Culture 2024, October

Night club "Leningrad" in Moscow

Night club "Leningrad" in Moscow

In June 2011, a new disco club "Leningrad" was opened in Moscow. It has everything to have a good rest on the weekend before the working week. It does not matter what type of leisure you prefer: active or passive

Statuses about friends with meaning: original statements for social networks

Statuses about friends with meaning: original statements for social networks

It is hard to imagine human life without friendship and love. Without the joy of their presence and despair at the loss. Statuses about friends with meaning can tell about such acquaintances, but still not fully understood due to their versatility in relationships

Goy is an insult?

Goy is an insult?

A word that can only be heard from people of Jewish origin. And there are a lot of opinions about him. Some people think it's an insult. And someone is looking for answers in more cultural sources

228: What does this number mean?

228: What does this number mean?

228 is the designation for a sort of subculture popular among young people aged 11 to 18. It is expressed in admiration for nightclubs, the use of hard / soft drugs, rap art of famous drug addicts

Love: definition of love, scientific explanation, opinion of philosophers and quotes about love. What is love?

Love: definition of love, scientific explanation, opinion of philosophers and quotes about love. What is love?

In this article I want to talk about what love is. The definition of love from a scientific point of view, love in philosophy and literature, in the bible and according to the opinions of ordinary people - all this can be read in the text below

Proverbs about a person - their deep meaning and wide variety

Proverbs about a person - their deep meaning and wide variety

Proverbs about a person are phrases with a very deep meaning. There are short phrases, literally three or four words, and there are whole quotes, consisting of several sentences. But they all carry a very deep meaning. And absolutely everyone knows him

Who is grandfather Pikhto - the secret is revealed

Who is grandfather Pikhto - the secret is revealed

"Who, who? Grandfather Fir!". A familiar expression, isn't it? We hear it from an annoyed friend or neighbor, often we say it ourselves. Sometimes in our sayings an unknown grandfather is accompanied by an elderly lady with a firearm (a woman with a gun). These words are so familiar and ordinary that we sometimes do not even think about the origin of these mysterious personalities. In the article we will try to figure out who is grandfather Pikhto and his gray-haired companion?

Mestizos are beautiful people

Mestizos are beautiful people

"Mestizos are beautiful people!" This statement has long been settled in modern culture. You won’t surprise anyone with them, and many current stars openly talk about the blood of which peoples gave such a beautiful type of appearance as theirs. But it wasn't always like that

Melody: what does this concept mean?

Melody: what does this concept mean?

It's no secret that absolutely all people listen to music. One way or another, listeners single out the main line in the composition, which is harmoniously perceived by ear. Most often it is called a melody. What is it in terms of classical interpretations and modern musical canons?

Prepare a sleigh in summer (proverb): meaning and examples

Prepare a sleigh in summer (proverb): meaning and examples

Always and almost everyone is told about the benefits of pre-preparation for anything. Moreover, it does not matter at all what is at stake, whether it is agricultural work or passing the session. Folk wisdom has a saying in this regard: prepare a sleigh in the summer (proverb). Let's talk about her today

AZLK Museum: photos and reviews

AZLK Museum: photos and reviews

The legendary AZLK plant in Moscow, on Volgogradsky Prospekt, opened in 1930, was closed due to bankruptcy. Its territory occupied a huge area, which now houses various small enterprises. By the half-century date of the activity of the auto giant, the management of the plant decided to build a museum of AZLK

Sights of Konakovo: photo and description, the most interesting and beautiful places to see, reviews of tourists

Sights of Konakovo: photo and description, the most interesting and beautiful places to see, reviews of tourists

There are many wonderful cities in the Tver region. About one of them - Konakovo - we will tell you today. A huge number of tourists come here: the fact is that the sights of the city of Konakovo are so diverse that they are of great interest to travelers

