
Valeria Lukyanova (Valeria Lukyanova) - Barbie girl from Odessa: photo and personal life

Valeria Lukyanova (Valeria Lukyanova) - Barbie girl from Odessa: photo and personal life

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

From the moment the Barbie doll appeared on store shelves, more than fifty-five years have passed, but they still try to imitate her image. Such is Valeria Lukyanova - a girl from Odessa, who became famous all over the world thanks to her non-standard appearance

What is fandom. The meaning of the word "fandom"

What is fandom. The meaning of the word "fandom"

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Probably there are few people left these days who don't know what a fandom is. Everyone who leads an active life on the Internet and communicates on forums, as a rule, is a member of a community of interest and thus supports this interesting phenomenon, which has been developing especially actively lately. Let's once again talk about fandoms and what still unites people inside them

Harmony. Elements of harmony. Unity of soul, body and mind

Harmony. Elements of harmony. Unity of soul, body and mind

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Achieving harmony means peace of mind, finding a balance between the two elements of human existence - soul and body. This is when a person feels confident and calm, positively relates to others and perceives the world as it is. It is not difficult to let harmony into your life, for this you will have to radically change the course of your existence, but the calm and happiness that awaits you at your destination more than compensate for the path traveled

Sverdlovsk Philharmonic: description, history

Sverdlovsk Philharmonic: description, history

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The Sverdlovsk Philharmonic is a cultural treasure of the city. Posters are constantly replenished with big names. The Philharmonic building has an interesting history. Keeping up with the times, it has become one of the musical centers of the country

Grace - what is it? Meaning and usage examples

Grace - what is it? Meaning and usage examples

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

People ask, "What is mercy?" Because the world is mostly harsh and unfair. In fact, he was almost always like that. Only Adam and Eve tasted the fruits of the trees of paradise, and we are forced to live in suffering, deprivation and pain, relying only on the mercy of God. And since the position of a person is unenviable, it would be nice to know what “mercy” is

Kiwi is a bird that cannot fly

Kiwi is a bird that cannot fly

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The unique kiwi bird lives only in New Zealand. She leads a secretive lifestyle, and therefore it is problematic to meet her in nature. Kiwis are the only representatives of ratites, they are wingless and unable to fly

Art Museum, Sochi: description, exposition, opening hours

Art Museum, Sochi: description, exposition, opening hours

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The Art Museum (Sochi) has been operating for more than 30 years, during which time a lot of work has been done to form three permanent exhibitions of fine art, exhibitions and excursions are held

International integration. Definition, causes, forms of manifestation

International integration. Definition, causes, forms of manifestation

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Society is a dynamic system in which certain changes always occur, leading either to development or regression. These changes are often so contradictory that it is only possible to say whether they contributed to the improvement or, conversely, negatively affected society, only after some time. One of these phenomena can be called interethnic integration, the trends towards which are now becoming more and more pronounced. About what it is, read the article

Museum of Nature, Cherepovets: photo, description, address and reviews

Museum of Nature, Cherepovets: photo, description, address and reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The Cherepovets Nature Museum is a place that you should definitely visit if you have already visited this city - a large industrial center of the Vologda Oblast. The museum presents a collection of stuffed animals, thanks to which you can get acquainted with the fauna of the region. Rich collections of paleontological finds, including mammoth bones and skull, as well as herbariums, insect collections and much more make visiting the museum an exciting pastime

Origin of the surname Shulga, meaning, nationality, distribution

Origin of the surname Shulga, meaning, nationality, distribution

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Think about whether you are well aware of who your ancestors were, what they did, where they lived, and finally, do you know the origin of your last name, because this is your family name, it is inherited and he also has its own history. If you are interested in the origin of the Shulga surname, then you just need to read the article to the end, it already contains all the material about the meaning, history of the surname, about where and when it could appear

Regional center for tourism ecology and local history in Stavropol - here they teach to love nature

Regional center for tourism ecology and local history in Stavropol - here they teach to love nature

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

More people realize the importance of a responsible attitude to nature, and more and more parents want to instill this quality in their children. in the Regional Center for Tourism Ecology and Local History in Stavropol can help with this difficult task. How? Read the article and find out

Russian paganism - description, history and interesting facts

Russian paganism - description, history and interesting facts

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Russian paganism originated in ancient times. People of those times deified the forces of nature and worshiped them. A lot of information about the rites of those times was destroyed during the era of Christianization. But they remained in the memory of the people and have come down to our days in the form of customs and signs

French man: typical traits, behaviors, similarities and differences in cultures

French man: typical traits, behaviors, similarities and differences in cultures

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Many girls dream of marrying a foreigner. Some want to conquer the French man. But for that. to make the dream come true, you should know what makes the French special. We talk about it in our material

Moldovans are Origin, appearance, characteristics, numbers and features of mentality

Moldovans are Origin, appearance, characteristics, numbers and features of mentality

