Have you heard the proverb “meet by clothes - see off by mind”? I think yes. Given the many psychological factors of a person, it is incredibly relevant in the modern world. When a person sees you for the first time, he still cannot assess your intellect and mental abilities, therefore, he fixes only a visual "picture" in his mind. Later, after talking, he may well change his mind for the worse and better. But it should be noted that scientists have proven that the main attitude towards a person is formed during the first minute after meeting. So don't waste your time!

The proverb “meet by clothes - see off by mind”, the meaning of which is taken too literally by some people, made many people acquire a huge number of complexes. In general, most boys and girls are able to be self-critical about their appearance. But often they forget that their deep inner world cannot be seen immediately. As a result, these guys gain courage and purposefully go to get acquainted with often much more successful/beautiful/rich members of the opposite sex. Andreceive "turn from the gate." Modern youth is so obsessed with appearance, newfangled gadgets and financial situation in general that those who do not have all this are ignored at best. Probably, only the first part of the saying is generally suitable for such superficial people, because they do not even give the person who they initially did not like the opportunity to tell about themselves.

In fact, in the age of the Internet, it is not so difficult to look good without having a significant material base for this. You can even walk through second-hand shops, sometimes you can find branded ones there, and, most importantly, brand new beautiful things. Put yourself in order, then the first impression will be positive, and you will be able to tell about yourself in more detail.
Of course, many people deny the words: "meet by clothes, but see off by mind." They are sure that appearance is not the main thing, so you should not judge a person by it. On the one hand, this is true, but, as I said, it is not a fact that you will be given the opportunity to demonstrate yourself and your best qualities. By the way, often those who look good are forgiven for certain intellectual errors.

Recently, the desire to improve ready-made clothes purchased in the store has become very widespread. In this case, if you follow the floorboard “meet by clothes - see off by mind”, you will kill two birds with one stone. Here you can show youringenuity, demonstrate taste. From this point of view, look at the things that you have. Something can be changed, decorated, redone - and a thing that is already a little tired will suddenly delight you with its novelty.
So, is it really "meet by clothes - see off by the mind"? I think so, although very often there are exceptions. Do not blindly follow this rule, develop not only external, but also internal qualities, then everything in your life will be just fine.