Delft porcelain: description, production technology, history, photo

Delft porcelain: description, production technology, history, photo

Delft Porcelain is a blue and white ceramic made in the Dutch city of Delft. Products made from such porcelain have long become a city symbol and a very popular souvenir among tourists. About the production technology, the history of appearance and interesting facts will be discussed in this article

What a medieval village looked like. Types and varieties

What a medieval village looked like. Types and varieties

The vast majority of the medieval population lived in villages. In European countries, such settlements were, as it were, templated, and if there were any differences between them (depending on countries and cities), then they were quite insignificant

A rabbi is a person who knows how to interpret Jewish law

A rabbi is a person who knows how to interpret Jewish law

The meaning of the word "rabbi" confuses many. Whom do Jews call so - a preacher, a clergyman, or just a person who knows the Torah well? This question is answered in different ways and often quite contradictory. To understand everything thoroughly, let's try to figure it out together

Azerbaijani national costume for women and men: photo and description

Azerbaijani national costume for women and men: photo and description

The national costume of each country is formed under the influence of historical factors that, to one degree or another, influenced the development of the state. Hats, tailoring of costumes, choice of patterns and color palette reflect the material and spiritual values of the people

Male French names and their meanings

Male French names and their meanings

Male French names are one of the most beautiful and harmonious sounding. Alain Delon, Bertrand Blier, Mathilde Seigner… Their pronunciation reflects all the charm of France, its sophistication and attractiveness. How the names were formed, we will consider their meaning in this article

7 frightening rituals of Mexican Indians

7 frightening rituals of Mexican Indians

One of the most mysterious Mexican Indian tribes is the Aztecs. Their faith in the gods was unshakable, and the gods themselves are terribly bloodthirsty. This "symbiosis" gave birth to frightening rituals and countless sacrifices

Why the Chinese have narrow eyes: scientific facts and unexpected hypotheses

Why the Chinese have narrow eyes: scientific facts and unexpected hypotheses

Answering a child's question "why do the Chinese have narrow eyes?", one could easily dismiss it: precisely because the earth is round, the grass is green, and the hare has long ears. Is it really that important differences between people? We are all different, nature (or, if you like, God) created us that way. But the human mind tries to find logic in everything, and this is quite natural

Mammoth Museum: list, addresses, exhibits, interesting excursions, unusual facts, description with photos, reviews and travel tips

Mammoth Museum: list, addresses, exhibits, interesting excursions, unusual facts, description with photos, reviews and travel tips

In the north of Russia there is an absolutely unique Mammoth Museum, numerous exhibits of which have no analogues in the whole world. By visiting it, you will get to know closely the life and habits of ancient animals that once lived on our planet

Murmansk Regional Art Museum: address, permanent exhibition

Murmansk Regional Art Museum: address, permanent exhibition

The Murmansk Regional Art Museum is one of the largest art collections in the region. Despite its relatively young age, it plays an important cultural and educational role in the life of the city. In addition, the object is among its most interesting tourist sites

A parable of conscience. Wise and short parables

A parable of conscience. Wise and short parables

In everyone's life there come moments when you want to reflect on the meaning of your existence, the importance of relationships with people and the main human values. Then short allegorical stories come to the rescue, in which a certain moral teaching is concluded. They are very close to fables. As V. Dal argued, such teaching by example is a special literary genre of the epic - a parable. There are a huge number of stories on the topic of "conscience", but in this article we will talk about the most common

Lyublinskoye cemetery - one of the oldest necropolises in Moscow

Lyublinskoye cemetery - one of the oldest necropolises in Moscow

Lyublinskoye Cemetery is located in the South-Eastern District of Moscow. Not everyone knows that this ancient necropolis was founded in 1635. Today it has a memorial status, but despite this fact, relatives and family burials are still held here

Scheme of the hall of the recreation center "Vyborgsky": theater and small halls

Scheme of the hall of the recreation center "Vyborgsky": theater and small halls

The Palace of Culture "Vyborgsky" in St. Petersburg is undoubtedly one of the cultural attractions of this city. It not only has a rich and interesting history, but to this day a real cultural and educational life is in full swing in it

