"Music is meant to create a flame in the soul," said the great composer Ludwig van Beethoven. And for this it is not at all necessary to compose and even perform it. To feel the magical influence of music, just listen to it.
At the same time, it is important what kind of music you listen to, whether it sounds live or is it a recording, in whose performance, with what mood. Moreover, the place where you immerse yourself in the beautiful world of art, what acoustics it has is of great importance. Of course, it is best to listen to music in specially created conditions for this - in theaters, concert halls, philharmonics. One of the most famous in Russia is the Crimean Philharmonic. Even if you don’t manage to visit it, it certainly won’t hurt to learn about this wonderful place. From the article you will learn a lot of interesting things.

First off…
Crimean State Philharmonic - the oldest cultural institutionpeninsulas. It consists of several branches, which are located in the four largest cities of Crimea: in Y alta, Evpatoria, Feodosia and, of course, in the central Crimean city - Simferopol. It is the Simferopol branch that is the main one in the Crimean Philharmonic. Therefore, it will be mainly about him.
The heads of the Philharmonic at the moment are such eminent cultural figures as Alexander Mikhailovich Dolinsky, Server Shaipovich Kakura. No less famous artists gave concerts on the stage: Claudia Shulzhenko, Alexander Vertinsky, Sofia Rotaru and many other talented people performed here.
As mentioned earlier, the Crimean Philharmonic is the oldest institution of its kind in Crimea. It was opened in 1939, namely, on the first of January - you must admit, it is an excellent gift for the inhabitants of the peninsula for the New Year. The purpose of the creation of the Philharmonic was to popularize classical music among the population, increase the level of the general musical culture of the inhabitants of Crimea, and develop the traditions of the national music of the Crimeans.
During the Nazi occupation, the Crimean Philharmonic stopped working. But already in 1944, when the peninsula was liberated from the invaders, music began to sound again in the Philharmonic. By 1947, the composition of the Philharmonic has grown with new teams, it has earned in full force. In addition to classical music, folk songs and poems by young poets were now heard here, even circus performances were performed.
In a word, the repertoire of the Crimean Philharmonic was so diverse that it could rightly be called the center of cultural lifepeninsulas. Why are there peninsulas, people from all over the Soviet Union came to Sevastopol. Significant music competitions were held here, many famous artists chose the Crimean Philharmonic as a venue for their concerts.

And what now
Now the Crimean Philharmonic is not losing ground (in 2017, they even started producing music videos here!). At the moment, the creative team of the Philharmonic consists of more than five hundred people, including many honored artists of the Soviet Union, Ukraine, Russia; there are several different teams, each of which is attractive, unusual, unique in its own way.
The repertoire of the Crimean Philharmonic Society, in the spirit of the best traditions, pleases with diversity: concerts of classical and modern music are given here, dance ensembles perform, and competitive programs are held. Not so long ago, a famous, truly great work was staged on the stage of the Philharmonic - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's opera "Director of the Theater". Especially for her, the latest transforming scenery was prepared, moreover, the masters created a puppet of the composer himself, who suddenly becomes the hero of the opera himself.

Composition and creative teams
The soul of the Crimean State Philharmonic is its composition. People who fill it with magic. Masters who create art.
This is the chamber choir "Tavrichesky Blagovest" under the direction of the Honored Art Worker of Crimea Vladimir Nikolenko. Song and dance ensemble"Khaitarma", the artistic director of which is the Honored Artist of Crimea and Ukraine Elmira Nalbantova. A few more equally talented musical groups and, of course, the academic symphony and chamber orchestras of the Crimean Philharmonic under the leadership of the Honored Art Worker of Ukraine Alexander Dolinsky and the Honored Art Worker of the Republic of Crimea Denis Karlov, respectively.
The entire professional team of the Philharmonic is not just working, these people are working on creating a masterpiece, which is every number on the stage of the Simferopol Philharmonic.

Deserved awards
Of course, such work could not go unnoticed. As you have already noticed, many of the members of the creative teams of the Crimean Philharmonic are awarded high titles in the field of art, in addition, they are laureates of popular music competitions.
Thus, the chamber choir "Tavrichesky Blagovest" won the Grand Prix at the First International Choir Competition in the city of Y alta, became the First Prize winner at the Seventeenth International Choir Competition, which takes place in Hajnówka, a small Polish city.
And in 2015, the same group won the All-Russian Choral Festival of Academic Choirs, dedicated to the seventieth anniversary of the Great Victory over fascism.

The official postal address of the Crimean Philharmonic: Simferopol, Pushkin Street, house number 3. However, as we have alreadythey said that the Philharmonic is a whole complex of music centers located in different cities of the peninsula.
So, in Yevpatoria, the concert venue of the Philharmonic is located at the address: Lenin Avenue, house 1. In the building of the theater. Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin.
In Y alta - this is the Yubileiny concert hall, which is on Chernomorsky Lane, two.
Not so long ago, another place appeared where Philharmonic concerts are held - in the city of Feodosia, address: General Gorbachev Street, 5A (concert hall "Star"). The concert venue of the Crimean Philharmonic in Simferopol is located at its main address.

The cost of tickets for each individual concert is different, in addition, the price varies depending on which seat in the hall you want to buy. How much this or that ticket will cost, check at the box office of the Philharmonic. You can call one of the phones presented on the official website of the institution.
However, some categories of citizens have the right to attend concerts for free. These include disabled people of the first and second groups, veterans of the Great Patriotic War, military conscripts, orphans and some other groups of people.
Privileges are provided only if you have a document that can confirm your special status, and only for events held by the Crimean Philharmonic.