What does the Georgian cross mean on a car?

What does the Georgian cross mean on a car?
What does the Georgian cross mean on a car?

Some people who see cars with a cross in a circle on the roads are perplexed: what does this mean? Not everyone knows what this symbol carries in itself, so they begin to build their own versions, which are sometimes very far from the truth. Some even attribute this sign to Masonic or sectarian symbols. In fact, this sign is nothing more than a Georgian Orthodox cross. What does it mean and why is it glued to cars, let's try to figure it out in this article.

The main religion in Georgia

The dominant religion in Georgia is Orthodox Christianity. Moreover, she came to Georgia much earlier than the baptism of Kievan Rus. The formation of Christianity in the country underwent certain difficulties, but already in the 4th century this religion took a firm position. On the territory of Georgia there is a huge number of temples and churches that play a huge role in people's lives.

Georgian cross
Georgian cross

A large number of pilgrims from various countries are sent to this country to visit Christian shrines. Georgians are very sensitive to their religion. Howeverat the same time, they are quite loyal to others. Catholics, Muslims and Jews coexist peacefully along with Christians on the territory of the country. Thus, Christian dogmas are observed in Georgia, one of which says: “Be tolerant of each other.”

Georgian cross

He has another name - Bolnisi. This type of cross has been used in Georgia since the 5th century. The Georgian cross is isosceles, it has flared sleeves.

Georgian cross on a car
Georgian cross on a car

This symbol is enclosed in a round frame. There is evidence that the Bolnisi cross appeared during the time of Constantine the Great. It was he who allowed the free practice of the Christian religion in Georgia in 313.

For the first time such a cross was depicted on the facade of the temple called Bolnisi Sioni. It was built at the end of the 5th century in the historical province of the country. Hence the name - Bolnisi, since crosses of this form were used in the decoration of the temple.

georgian orthodox cross
georgian orthodox cross

From then until now, the Bolnisi cross has been used everywhere in Georgia.

Georgian cross on the car. What doesmean

If you saw a car on the road, which depicts a cross enclosed in a round frame, it means that the owner of the car is a believer, usually of Georgian nationality. Most likely, the car was consecrated in the Church, since when a car is consecrated in Georgia, an image of the Bolnisi cross is pasted on it. It may also be that the owner of the car simply buys a sticker withGeorgian cross and sticks it on his own, as a sign of his faith. In any case, this sign does not carry any malicious intent. It should not be confused with sectarian symbols - it has nothing to do with them. A Georgian cross for a car can be purchased at a Georgian church shop or ordered online.

It is possible, of course, that the car was bought, and the new owner simply did not remove the sticker for some reason. In this case, the Bolnisi cross on the car may have nothing to do with the faith of its owner.

Why you need to bless your car

Consecrating the car, you need to understand that this ritual is not accepted to be perceived as some kind of magical action that can save the car from an accident and other troubles. Although undoubtedly, people pursue precisely these goals. The consecration of any thing is necessary in order to show that a person dedicates it, as well as his thoughts and deeds to God. Consecrating the car, you need to realize that it is just a means of transportation. Coming to the priest for this requirement - come to God, first of all, it is you, and not a mountain of iron.

georgian cross on a car what does it mean
georgian cross on a car what does it mean

True faith can work miracles, and it is she who will help you avoid accidents on the road. If the ritual is carried out simply as a tribute to fashion, there will be little sense from it. The Church does not deal with magic and the conspiracy of things. It is impossible to "talk" a car or any other property. That is why it is necessary to consciously approach this issue so that the consecration of the car does not become just a ritual.


The Georgian cross on a car is a sign of the Orthodox faith. Whether a person has consecrated his car, or simply pasted an image - in any case, he considers himself an Orthodox Christian, and wants to demonstrate this to others. And there is nothing wrong with that, as the Christian religion preaches peace, love and kindness. Accordingly, the person behind the wheel is likely to also adhere to these values. Although for people who are far from religion, the Bolnisi cross on a car will only tell that a person of a certain nationality is most likely driving, and hardly anyone will delve into the issues of his faith. Thus, the Bolnisi cross on a car for religious people will testify to the Orthodox faith of the owner of the car, and for atheists it will determine whether the person behind the wheel belongs to the Georgian nationality.