Actress Linda Tabagari: the path from the podium to the cameras

Actress Linda Tabagari: the path from the podium to the cameras

In 2006, the first episode of the series "Kadetstvo", which later became very popular, was shown on the STS channel. In the second season, the main character Maxim Makarov has a girlfriend, Rita Pogodina, whose role was brilliantly played by a very young actress Linda Tabagari

Monument to Alexander 3 in Irkutsk: history of creation, location

Monument to Alexander 3 in Irkutsk: history of creation, location

Alexander III - Russian Tsar, whose years of reign fell at the end of the 19th century. After him, his son, Nicholas II, ascended the throne, who decided to perpetuate the memory of his father. As a result, monuments to Alexander III appeared in different cities. One of them was installed in Irkutsk, but by the will of fate it stood there for only 12 years. However, at present, the monument to Alexander III again stands in its old place. You will learn more about all these historical events by reading this article

Young Spectator's Theatre. Voronezh is a city of theaters for children and adults

Young Spectator's Theatre. Voronezh is a city of theaters for children and adults

Voronezh Youth Theater is a place that not every resident of the city knows about. But what is the history of the first theater for kids hiding behind? Let's deal with the past and present of the theater for young spectators in Voronezh

The scariest man in the world. Photo of the scariest person

The scariest man in the world. Photo of the scariest person

There really are individuals on earth who have exceptional appearance. Let's get acquainted with the most terrible and cruel people on the planet

The origin of the Danilov surname: history, versions, meaning

The origin of the Danilov surname: history, versions, meaning

In our article today we will talk about the name Danilov, the origin, meaning and history. To restore the history of the family, you need to have information about previous generations. In our time, it is difficult to establish the exact place and time of the origin of the surname. The formation of hereditary names was a long process, which in our country began around the 16th century and ended only at the beginning of the 20th century

Origin and meaning of the name Valery

Origin and meaning of the name Valery

The name of a person carries many secrets. And sometimes his fate depends on how the parents named the child. The meaning of the name Valery will be discussed in this article. Such girls achieve success in many ways. They are wonderful hosts and true friends. We will talk in more detail about the name Valery, origin and meaning further. Let's weigh the pros and cons, try to find out whether it is necessary to name the girl or whether it is worth abstaining

"Vasa": ship museum in Stockholm and its history. Photos and reviews of tourists

"Vasa": ship museum in Stockholm and its history. Photos and reviews of tourists

Two scarlet-colored structures rise up above the dark roof of the structure, reminiscent of the masts of a ship. This is "Vasa" - a museum of one exhibit. "Vasa" is a ship of the 17th century. His wooden constructions were saved almost one hundred percent

Ziggurat - what is it? Symbolism of ziggurats architecture

Ziggurat - what is it? Symbolism of ziggurats architecture

Ziggurat is a massive architectural structure, consisting of several tiers. Most of these buildings were erected by the peoples of ancient Mesopotamia. The most famous ziggurat is the Tower of Babel

Museum of Russian Impressionism: description, collections and interesting facts

Museum of Russian Impressionism: description, collections and interesting facts

At the end of May 2016, there were reports in the press about the opening of a new cultural facility on the territory of the former Bolshevik confectionery factory. The Museum of Russian Impressionism invites everyone to see the paintings of famous artists who worked at the turn of the century before last and the last, and take part in various educational events

Fashion Museum in Moscow: history of creation, exhibitions, address, how to get there

Fashion Museum in Moscow: history of creation, exhibitions, address, how to get there

The Fashion Museum in Moscow: when and why did it appear? Where is he located? Who is working on the replenishment of funds? These and other questions are answered in their reviews by visitors who have already visited an unusual museum

LGBT - what does the abbreviation mean, and what is the LGBT movement

LGBT - what does the abbreviation mean, and what is the LGBT movement

A couple of decades ago, the term LGBT appeared, which means "lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender" for short. The first three positions refer to a person's sexual orientation, the fourth to their gender identity