where does blackberry grow in Russia? Almost everywhere, throughout the country, especially in the middle lane, where the climate is suitable for it.

It can be found in wet lands of water meadows, near rivers and streams, among other shrubs, in ravines and clearings, where it creates impenetrable thickets. It is also found on the edges of the forest, and in the glades illuminated by the sun. It can be used as a hedge through which neither animal nor man can get through. This is a gray blackberry - a wild form.
There are ardent opponents of the garden blackberry, who believe that it cannot be compared with the forest blackberry. and tastenot the same, and the forest is cleaner, without "chemicals". Harvest it in the last months of summer. In taste and appearance, black, with a waxy coating, the berries are similar to raspberries, but they are not so sweet, but slightly sour. Berry lovers who pick it in the forest will never tell where the blackberry grows. These are their secret places.
Biological features of the plant
As a member of the Rosaceae family, blackberries can be compared to raspberries. It is a semi-shrub with erect or creeping shoots. The root is perennial and penetrates deep into the soil. Related to this is its drought tolerance.

Ground part - biennial. In the first year, shoots are laid, and in the second, inflorescences and fruits appear. By winter, old branches die off, and new ones appear in spring. Blackberries have shoots of the first and second year, so you will receive a harvest annually. Where does blackberry grow on the site? In the sun and in partial shade, on fertile soil.
Flowering begins in May and can continue for a long time under favorable weather conditions. The first fruits ripen in July, and the last - in October. Berries ripen gradually. So fresh it can be consumed until late autumn. The shape of the berries can be round and cone-shaped, of various colors. We are used to black coloring, but it can be purple and even light shades. 300 plant varieties are known, each of which is interesting for its qualities. Blackberry can also be noted as an ornamental shrub with beautiful leaves and fruits. Fruits in one place up to 15 years. Weak sideblackberries: varieties not resistant to frost.
Low popularity of garden forms in Russia
In the USA, more than 30 varieties are used in cultivation. The industrial scale of cultivation allows you to collect huge volumes of tasty and he althy products. The Thornfree variety is especially popular - it is thornless and gives not only a rich harvest, but also very decorative. We can see where blackberries grow in America and their unique varieties on horticulture websites or magazines.

In our country, plants are not grown industrially. Farmers are not interested in this either. Only private traders are trying to grow on their personal plots. The reason is that there is no information about garden seedlings that do not have thorns. And their berries are larger, and the yield is higher. We have a stereotype of a thorny bush strewn with small berries, and even located in hard-to-reach places. Until you get there, you will tear your clothes and hurt your hands. Varietal blackberry, photo, where it grows, its modern varieties can be found in the relevant literature.
Varieties for the Leningrad Region
Blackberry in the Leningrad region, where far from the entire list of berry crops grows, feels very good.

Climate shapes the proximity of the sea. It is moist and soft. Winters are warm, summers are moderately warm or cool. Therefore, varieties must be selected appropriate:
Arapaho is a vigorous, thornless variety. Berries are black, conical in shape,dessert flavor. Winter hardiness - up to -24 degrees. The variety does not get sick and is not affected by pests. Gives a large number of root suckers.
Brzezina is an early variety, a novelty of Polish selection. Shoots erect, powerful, thornless. The berry is large, elongated, good taste. Suitable for long-term storage and transportation. An important positive feature is high frost resistance.
Marion, or marionberry - raspberry-blackberry hybrid. The berries are firm, large, shiny, juicy. They have a pronounced fruity aroma. The yield from one bush is 10 times higher than the yield from a raspberry bush. The hybrid is well cultivated. But sheltering shoots for the winter is a must.
The variety can be selected based on your tastes, site location, winter hardiness of the plant.
Varieties for the Samara Region
Where does blackberry grow in the Samara region? Wild growing - of course, in the forests. But let's talk about cultural forms in more detail. The climate here is quite warm, temperature differences are small. This is what we will focus on when choosing a variety.

Karaka black is a new large-fruited garden blackberry. The variety came to us from New Zealand. The bush is tall but compact. Berries - up to 10 g, tasty and fragrant. They are well stored and transported. Grows in sun or partial shade, hardy. But he is picky about the soil.
Apache is another novelty bred in the state of Arkansas. Of the upright, thornless varieties, it gives the highest yield. The berry is large and sweet, conical in shape. Loves the sun and is picky aboutsoil. The variety is winter-hardy.
Himalaya is a semi-shrub with drooping shoots. The fruits are similar to raspberries - red-black. The variety is early, large-fruited. Blooms in late spring and blooms for a long time. Demanding on soil and sun. Does not tolerate excess moisture. Winter hardy.
Breeders offer a large selection of varieties for this climate zone, there would be a desire and opportunities. Where blackberries grow in Samara, there is the Ilyinka plant nursery, which presents seedlings of fruit and berry plants.
Varieties for the Novosibirsk Region
Novosibirsk region belongs to Western Siberia, the climate here is continental: cold winters, hot summers, sudden temperature changes.

For this zone, blackberry varieties must be selected especially carefully and covered for the winter. In addition, a longer growing season with a large sum of active temperatures is needed. Where does blackberry grow in Novosibirsk? Wild - everywhere, cultivated - in garden plots. Some varieties can be offered:
Thornfree - a variety with large, dense, black berries. Ripens late, medium yield. Shoots creep and have a great length. Vestvisty, without thorns. The variety practically does not get sick. Can be propagated by green cuttings. Good winter hardiness.
Agawam is one of the well-known winter-hardy varieties. Fruit ripening earlier. Berries of small mass, black. The yield is average. The shoots are arched, strongly prickly, and the spikes are powerful. Shoots branch well. Propagated by offspring.
Thornlesslogan - a variety that has large and shiny berries. They ripen late, the ripening period is uneven. The bush is large, but the shoots are without thorns. Productivity and winter hardiness are average. You can propagate by rooting the tops.
Raspberry-blackberry hybrids that are now popular in the Novosibirsk region do not tolerate winter well and the yield is low, so you should not get carried away with them.
The most important part of care is shelter for the winter
In autumn, you need to remove the old, fruitful shoots. The stems of the first year are tied in bunches and tilted to the ground, covered for the winter.

Shelter is essential even for hardy varieties, because if winter temperatures are low, they will freeze. Any material can be used as a shelter: sawdust, tops, foliage, humus. Spruce branches are also good, which repel rodents that damage shoots.
Blackberries are a pantry of useful properties
Where blackberries grow, you will never run out of vitamins. All parts of the plant have medicinal properties. Fruit and juice reduce thirst in heat and lower the temperature during illness. Ripe berries are a mild laxative, but unripe berries help with diarrhea. In the form of tea - berries are a good sedative and tonic. The juice contains many valuable acids, minerals and vitamins. The leaves are a good antiseptic, in addition, they improve intestinal motility. Included in various tea blends.
It is difficult to enumerate all the useful properties of this rare culture for us. But once you know about them, you'll probably want toplant several varieties on your plot so that you can eat delicious berries in summer and enjoy tea with blackberry jelly or jam in winter.