Many miracles in the world were created by man, but this is incomparable with what miracles nature creates! It remains only to be amazed and admire her creations. And how many more unexplored mysteries are fraught with the planet Earth!
We all know that the world around us is amazing and beautiful, but when faced with some unusual creations of nature, we are again amazed and admired. There are organisms so tenacious that it seems that they are immortal. The article presents the most tenacious representatives of the animal world, able to survive sudden climate change, extreme temperatures, powerful doses of radiation and much more.
Here is a selection of some of the most resilient living organisms known to date.
The most enduring creature on the planet can be called this unusual microscopic animal, whose body length is only 1.5 millimeters. It lives in the water and is called the "water bear", although it has nothing to do with these animals.

The tardigrade boasts a unique ability to adapt to any conditionshabitat. It can survive both very low and high temperatures (from -273 to +151 degrees), as well as exposure to radiation, which is 1,000 times the lethal dose for other creatures on the planet. It can survive in a vacuum, and is also able to live without moisture for 10 years.
A miracle of nature are two-meter worms living in the impenetrable darkness of the seabed at a pressure of 260 atmospheres. They gather at the "black smokers" - places of fractures of geological plates, from which water flows, heated to +400 ° C and saturated with hydrogen sulfide.
These living creatures do not have intestines and mouths, but they live on symbiotic bacteria. The circulatory system of the animal delivers hydrogen sulfide from underwater mineral springs to these bacteria.

Bacterium Deinococcus radiodurans
The most enduring creatures in the world include this unique creature that can withstand unreal doses of radiation. The genome of the bacterium is stored in four copies, and the substances secreted from it have the ability to heal wounds. There is an opinion that this microbe is of unearthly origin.
These bacteria thrive at 5,000 Gy radiation. There are specimens that survive at a dose of 15,000 units. For example, it should be noted that a dose of 10 Gy is fatal for a person.
Immortal Jellyfish
Turritopsis nutricula, known as the immortal jellyfish, fully deserves such a name. After reaching puberty, sheagain returns to the original stage of the polyp and begins its maturation again. This process in a jellyfish can last indefinitely. The life cycle of this unique living creature can be repeated many times.

Medusa, considered the only immortal creature on the planet, is now under the scrutiny of scientists. It is being actively studied by geneticists and marine biologists to understand how it can reverse the aging process that is inevitable.
Fish Lang
And this fish turned out to be one of the most tenacious creatures on earth. She is the rarest and one of the few aquatic inhabitants (lungfish) that have survived to this day.
This fish, in fact, is a transitional link from ordinary fish to amphibians. She has both lungs and gills. In times of drought, it is able to dig into the mud and hibernate, quietly doing without food for a long time.
Tree Veta
This amazing insect, similar in appearance to a grasshopper, but of gigantic size, can also be attributed to the most tenacious creatures on earth. The tree weta is predominantly found in New Zealand.

Due to the fact that the blood of this animal has a special protein that prevents blood clotting, it is able to withstand very low temperatures. It should be noted that during periods of such "hibernation" the heart and brain of these insects are turned off. However, as soon as they “thaw out”, all organs begin to work again.
Sea Bass
This fish is considered a long-lived sea creature. It usually lives at depths of 170-670 meters in the waters of the Pacific Ocean. This fish grows very slowly and reaches maturity quite late. She can live up to 200 years. The oldest specimen found is about 205 years old.
It turns out that the list of the most tenacious creatures on earth can be replenished by sea bass.
Bowhead whale
According to some scientists, bowhead whales are the oldest mammals on planet Earth. There is evidence that a whale named Bada lived to be 245 years old.

Most bowhead whales live to be 20-60 years old, but 4 more whales have been found that are close in age to Badu. According to the results of the researchers, they lived to be 91 years old, 135, 159 and 172 years old. A total of 7 harpoon tips, at least 100 years old, were found in their bodies.
Land turtle
The last in the list of the most tenacious creatures on earth can be attributed to the land tortoise (Testudinidae), famous for the fact that it can live for a very long time. The average age of a turtle reaches 150 years, but it all depends on the variety. The oldest tortoise known to science lived to be over 150 years old. This is Advaita, who lived at the home of the English General Robert Clive before she ended up in the zoo in Calcutta, where she later spent another 130 years.

It is also impressive that no one was working at the zoo at the time of the turtle's deathof those who received it. The tortoise died due to a crack in its shell. The results of the study by scientists of the shell after her death confirmed that the age of that turtle was about 250 years old.