Water is the source of life on Earth. It was in the ocean that living cells appeared. The human body is 80% water, so it cannot live without it. It is this life-giving moisture that helps the existence of all plant and animal organisms. In addition, water is the most amazing substance on Earth. Only it can exist in those states: liquid, solid and gaseous. And even in its usual form, it is also diverse.
Few people on Earth know what water is. But without differing from each other externally, its different types have special properties. Being the most common substance on Earth, it is found in every corner of it in its various manifestations.

What types of water are there
This liquid can be classified according to different criteria. Water can be different depending on its place of origin, composition, degree of purification and application.
1. Types of water by its location in nature:
- atmospheric - these are clouds, steam and precipitation;
- natural spring water -river, sea, spring, thermal and others.
2. Types of water in relation to the surface:
- groundwater - artesian, ground and others;
- surface, or water of all reservoirs.
3. Types of water according to its chemical composition:
- according to the presence of calcium and magnesium, it can be soft and hard;
- according to the number of hydrogen isotopes, light, heavy and super-heavy water are distinguished;
- according to the presence of various s alts, water is fresh and s alty, sea water is also distinguished as a separate type;
- there is completely purified water - distilled;
- if the content of biologically active minerals and trace elements is increased in it, it is called mineral.

4. What is water according to the degree of its purification:
- distilled is the purest, but not fit for human consumption;
- drinking water is a useful liquid from wells and artesian wells;
- tap water enters houses from various reservoirs after the cleaning procedure, but often does not meet hygiene standards, therefore it is considered domestic;
- filtered water is ordinary tap water passed through various filters;
- there are still sewage polluted in the process of human life.
5. Sometimes people treat water in various ways for medicinal purposes. The resulting views are:
- ionized;
- magnetic;
- silicon;
- shungite;
- enriched with oxygen.
Drinking water
The types of liquid that a person consumes are very diverse. In ancient times, people drank water from any fresh natural source - a river, lake or spring. But in the last century, due to economic activity, they have become polluted. And a person is not only looking for new sources of clean drinking water, but also comes up with ways to purify the dirty one. So far, many deep-lying groundwater and artesian springs have not been polluted, but this life-giving moisture is not available to everyone. The majority use ordinary well or tap water, the quality of which is often very low. It can contain various impurities, bacteria and even dangerous chemicals. Therefore, it is better to purify drinking water in any convenient way.

Methods of drinking water purification
1. Filtration can be mechanical, chemical or electromagnetic. The most commonly used carbon filters, they are the cheapest and easiest to use. During filtration, water is freed from impurities of sand, metal s alts and most bacteria.
2. Boiling is used most often to disinfect water. It will not protect against impurities. Therefore, it is recommended to stand the water for a day before boiling and do not use the sediment.
3. In recent years, water purification using various substances has become widespread: shungite, silicon, silver and others. So it is not only disinfected, but also acquires healing properties.
Mineral water

Man has long discovered springs, the liquid in which has various medicinal properties. After examining such water, people found out that the content of various minerals and trace elements was increased in it. They called it mineral. Sanatoriums and medical institutions were built near such sources. Often people drink it just like that, not knowing that it is different in composition and action. What is mineral water?
- The dining room contains a small amount of mineral s alts. It can be used as a regular drink, without restrictions. The degree of its mineralization is up to 1.2 g/l. Many people drink it all the time, unaware that it is a mineral.
- Table-healing mineral water can also be used without restrictions if the degree of its mineralization does not exceed 2.5 g/l. If it is higher, then you can drink it no more than 2 glasses a day. Such mineral waters as "Narzan", "Borjomi", "Essentuki", "Novoterskaya" and others are very popular.
- Medicinal mineral water can only be used as prescribed by a doctor, because its different composition affects the body in different ways and helps with certain diseases. There are also many contraindications to its use. And if the degree of mineralization of such water exceeds 12 g / l, then it can only be used externally.
What is thermal water
If groundwater passes through hot volcanic layers before reaching the surface, it heats up and becomes saturated with useful minerals. After thatthey acquire healing properties known to people since antiquity. In recent years, thermal water has been increasingly used for treatment and recovery. Its types are not very diverse, it is mainly divided by temperature.

He alth centers have been built near many thermal waters. The most famous of them are the Karlovy Vary resort, as well as springs in Iceland and Kamchatka.
Healing liquid
Speaking about what kind of water is, it is impossible not to mention those types of it that magically heal many diseases. For a long time, many peoples had legends about living and dead water. And in recent years, scientists have found out that it really exists, and even obtained such a liquid using special electrodes. Positively charged water is called dead water and tastes sour. It has disinfecting properties. If water is charged with negative ions, it will acquire an alkaline taste and healing qualities. Such water was called living. In addition, liquid acquires healing properties when exposed to a magnetic field, immersing silicon or shungite minerals in it.
Not all people know what water is like. Unfortunately, many of them do not even suspect that this life-giving moisture can cure them of many diseases.