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Covered with eternal ice and at first glance so impregnable, the sixth continent of the planet was the last to be discovered. Despite the fact that James Cook was the first to cross the Antarctic Circle back in January 1773, Antarctica has not yet been fully explored. Here, as on any other continent, there are "oases" with vegetation, the ocean and even the Vinson Mountains (coordinates 78.5833 ° south latitude, 85.4167 ° west longitude)
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Natural waters cover most of the surface of the planet Earth, and the world's oceans and seas in this area occupy about 97% (or about 70% of the entire Earth's surface). The rest of the water area belongs to rivers, lakes, reservoirs, swamps, glaciers
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Deer farm in Transcarpathia. Description of spotted deer and their natural habitat. Why are deer bred?
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Spruce forest is a classic setting for many folk tales. In it you can meet Baba Yaga and Little Red Riding Hood. A lot of animals live in such a forest, it is mossy and always green. But spruce is not only an element of a fairy tale and the New Year, this tree grows rapidly and is of great importance for the country's economy and representatives of wildlife
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Crimean mountain Opuk is one of the most amazing places on the Kerch Peninsula. It is a natural reserve with not only a rich flora and fauna, but also archaeological sites
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The Volga River is the largest in Europe and the third longest in Russia. Many cities and towns are concentrated on its banks. There are large cities on the river, including four millionaires: Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Samara, Volgograd
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Few people know that the ancestors of ordinary domestic goats are wild goats. Outwardly, there is a significant difference between them even in the same behavior. Nevertheless, they have common roots. Thousands of years spent next to man had an impact on domesticated animals. However, to this day, wild goats live on earth
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In Russia and Europe there are different types of pond snails. Among them, the largest is the common pond snail, the shell of which can reach 7 centimeters. All species breathe with lungs, therefore, from time to time they are forced to swim to the surface
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Larimar stone is a semi-precious unique stone that is mined in the Dominican Republic. This country is located on the island of Haiti. In terms of geology, larimar refers to a type of calcium silicate known as pectolite
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
All the waters of our planet are densely populated by various inhabitants. Sometimes in the depths of the seas and oceans, rivers and lakes there are such amazing fish that people have not even heard of. Read the article below for everything you need to know about strange (and sometimes scary) fish
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Throughout human history, people have been trying to answer the question of where they came from. Many theories have been put forward and refuted, religion offers its own options, science has its own, science fiction writers put forward seemingly wild assumptions
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The huge diversity of the world of insects attracts naturalists and just lovers of wildlife. The dung beetle (scarab) is an interesting creature, one of the most ancient insects inhabiting our planet. They have chosen a rather unusual segment of the food chain
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Looking at a field completely covered with a green blanket, many people do not even realize how many different types of plants they see. More than 40 species of flowers and herbs grow in the vast expanses. At the same time, all plants of fields and meadows have not only their own names, but also features
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Despite the fact that the owl belongs to the owl order, there is very little in common between them. It seems that the presence of family ties has become a mistake of scientists in determining the species. He has similarities with an owl, but there are no identical characteristic features
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Of all the existing owls, little owls are the most common. They live in the western part of Europe, North Africa and South Asia and create nests in the plains, in the mountains, which sometimes reach a height of 3,000 meters. In the north, these birds are very fond of flat landscapes, and in the south they prefer steppes, deserts and semi-deserts. The number of these birds is very large, and in some places it is simply huge
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It has long been customary that owls are considered a symbol of wisdom and learning. And, of course, one cannot but agree that they are amazing birds
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Characteristics and features of an ordinary language. Where are these butterflies distributed and what affects their numbers. Interesting facts about hawk hawk
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The use of herbs and decoctions of them was considered the first remedy long before the first medicines appeared. Almost every disease can be alleviated or even cured with the help of properly selected and brewed herbs. With what ailments plowed clover will help to cope and what is its special strength, you should find out more
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Canadian Goose - a kind of goose. It stands out among relatives with a short neck and beak, as well as an unusual color. The body length of this bird reaches sixty centimeters, and the maximum weight is eight kilograms. This variety has many subspecies, united by external resemblance. On the territory of Russia you will meet a goose infrequently. The individual is listed in the Red Book, as it is on the verge of extinction
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Monkeys are always interesting to watch - they are so spontaneous, cute and smart that they can't leave anyone indifferent! What is a dog-headed monkey, what are its features and unusual habits - the following material will tell about this
