Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
A butterfly sitting on a flower is the personification of beauty and a symbol of life, it is a trusting and reverent creature. One of the most unusual and amazing in the world is the Danaida monarch. In terms of flight distance, she is recognized as a record holder and can overcome the Atlantic Ocean. In the summer, she travels around North America, and always winters in the highlands of Mexico. D
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Nature in autumn changes beyond recognition. With the advent of September, leaves and grasses begin to gradually turn into golden tones, and cool fogs increasingly meet people in the mornings. Such metamorphoses captivate the eye of a curious observer and remind that everything in life moves in an invariable circle
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Why do people get pets? Of course, in order to get a sea of positive from communicating with them, relieve daily stress and diversify your life. Simplicity of maintenance, unpretentiousness, even character and excellent relations with children - this is exactly what residents of modern megacities expect from their pets
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Strange question. And really, is it possible to feel thirsty if there is water around? It not only enters the body through the mouth, but also through the skin. It turns out that this issue has been studied and the issue has been received
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
How many rivers are located throughout Russia! Their pristine beauty is mesmerizing. Coming to them, you forget about everything, and you want to return to these places again and again
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Spring is the time when the first mushrooms appear. A real holiday is coming for every beginner and experienced quiet hunting professional. The common line is one of those mushrooms that appear just in spring days. It is quite interesting not only for its shape, but also for the way it is prepared. But you don't have to get ahead of yourself. Everything in order
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Today we will talk about the most common types of hares. In Russia, the hare and hare are the most numerous, and there are also the Manchurian hare, tolai, hare-tumak, which is a cross between a hare and a hare and does not bring offspring. We are interested in the first two species, as they are most valued and most often found. Also, these types are often confused, consider their differences
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
On the territory of South America there are two famous plateaus: the Brazilian and Guiana Plateau. You will find their description in the article
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The first information about the Om River can be found in the Siberian drawing book, which was compiled in 1701 by Semyon Remezov
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Bas alt is a black or gray stone, which is a hardened lava. This stone is used in construction, in everyday life, in the manufacture of jewelry, as well as for therapeutic massage. In this article, you will learn about the origin and properties of bas alt
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
What is the importance of leaf fall in plant life? Big. The leaves have done their job of providing the tree with nutrients throughout the spring and summer and can now go away
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Good giants are very emotional and loyal animals. They can be sad and cry, but they can also laugh. They have an excellent memory. Elephants bury their relatives - they cover their bodies with earth, cover them with branches. They also bury those who were killed protecting the cubs. Independent males who have left the herd will help their former relatives on occasion, they will always give a trunk
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
What color are sapphires in nature? What determines the color of the stone and its price? What are leucosapphires?
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
All assumptions of scientists about the structure of the Earth's crust were refuted by the Kola well. What did she tell the world? And what secrets does she hold?
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Corntails - mushrooms, the appearance of which is significantly different from what we are used to seeing. The coral-like body of this representative of the wildlife world is striking in its unusual beauty. He has neither legs nor hat. Vertically branched tubules are very difficult to associate with mushrooms, but horns, or ramaria, belong to this kingdom
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Moose louse, otherwise called deer bloodsucker, elk tick, elk fly, is a small insect resembling a tick in appearance. It is familiar to everyone who visits the forests in the second half of August - early September. It is at this time that moose lice are most common
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Beginner mushroom pickers are often interested in: “When can I pick mushrooms, is it only in the middle of summer and early autumn? When does the "silent hunt" reach its peak? Let's try to answer this question in more detail. It is important to remember that each mushroom has its own time, and you also need to be able to distinguish edible mushrooms from false ones
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Lactic mushrooms are a large brotherhood of mushrooms of the Russula family. Their name is a direct translation from the Latin name Lactrarius. They got this name due to the fact that these mushrooms do not have fibers, and when broken, they secrete milky juice
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Goat mushrooms are the most common representative of tubular fungi. In their appearance, they are very reminiscent of the flywheel, which also belongs to this class. But goat mushrooms, unlike others, are slightly smaller in size
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The widest flat expanses, a wild field overgrown with flowers and herbs - that's what the steppe is. These are hectares of endless land, breathing freedom, calcined by the summer heat, blown by all winds or frozen by the winter cold. Indented by riverbeds, free, like the soul of a Russian person, the wild steppe is sung in folk songs
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Fennel is a real natural pantry. The composition of the plant includes such important trace elements for the human body as iron, zinc, chromium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, aluminum, copper
