It is known that each nation has its own characteristics. According to some of them, one can easily guess from which country this or that person comes from. The French, they say, are unlike anyone else and always stand out from the crowd. And what is special about French men? What are they? Can you recognize them from a distance? Learn from the material below…
Start with a disclaimer
I would like to make a reservation right away before starting the story: you should not think that everything stated in this material will apply to all French men without exception. You can never row everyone one size fits all, and there are always exceptions to every rule. The French, like Russians, Germans, British, Greeks and other nationalities, have their own mentality, which has common features, as a rule, observed in most representatives of this nation. However, there are, of course, those who do not fit the description below.
About some character traits
What traits do French men have? It is believed that France is the most romantic country, and its inhabitants, respectively, are full of this veryromance almost to the ears. However, in reality this is not entirely true. Unpredictable actions, violently expressed emotions and confessions of feelings - all this cannot be found in a standard average French man. He can surprise his chosen one only if he is really in love and has serious intentions (we will talk about these intentions separately). In general, the French rely more on the voice of reason than on the heart, and they are characterized by a rational model of behavior.

The French easily relate to almost all events in their lives, often laugh at themselves and generally perceive what is happening with irony and laughter. This is a rather positive, and most importantly, people who do not blow a molehill out of a fly. Any seemingly insoluble problem, but in fact - a trifle, French men (see photos of representatives of this nationality in the review) are able to translate into a joke. However, you need to understand: if the issue is really serious and requires a quick solution and the right actions, you can always rely on the Frenchman.
Another character trait of the French follows from the previous one - this is positivity and cheerfulness. They, like children, know how to enjoy absolutely everything, to be surprised at seemingly simple, ordinary things and to see something special in them. They love life with all its manifestations and are happy with every new day, being able to find positive features in everything. This feature contrasts very sharply with the Russian character and Russian people - always gloomy, angry and very dissatisfied and preoccupied with something.
Main Feature
The main thing that distinguishes French men from others is their incredibly huge self-esteem. He is terribly concerned about how he looks in the eyes of others - both externally and internally. It is extremely important for a Frenchman to make a lasting impression on others - only in a good, of course, sense. He must be the best always and in everything! - this is his motto, life credo. And the Frenchman will demand the same ideality, impeccability and impeccability from his own family - after all, they must correspond to him in everything and even have small talk at the family table, and not remember funny cases that happened to one of the family members. So, summing up the speech about this character trait, we can safely say: the ego of French men (photos of some representatives are presented in the article) is inflated as it should.
About some cons
But what the French lack is generosity, which, on the contrary, is so inherent in Russians. This is due to the exorbitant ego we talked about above. The Frenchman will not miss his, he will fight to the last. This is especially true of money, inheritance, division of property - in general, any financial issues. Like a lion, a French man will rush with his chest at those who dare to encroach on what should belong only to him.

The Frenchman is greedy. Cat Matroskin and Uncle Scrooge McDuck in one bottle - this is how you can describe this prudent, thrifty person. The Frenchman saves literally on everything he can (but not onlook like a needle; however, we will return to this later). It is not uncommon in France for situations when, when going to a restaurant, a man pays only for himself, while a lady pays for her order on her own. And also, if a man has already invited a woman to dinner and it’s definitely impossible to pay for it together, he can take her to one of the most famous cafes, where celebrities and tourists go. This feint works especially well if the girl is younger and lower on the social ladder.
While a young fool, with her pretty mouth open, will stare around and admire, a French man will promptly buy one salad for two (the girl doesn’t eat much, and how romantic it is - eat together from one plate!) And bring a plate of free bread - it is always given free of charge in such establishments. So I fed, and brought out into the world, and saved! The generosity of the French is not in the blood and not in high esteem, although sometimes, of course, they are capable of grand gestures. Perhaps the notorious emancipation also played a role here - since a woman is on an equal footing with a man, let her be on an equal footing in financial terms.
The French say almost nothing for sure. In their speech, one can often find the subjunctive mood using the particle "would": if, maybe, it would be nice, and so on. They are also very independent and do not tolerate when their desires are imposed on them.
A little about chivalry
Who among us was not fond of the books of Alexandre Dumas about the musketeers, who did not live life with these brave sword owners! No wonder that thanks to the musketeers about the Frenchthere was a certain stereotypical opinion about knights who, above all, honor honor and a lady. Let's not hide, there is still something from the knights in modern French men - for example, good breeding, politeness and gallant behavior towards a woman. Opening a car door or holding a store door, giving a hand, bringing a coat - these things are everyday and common for French men and do not cause problems for them - as for the inhabitants of our country. But you don’t need to take it personally if an unfamiliar man in France gave you a hand when leaving, for example, from public transport. He has not fallen in love and is not trying to show you signs of attention in this way, he is simply well-mannered and observes the rules of etiquette in relation to all women.
Family Life
So we are back to talking about serious intentions. Those among French bachelors happen quite late - when they have plenty of work up and realize that they are ripe for making a nest. Often this happens already in adulthood, so late marriages are common in France. Moreover, such a feature of the character of a French man as the ability to firmly stand his ground often leads to awkward situations. If, for example, a Frenchman decides to get married at 35, he will get married at that age, and even if he met his ideal girl at 20, it is unlikely that this meeting will change his decision. He will date her for fifteen years, but will not call her in marriage before this date.