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The largest and warmest Greek island of Crete is washed by three seas of the Mediterranean: the northern coast - Cretan, southern - Libyan (separates Greece from Africa), western - Ionian. In this article, we will take a closer look at the Cretan Sea, often also called the Aegean
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Watching these animals is a pleasure. Many seek to admire the beautiful lions in their natural habitat, for which they go on special tours
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Big-eyed daisies, piercing blue cornflowers, delicate crocuses, dazzlingly burning poppies… Each of us has our favorite wildflowers. Probably, every woman sometimes prefers a modest bouquet of wild flowers, presented for no reason at all, just like that, to an official bouquet of solemn roses. Because simple flowers, collected without the help of professional florists, most often express the most sincere feelings: tenderness, love, affection
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Electric eels have a scaleless, naked snake-like body, which is covered with a thin layer of mucus and is somewhat laterally compressed in the back. Color can be called camouflage. In juveniles it is a uniform, olive brown, while adults have a bright orange color on the underside of the head and on the throat
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Birds of the Pheasant family are representatives of birds of small and medium size. They differ from grouse in the bare metatarsus (part of the leg from the lower leg to the toes) or plumage in its upper part. In addition, they have longer legs, which allows them to run fast
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Red-Eyed is a coastal fish found in all oceans. For example, the southern species (Emmelichthys nitidus) lives off the coast of Australia, Chile, Africa and New Zealand, and its juveniles are also found in the open ocean. Basically, the whole family is distributed in tropical and subtropical regions
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Mostly the weasel is nocturnal, but if she sees no danger for herself, she can hunt during the day. She perfectly runs, swims, jumps and climbs trees, but her main strength lies in the ability to climb through the narrowest holes and crevices. For example, she easily chases mice in their own holes
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The hyperglyph fish belongs to the Perch-like order from the Centrolophidae family. There are 6 types in total. The most common of them are Japanese, southern, Antarctic and Atlantic
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Sea hares are nothing more than a European chimera. This is a demersal deep-sea marine fish, which belongs to the subclass of cartilaginous fused-skulled or whole-headed fish. To date, there is one order Chimaeriformes (chimaeriformes)
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Today, scientists believe that the tiny immortal jellyfish Turritopsis nutricula is the only terrestrial organism that can independently rejuvenate and regenerate. And this cycle will be repeated countless times
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The porcupine feeds on tree bark, leaves, needles of coniferous trees, various roots, fruits, seedlings and flowers. For food, they are able to climb a tree 18 m high. Various predators hunt them, these can be foxes, and wolves with coyotes, lynxes, bears, but the main enemies for them are the mustelid family
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Moose fly, moose tick, moose louse, deer bloodsucker - all this is the same insect belonging to the Hippoboscidae family
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Gar fish, or arrow fish, belongs to the genus Sargan. This schooling predator lives off the coast of North Africa and Europe in warm temperate waters. It is also found in the Azov, Black, North, Mediterranean, B altic, Barents Seas. The fish keeps close to the surface of the water. You can watch and admire a flock of garfish for a long time. They swim in undulating curves, and only suddenly they begin to rush to the water's edge, they quickly jump out of it and already wriggle in an air flight
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Knyazhik Siberian is a shrub liana that can rise to 3 m in height with the help of twisted leaf petioles. From June to July, large white flowers appear on it, and from August to September, wide wedge-shaped fruitlets ripen. In its natural habitat, it can be found in Siberia, in the forests of Karelia and the upper reaches of the Volga, in the Tien Shan and Pamir mountains
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The black woodpecker is a sedentary bird, in winter it does not fly away from its "home" and feels as good there as in summer. For habitat, it most often prefers dense coniferous forests, but is also found in deciduous
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It is believed that the culture of "stone tables" originates in India, it was there that the first dolmens appeared, that this trend subsequently spread in two directions. The first of them went across the Mediterranean to the Caucasus, and from there across northern Europe. The second direction is to the north of Africa to Egypt. In the 70s of the last century, more than 2300 dolmens were counted in the Caucasus, they appeared there in the Bronze Age (early and middle periods), and this is the 2nd millennium BC
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Snakehead is a fish that likes to settle in quiet water bodies, choosing places that are snarled or heavily overgrown with algae. He is absolutely not afraid of the lack of oxygen, as he periodically rises to the water surface and swallows air with a special champ. Snakehead fish easily survive even in drained ponds. She rips out a chamber in the mud, smearing it with slime, and buries herself in it in anticipation of the next season
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The white snowberry is unpretentious, frost-resistant, does not require watering. Its decorative berries do not fall from the branches all winter and can be used in dry bouquets
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Many do not know about this amazingly beautiful place, which is a wonderful object of nature and a source of inspiration for poets and artists. This is the territory of the most beautiful sunsets and sunrises, a place where the rarest specimens of birds and animals live. Here are quiet autumn nights and a mysterious, mysterious life with its splashes, rustles and quiet rustles
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The Ussuri taiga, which got its name from the Ussuri River, which flows into the Amur, is especially picturesque