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Which post-Soviet countries do Russian tourists choose when traveling on their own? In 2017, Moldova entered the top 4 popular destinations. And this is quite understandable. Travelers can not only see the sights, taste national dishes and wine, but also get to know the Moldovans themselves, plunging into the atmosphere of national color

Art in the Far East: Art Museum in Khabarovsk

Art in the Far East: Art Museum in Khabarovsk

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The Art Museum of Khabarovsk is the pride of the townspeople and the whole region. Tens of thousands of unique works of art are presented in the old mansion: Russian and European, ancient and modern. The museum is actively engaged in educational activities, offering visitors exciting excursions, lectures, master classes

Obscene is Meaning, origin, synonyms of the word

Obscene is Meaning, origin, synonyms of the word

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Russian is one of the most difficult languages in the world. And, at the same time, one of the richest. The Big Academic Dictionary of the Russian Language has more than one hundred and thirty thousand words, and how many derivatives from them, and how many more words have not been included in the dictionary for one reason or another. Now compare this number with the vocabulary of an average native speaker, it is only ten to twenty thousand words (and passive, that is, the number of words familiar to a person

Description of the appearance and characteristics of a Chinese person

Description of the appearance and characteristics of a Chinese person

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

An experienced tourist will unmistakably identify a group from China in the crowd of tourists. There are always a lot of Chinese, they keep themselves in a noisy crowd, constantly take pictures and behave, from the point of view of Europeans, a little shamelessly. We will tell you what a Chinese person looks like and how modern representatives of an ancient civilization live

A useful day off: choosing a museum (Mytishchi)

A useful day off: choosing a museum (Mytishchi)

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Mytishchi, located 20 km from the center of Moscow, is not only a satellite city, but also a regional center of science and culture. The city has several museums and an art gallery. Museums in Mytishchi are aimed at adults and children, so a weekend or a free weekday can be spent with an educational bias. And the whole family will be interested

The most beautiful royal names: female and male

The most beautiful royal names: female and male

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Many people are interested to know what beautiful royal names there are. Indeed, in our time, the theme of kings and kings is popular. There is something attractive about these "superhumans". People love to create idols for themselves. They really want to know what the royal beautiful names, female and male, mean

Take note: Museum of gems on the People's Militia (Moscow)

Take note: Museum of gems on the People's Militia (Moscow)

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

On the ground floor of an ordinary residential building is a gem museum (on the People's Militia). The museum presents a unique collection of rocks, stones, gems, which is of interest not only to professionals. The collection collected over 40 years surprises with the richness of mineral resources and the possibilities of their artistic use. The museum has a hall with paleontological finds

Museum of Organic Culture: description, address and opening hours

Museum of Organic Culture: description, address and opening hours

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The Museum of Organic Culture invites guests to interesting exhibitions where you can see original and worthy works. There are three divisions, each of which will allow you to learn a lot of new things. There are also art objects in the courtyard of the museum

Gothic sculpture: style description, features, photos

Gothic sculpture: style description, features, photos

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Gothic is a period in the development of art that existed in Central, Western and partly in Eastern Europe in the Middle Ages. She changed the Romanesque style, gradually replacing it. Gothic refers to all the works of that period: painting, sculpture, frescoes, stained glass windows, book miniatures. Often this style is characterized as "eerily majestic"

The best museums in St. Petersburg: rating, description

The best museums in St. Petersburg: rating, description

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

St. Petersburg is the cultural capital, the center of which is full of memorable sights. Tourists flock here from all over the world in search of historical facts, traditions and features of the life of Northern Palmyra and Russia as a whole. The article below provides a list of the best museums in St. Petersburg, which are worth visiting for any inhabitant of the planet who is not indifferent to history and culture

Kasteev Art Museum. Expositions, opening hours, tickets

Kasteev Art Museum. Expositions, opening hours, tickets

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

And people who often visit art museums will agree that each of them has its own special unique features, despite the similar themes. Somewhere more attention is paid to contemporary artists, somewhere to the classics. But in the museum named after Albikhan Kasteev, national color is of great importance. Do you want to plunge into the atmosphere of Kazakh creativity? Then you should definitely visit this gallery

Semiotic approach to understanding culture. Semiotic concept of culture

Semiotic approach to understanding culture. Semiotic concept of culture

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The semiotic approach in cultural studies is closely associated with sign means in the process of communication and tract phenomena through them. They carry certain information. semiotic approach defines culture as a sign system with a strict hierarchy

Social culture is Definition, concept, foundations and functions performed in society

Social culture is Definition, concept, foundations and functions performed in society

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Social culture is a system of social norms and rules, knowledge and values by which people exist in society. Although it does not cover a wide range of human life, it perfectly combines both spiritual and moral values. It is also interpreted as a creative activity, which is aimed at their creation. Such a concept is necessary for a person to designate the primary function of the culture of society

Adyghe: religion, numbers, traditions and customs

Adyghe: religion, numbers, traditions and customs

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Adyghe people are considered one of the most ancient in the world. Many people considered them "aristocrats of the mountains" or "French of the Caucasus". Adyghe women have always embodied the ideals of beauty, and men have been the standard of masculinity. In our article we will talk about what kind of religion the Adyghes have, what is the number and history of the people, what are the features of the traditions and customs of the ethnic group, and much more