The French also have certain requirements for potential spouses. For example, financial independence - so that the wife does not sit on his neck (we have already talked about greed and emancipation above). In addition, the French, as a rule, love housewives, economic women who know how to lead a life with a firm hand and keep the house in order and cleanliness. Also, a candidate for a wife must understand that the husband in the family is the main one. He must be honored, obeyed, admired and pitied when required. In turn, the wife has the right to expect help from her husband around the house and with children - and, as a rule, she receives this help without any problems. And the Frenchman will not be indignant if his wife did not manage to cook this or that dish. Of course, he will initially expect from her the ability to cook various dishes (the French are noble gourmets and simply love to eat delicious food), but if his expectations are not met, he will not be upset, but will consider this an extra reason to go to a restaurant and have fun.
By the way, marriage contracts are often concluded in France. Often, according to its terms, the management of the family budget after marriage passes to the wife, which greatly simplifies her life.
More about differences in mentality
Above, we have already given several examples in the course of the article about the difference between the characters of French and Russian men. Let's talk about a few more. This is, first of all, the attitude towards a woman "over forty". Divorces are not uncommon in Russia precisely because the husband is tired of his aging wife and he found himself a young girl. In France, men get divorced not because their spouse is tired, but because of the desire to change their lives. And they most often take a new wife for themselvessame age as ex-wife. The French generally treat middle-aged women with respect - unlike, again, Russians, for many of whom the main thing in a woman is a beautiful appearance and a sexy figure.

In addition, continuing the speech about the attitude towards women: the French, considering them equal to themselves, absolutely sincerely and attentively listen to everything that women say, talk to them on an equal footing and make sure that a woman always and in all senses was good.
Another difference is that French men groom themselves. And this is not done by those who belong to a non-traditional sexual orientation, but all in order to look good. For the French, it is absolutely normal and natural to smell not of sweat, but of a good and tasty perfume, shave your armpits, use cream. They look after their figure, but not because they want to have pumped up muscles and press, but because they want to be in good shape and not have he alth problems.
What French men look like
We talked about the character, let's move on to the appearance. For French men, appearance is very important, they all adhere to the proverb "Meet by clothes, see off by mind", and that is why they try to dress stylishly and elegantly. The "bow" of a Frenchman necessarily implies the presence of accessories - long scarves, umbrellas or canes, bags, glasses in fashionable and / or unusual frames, hats, caps or berets. All this and much more makes the Frenchman easily recognizable among other men and gives a specialuniqueness of his style.

French men often wear various jewelry - not massive gold chains, of course, like the "new Russians", but something discreet and very personal - for example, a gift for a loved one, which can be a bracelet, chain or pendant.
How do French men dress? Bright, and this is another difference from the Russians, who prefer black, gray or brown. Well, at least blue. The color palette of French men's clothes is full of all shades of the rainbow - they also wear pink, not considering this a manifestation of homosexuality. And they choose clothes according to age. A Frenchman over thirty will no longer wear sneakers and a tracksuit, he will prefer good shoes, a polo and a coat.
The Frenchman's favorite wardrobe item is his shoes. They probably spend the most money on it. Dear, stylish and beautiful - no sandals in the hole, no pointy shoes, or anything else "in the latest fashion." Shoes for a French man are a fetish. And a fetish for them is their hair. They try to always look like they spent no more than one minute in front of the mirror, even if they actually spent three hours. The French almost do not make short haircuts, preferring to grow their hair, which they then style with spectacular curls that fall over the forehead and eyes. In addition, French guys love beards - not kilometer and unkempt, but neat little beards or light stubble.
Handsome French men: who are they?
WhatThe French are beautiful - many say. The most suitable people to confirm this are the French actors. These men are famous and popular, but for sure not everyone knows that he comes from the country of musketeers.
Meanwhile, this list includes a large number of names. Here are just a few of them.
Examples of French actors
Pro Alain Delon, perhaps, is known to all, and hardly anyone will object that he is not one of the most handsome French men. In addition to him, you can name Vincent Cassel and Gerard Depardieu, Jean Dujardin and Pierre Richard, Jean-Paul Belmondo and Jean Reno, Christian Clavier and Dani Boone, Omar Sy and Guillaume Canet, Luc Besson and Francois Ozon … The list goes on and on. But do not forget about the French actors who have already passed away.

They were no less beautiful than those alive to this day. These are, for example, Louis de Funes and Jean Marais, Yves Montand and Gerard Philip, Francois Truffaut and Jean-Louis Barrault and so on.
Interesting facts about the French
- The French prefer sweet breakfasts like croissants. They are usually dipped in coffee.
- They are very fond of receiving and sending postcards - by regular mail.
- Sunday is a family day for the French. Shops are mostly closed.
- The French love Russian art - especially literature.
- Most French people dream of going to live in Canada.
- The French keep utility bills, which they often save on, all their lives. And in general, they are very jealous ofany documents.

This is the information about the French men. And let it be useful to someone when meeting and communicating with them!