Origin of the surname Shulga, meaning, nationality, distribution

Origin of the surname Shulga, meaning, nationality, distribution
Origin of the surname Shulga, meaning, nationality, distribution

He who does not know his past has no future. This deep thought originated in the minds of philosophers many centuries ago, but continues to excite people to this day. After all, we are interested in history, in many respects, to predetermine our future. This, of course, is about global, world life. And also about the history of the whole state. But after all, in every country it is made up not only of significant events and the fate of great personalities. And it consists of many stories of individual families. That is why, when studying the past, it is better to start with the history of a kind.

Think about it, are you well aware of who your ancestors were, what they did, where they lived? Finally, do you know the origin of your last name, because this is your family name, it is inherited, and it also has its own history. And if with surnames like Petrov, Ivanov, Petukhov, Sapozhnikov, Popov, everything is more or less clear, then some have tothink, search for information, use different dictionaries and sources. If you are interested in the origin of the surname Shulga, then you just need to read the article to the end. It has already collected all the material about the meaning, history of the surname, about where and when it could appear.

Family history - the beginning of the whole story
Family history - the beginning of the whole story

The very word "shulga" has Turkic roots. Translated from many languages of this branch, the similar word "solga" with the historical root sol- means left. Thus, the meaning of the surname Shulga must be associated precisely with this meaning. So, most likely, they called a left-handed person. But there are also variations. For example, evil, negative things have always been associated with this side. Left - that is, wrong. In this case, Shulga is most likely an unfriendly person, a deceiver and a rogue.

Tatar-Mongolian warrior
Tatar-Mongolian warrior

Where and when did it originate?

If you believe this version of the origin of the Shulga surname, then it could have appeared around the 13th-14th centuries, because it was at that time that the Tatar-Mongol yoke dominated Russia. Turkic culture, including language, was steadily spreading across the territory of our country in this era - not only the names of everyday objects (shoe, sundress, chest) were borrowed, but also proper names. So many toponyms (for example, Irtysh) are Turkisms. Surnames were also borrowed.

The question of where the surname Shulga could have arisen is more difficult to answer. In its structure, it is more reminiscent of the West Slavic, but we know thatthat the Tatar-Mongols simply did not reach these lands. So it remains to be guessed whether it was the Turkic language that reached Kyiv, or whether it appeared contrary to all the traditions of constructing surnames in the eastern part of Russia.

Version number two

There are no such contradictions in the second version of the origin of the surname Shulga. She claims that this is a word with Polish roots. Or rather, with the root suli, the same as in the modern Russian word shuler. Based on this, the meaning of the surname is already clear: Shulga is a deceiver, a swindler, a dishonest person.

Card game
Card game

This version of the origin of the generic name Shulga is also confirmed by the fact that it is found in ancient records found in the Smolensk, Bryansk, Pskov regions - that is, in the west of the Slavic lands, where the B altic languages (Estonian, Polish, Latvian) had the greatest impact. So, in the Novgorod region even a small river is named like that.

Based on these facts of the origin of the surname, Shulga will most likely be Belarusian by nationality. This, of course, is about the person by whose nickname the surname was founded.

What is good for a German, then… gives birth to another version

Unlikely, but also having the right to exist. Some are of the opinion that Shulga is a German surname Stolz modified in the Ukrainian manner, which was taken by one of the Germans who came to live in Ukraine. However, in addition to consonance (and it is doubtful), these two generic names have nothing in common, stolz (stolz) in German means "proud".

Germans in national costumes
Germans in national costumes

Distribute Now

Now, when the geographic mobility of a person has reached a very high level, it’s not worth being surprised that you met a person with the surname Shulga somewhere in the Caucasus, because his ancestors in one generation or another could simply have moved from one region to another. However, this generic name still has the greatest distribution in those regions where it is considered primordial, native. That is, in Ukraine, in Belarus, in some Russian regions bordering these countries.