"House of Folk Art", Tver: history, contacts, opening hours

"House of Folk Art", Tver: history, contacts, opening hours

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Dance and music groups, known throughout the region, an exhibition center, a number of large-scale creative festivals, competitions, concerts, support for cultural palaces. All this and much more is an integral part of the activities of the House of Folk Art in Tver

The General Staff building in St. Petersburg: beauty inside and out

The General Staff building in St. Petersburg: beauty inside and out

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The magnificent arch through which you can exit from Palace Square to Nevsky Prospekt is known to many. However, not everyone knows that it is part of the architectural ensemble - the building of the General Staff in St. Petersburg, which accommodates not only the command of the western district, but also the exhibition halls of the Hermitage

Ensemble "Vatan": fiery dances of Dagestan

Ensemble "Vatan": fiery dances of Dagestan

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

"Vatan" is one of the most colorful dance ensembles in Russia. Moreover, he is known even abroad, because the guys have repeatedly become laureates of international competitions. The guys perform colorful national dances with all the passion and fervor of the Caucasian mentality. It is not surprising that the masters of their craft have won the hearts of many, many viewers

Sushnyak - what is it? Multiple word meanings

Sushnyak - what is it? Multiple word meanings

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Sushnyak - these are several meanings that the word takes in different areas, population groups and situations. What do dictionaries say about him? The general meaning of the word is thirst after drinking alcohol. Examples of the use of the word by Siberians, foresters, students

Palace of railway workers in Minsk - a place of family leisure

Palace of railway workers in Minsk - a place of family leisure

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

In Minsk, as in any self-respecting city, the authorities make sure that the residents feel comfortable. To provide them not only with a place of work, but also with a way of leisure. Moreover, such that the pastime of the townspeople was not only pleasant, but also useful. Having visited the Palace of Railway Workers in Minsk, you will be convinced that the management copes with this task

The Kasteev Museum in Almaty is the home of Kazakh art

The Kasteev Museum in Almaty is the home of Kazakh art

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The Abilkhan Kasteev Museum is the largest art museum in Kazakhstan. And this is not just a repository, but a whole research, cultural and educational center. Here you can not only look at works of art, but also learn a lot of new things, try yourself as an artist. Want to know more? Then read the article until the end

Internationalization of culture: the concept, what is connected with

Internationalization of culture: the concept, what is connected with

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The internationalization of a culture is the process by which the specificity of a culture ceases to exist, it becomes similar to others identical to itself. Differences disappear, so culture can become global. This process carries a number of disadvantages and positive aspects for people. What is the internationalization of culture?

Travel in style: Dresden State Art Collections

Travel in style: Dresden State Art Collections

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The State Art Collections of Dresden are unique collections of porcelain and jewelry, scientific instruments, weapons, sculptures and paintings by artists who have been working for 8 centuries. The collection includes 15 museums, but when visiting, keep in mind that each of them has its own work schedule. Museums are free for children

Crimean Philharmonic, Simferopol: address, repertoire

Crimean Philharmonic, Simferopol: address, repertoire

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

"Music is meant to create a flame in the soul," said the great composer Ludwig van Beethoven. And for this it is not at all necessary to compose and even perform it. In order to feel the magical influence of music, it is enough to listen to it. It is very important where you do it. An excellent option would be the Crimean Philharmonic in Simferopol. It will be discussed in this article

National Bashkir holidays: history, description and traditions

National Bashkir holidays: history, description and traditions

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The ancient Turkic people, the Bashkirs, were able to preserve many traditions, language, rituals over their centuries-old history. Bashkir holidays are a complex mixture of pagan and Muslim origins. The culture of the people was also influenced by the years of existence as part of the Russian Empire and the Soviet past. Let's talk about the main holiday traditions of the Bashkirs and their features

Mother Teresa, Natasha Vodianova, Princess Diana and Dr. Lisa knew and know what mercy is

Mother Teresa, Natasha Vodianova, Princess Diana and Dr. Lisa knew and know what mercy is

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Having met the text with an appeal for help "I am disabled, help me!", will you help or will you think, having assessed the circumstances, to help or not? Is the fact of disability sufficient to help, or do you want to know the circumstances before making a decision?

Nizhny Novgorod, exhibitions: detailed poster

Nizhny Novgorod, exhibitions: detailed poster

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Residents and guests of Nizhny Novgorod are very lucky. They have the opportunity not only to enjoy the beauty of local attractions, but also to visit unique exhibitions. Both local craftsmen and international talents exhibit their exhibits. So, one of the highlights of 2016 was the exhibition of stunning works by South Korean artists ""

Male brutality - is it brute force or simple naturalness?

Male brutality - is it brute force or simple naturalness?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The meaning of some foreign words remains incomprehensible to an uninformed listener or reader. In this article we will consider the meaning of the word "brutality"