In light of social, political and ethnic issues, the question often arises of who is a mestizo. A person whose blood has Indian and European "roots", or one who belongs to the countries of hot Africa? There are two answers to this question, and each of them will be discussed in the article. It is worth noting that, despite the strictness that modern politicians like to adhere to, over one-fifth of the world's population today are not "pure" representatives of a particular race. So, let's start the explanations and try to understand who the mestizo is.

A person born of an American Indian and a representative of the Negroid race is called a "mestizo". These are the majority of typical Mexicans, residents of the Antilles, the Dominican Republic and the countries of South America. Representatives of this mixed race are also found in the United States (California), as well as in some southern regions of the country. The blood of these people has Spanish and Indian roots, therefore, it gives its owners dark skin, expressive eyes, dark hair. These are the main features that characterize a typical mestizo.

A person born of parents from different racial groups is also considered a mestizo today. Examples of such marriages include the union of an Asian and a Caucasian, a Negro and an Indian, a Caucasian and an Indian, and so on. Based on this, it turns out that "mestizos" are called all people in whose veins the blood of different races flows. Of course, the child from the marriage of an Englishman and a Frenchwoman is not included in this category. In this case, their baby is just an interethnic subject of society, but not a mestizo. A person of mixed blood, as a rule, has a pronounced appearance, in which the features of both parents are combined.
However, it also happens that it is impossible to identify the presence of foreign blood by appearance. We are used to the fact that the vast majority of mestizos live in the Southern Hemisphere, but we forget about the marriages of Europeans and Asians. Children of such parents may have a completely inconspicuous appearance with only a small "hint of the east." Or maybe vice versa - the child will inherit the black narrow eyes of one of the parents, thick straight hair, facial expressions.

Most often, the features of such incest appear in the early years. Mestizo children (photos are given in the article) have a very bright, expressive appearance. In a small face, mainly all the features that are characteristic of both mom and dad are combined. Over the years, a person is "nailed" to one of the parties.
The brightest and most beautiful mestizos are the majority of modern movie and stage stars. Among them one can nameAdriana Lima, a Brazilian model, Candice Swanepoel, a model from South Africa, Natalie Portman, an actress with Middle Eastern and American blood in her veins. Among the stars who are hard to imagine in the role of mestizos, it is worth mentioning Cameron Diaz. European and Indian blood flows in her veins, despite her blue eyes and blond hair. But Leonardo DiCaprio can be considered our compatriot - his grandfather was Russian, and his parents, therefore, were of Slavic-Indian origin.