The law on the development and preservation of folk cultural traditions was adopted in the Tver region in 2011. However, the regional House of Folk Art of Tver has been working in this area for many years. With its support, a whole range of regional events in the field of culture and art is being held.
Event Calendar
In the mid-70s. of the last century, it was transformed into a scientific and methodological center for cultural and educational work and remained in this status for almost twenty years. During this period, creative teams of the region became active participants in all-Union and all-Russian reviews and festivals of amateur performances. Traditions have developed for holding regional holidays of folklore, wind music, dance and song, and art exhibitions.

Today, the institution is engaged in active creative, organizational, research, methodological activities, oversees more than 800 cultural organizations. The official address of the House of Folk Art of Tver is Sovetskaya,42.
Main areas of work
Currently, the structure of the House of Creativity includes an exhibition center, creative teams, departments of artistic creativity, organizational, mass, informational and analytical work.
Key activities include:
- organization of festivals, competitions, reviews, cultural events;
- coordination of the processes of preservation and development of folk art in cooperation with regional cultural institutions;
- implementation of projects aimed at the development of traditional culture;
- interregional and international cooperation on participation in events dedicated to the preservation of the traditions of folk art;
- collection and systematization of cultural heritage objects and samples of folk art;
- organization of methodological forums, seminars, master classes, round tables, conferences;
- publication of educational and methodological manuals for organizing the activities of creative teams and studios;
- formation of a database of creative teams by genre, collection of materials to provide the title of "folk team".
For more information, please call the Regional House of Folk Art of Tver, listed on the official website.
Working hours: weekdays, from 9 am to 6 pm with a break for lunch.

Complex of events
The poster of the House of Folk Art of Tver includes a huge range of events of various kinds. Many competitions and festivals have been held for decades. The traditional international events coordinated by the institution are:
- amateur vocalists competition named after A. P. Ivanov;
- Folk Instrumental Music Festival;
- "Kablukov's rainbow" (literary meetings).
Exhibitions and folklore holidays of the all-Russian level are regularly held: "Potters of Russia", "The Art of Embroidery", "Trinity festivities".

The range of regional events is unusually wide. In addition to traditional dance and vocal competitions (for example, the regional contest of young pop song performers "Magic Microphone"), the House of Folk Art of Tver also holds events that are very interesting to many visitors:
- photo exhibitions;
- festival-competition of video films;
- exhibitions of folk crafts;
- festival of circus groups;
- Original Art project;
- amateur theater festival;
- recitation contests;
- Children's Film Festival.
Exhibition Center
The Liza Chaikina Museum and Exhibition Complex is a center for the development and preservation of folk culture traditions. Therefore, you can specify one more address of the House of Folk Art of Tver - S altykov-Shchedrin Street, 16 (this is where the premises of the complex are located).

The staff of the museum center organizes a number of cultural and educational projects. These are regional exhibitions: decorative andapplied arts and handicrafts, modern embroidery and patchwork, handmade toys, pottery, painting and woodcarving. The large-scale exhibition-presentation "Original Art" allows you to present the works of masters of fine and applied arts of the municipalities of the Tver region.

The Exhibition Center actively cooperates with institutions of secondary vocational education that provide training in art speci alties.
For almost 10 years, the "School of Masters" has been operating on the basis of the center, allowing everyone to acquire skills in the field of traditional art crafts.
Intangible Cultural Heritage
Artifacts, customs, expressions recognized as cultural heritage belong to this category. Manifested in rituals, festivities, performing arts and crafts. Preservation of intangible forms of cultural heritage of the region is another area of activity of the House of Folk Art of Tver.
In 2012, the region adopted the Regulation on compiling a catalog of such cultural objects, and the institution was actively involved in this work. Since then, a number of research and field practices have been organized. Thematic areas: performing arts, rituals, customs and holidays, oral traditions, skills and knowledge related to artistic crafts.
A research expedition was held to study samples of architectural house carving, manufacturing technologyKalyazin lace and stitch embroidery, as well as the traditions of the cuisine of the Tver Karelians.
Folk Music Ensemble
Special attention deserves the work of groups operating on the basis of the House of Folk Art of Tver. One of them is the well-deserved ensemble of Russian folk music "Gubernia", which has achieved great popularity not only in its native city, but also abroad.

It was created in 2002. The initial instrumental composition included a balalaika-double bass, a domra- alto, a violin, a balalaika "Prima", an accordion, and drums. Subsequently, the team became a quartet with a soloist (vocals).
Among the participants are conservatory graduates with extensive concert experience. The team has repeatedly become a laureate of performing competitions at various levels. The ensemble's repertoire is wide and original: from Russian classics to folklore musical sketches, popular and jazz compositions.
Preserving the traditions of the Cossacks
The amateur group of the song ensemble "Cossack Soul" of the House of Folk Art of Tver considers the preservation of such musical traditions an indispensable element of the cultural space of the region. The ensemble members perform not only well-known Cossack songs, but also works by contemporary authors.
At the initiative of the team, a project of a regional festival of Cossack songs, first held in 2015, was implemented.

Particular attention is paid to the patriotic education of the younger generation, prepareda special program for schoolchildren, including songs, stories about the culture and history of the Cossacks, flanking with a sword.
Theater and photography
The history of amateur theater in the region began in the 1920s. Today, the theater of the House of Folk Art in Tver is a rich repertoire, performing skills and an original presentation. The theatre's collection includes classical productions and works by contemporary playwrights. Acting and stage speech classes are organized for children and adults.
The regional photography club is one of the oldest in Russia. Since 1994, it has been operating as part of the House of Creativity. Over the past year, club members have repeatedly become winners of international, interregional and all-Russian exhibitions and competitions. With the support of the photo club, a regional branch of the Union of Photographers was opened. 10-15 thematic exhibitions are organized annually.
Sculpture and embroidery
Small sculpture studio of Felix Azamatov at the House of Creativity has been operating for more than 20 years. The team was awarded the title of "People's". The main creative direction is modern modern. Studio students work with ceramics and plaster (imitation of various textures). The team regularly organizes vernissages and exhibitions, holds open days, master classes.
“Svetlitsa” is a school-studio of Tver embroidery under the guidance of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation N. M. Novozhilova. The studio is training professional embroiderers of 1-4 categories, learning ancient sewing techniques.

Over the years of work by specialistsbecame more than 150 students. The head of the studio is the laureate of the government award and the author of a number of manuals on the art of embroidery.