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Volcano Tyatya is the third most beautiful volcano in the world after Vesuvius and Fujiyama, located in a remote area of the Kunashir Island of the Kuril chain. In the Ainu language of the indigenous inhabitants of the island, the name of the mountain Chacha-Napuri is translated as "Father Mountain"
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Lubka bifolia (Latin name Platanthera bifolia) is a species of perennial tuberous herbaceous plants belonging to the genus Lyubka of the Orchid family (Orchidaceae). Its second name is night violet
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Datura-herb flower has long been used both in folk medicine and in witchcraft rites of various peoples. The name speaks for itself. Datura flower means intoxicating, intoxicating. For magicians, sorcerers and shamans of various kinds - just a godsend
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Ant is a very common insect. According to experts, the total mass of the Earth's ants is from ten to twenty percent of the total biomass (the mass of all living beings, including plants and microorganisms) of the planet. True, it is interesting: how accurate are the calculations of biologists? And in general, is there a method that allows you to calculate the mass of a particular species, genus, order or class of animals? Most likely, the calculation error will be quite significant
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
In 1989, 24 whales washed up on the shores of the Canary Islands. Why the whales threw themselves ashore, one can only guess. Perhaps the reason was the naval exercises held at that time. Whales wash ashore frequently. This happens not only because of military exercises. The influence of magnetic fields, which are a guide for cetaceans in the water, can also mislead them, leading them astray
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The increase in the population of plants from year to year occurs in the same way in the process of pollination. The main role here is played by stamens and pistil. If the stamens only spread pollen, then the pistil catches it and gives birth to a new life inside itself
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The most active volcano not only in the Hawaiian Islands, but throughout the globe, has been erupting for more than 30 years, and during this time he managed to destroy villages with a population living in a dangerous area
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Greenland is the largest island. Despite its huge size, it remains one of the sparsely populated places on our planet, because about 80% of the territory is occupied by an icy desert
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The Russian-American border passes through the Bering Strait. The depth of the strait averages 30-50 meters, and the width at its narrowest point reaches 85 kilometers. In theory, today, to get from Russian Chukotka to American Alaska, it is enough to sail two hours by ferry. However, both the US and Russia restrict access to the strait
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The Irkut River is a tributary of the Angara, flowing from Lake Baikal. It is considered one of the largest watercourses in Eastern Siberia. The riverbed passes through Buryatia and the Irkutsk region. Its length is 488 km
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Bindweed canary to uninitiated people may seem similar to a sparrow, but an unusual bright yellow or greenish color. Small bird, maximum height up to 14 cm
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Since ancient times, Altai has been considered the land of magnificent mountain peaks and numerous majestic passes, of which there are a huge number on the territory of the Altai Mountains. We offer detailed information and photos of the Altai mountain passes, which are the most impressive in terms of beauty and the most popular among tourists
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The nature of our planet is unique. It is interesting that there is nothing stationary on Earth, everything changes. We are accustomed to the fact that the main changes in the surrounding nature depend on man. However, amazing metamorphoses are associated with karst lakes. This article will tell you about what karst lakes are
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Tawny Owl is also called Ural. Initially, this species was discovered precisely in the Urals, and therefore such a name was fixed. However, scientists disagree about the meaning of the word "tawny owl". On the one hand, it is interpreted as an "insatiable creature", since owls are really voracious. On the other hand, at the time of the birth of Christianity, there were bans on certain types of food, including the tawny owl. Hunting for her was prohibited
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Among the many reservoirs that our planet is rich in, Kuril Lake is especially distinguished by its pristine beauty. This is one of the main natural objects of the Kamchatka Territory, which is of great importance for scientific and cognitive tasks
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For many centuries, people paid special attention to minerals. And not in vain, because to cheer up, improve he alth, protect yourself from evil forces - all this could be done by properly selected stones. Emerald is one of the varieties of beryl, it is a very valuable gem, some specimens of which are more valuable than topaz, diamond and diamonds
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Shkhara is one of the highest and most beautiful mountain peaks of the Main Caucasian Range (its central part). Moreover, it is not only its highest point, but also the highest peak in Georgia and the third highest in the Caucasus and Russia. Where is Mount Shkhara located and what unique features does it have? You can learn about it by reading this article
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Magnificent nature, majestic mountains, turquoise rivers, clean air and hospitable people - all this is the North Caucasus. Thousands of tourists from all over the world come to these places to admire the wondrous nature. Once one of the most picturesque places was the Karmadon Gorge (Republic of North Ossetia)
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The main purpose of this article is to understand when and how the days of the summer solstice pass. And also about when and where this holiday came from, how our ancestors celebrated it, what can and should be done on this day. All this can be read in the text below