Fish are a vast group of aquatic creatures, the number of currently known species alone numbering in the tens of thousands on earth. And every year, scientists discover and describe up to five hundred new varieties. Among such living organisms, loaches stand out - a family that unites in its ranks freshwater small fish with an increased ability for intestinal and skin respiration. Due to this feature, these living organisms are able to exist in an aquatic environment that is very poor in oxygen. The smallest representative of the mentioned family is the plucked fish. Such creatures usually do not grow more than 10 cm in length. And these are only females, males, as a rule, are even smaller.
The life of such representatives of aquatic fauna is carried out in fresh lakes and rivers. Fish prefer to stay at the bottom rich in silt and sand. And since these creatures have a long, narrow and flexible body, from the outside in appearance they are veryresemble water snakes or lizards running on soft ground. And at the slightest danger, the loach fish tends to hide as quickly as possible in its saving depths, digging into the sand.

The coloration of these representatives of the aquatic fauna is not the brightest, but variegated. It is a pattern of an abundance of dark small spots scattered on a brown, light yellow or unpretentious gray background. Features of the color scheme usually directly depend on the environment where the vital activity of such fish takes place. Nature has made sure that their colors merge with the bottom of the reservoirs where they live, making them hardly noticeable to the enemy eye. The fins are usually light gray in color, some of them are covered with dark spots and stripes. The description of the plucked fish is complemented by a photo where all its features are clearly visible.
About the name
Some details of the appearance of such creatures would be nice to consider in more detail. Under the small eyes of these fish, a pair of bifid spines can be distinguished on the gill covers. And it was they who gave rise to the name, consonant with the word "pinching". These devices have an interesting property, as they are endowed with protective functions. In case of danger, the spikes spontaneously extend and are quite capable of injuring enemies and offenders.

Among other notable details of the appearance of the loach fish (the photo shows this) are six small antennae that are located near the mouth. And the whole body of the described water creaturecovered with barely noticeable, very small scales.
Distribution and habitat
In Russia, these representatives of freshwater fauna are distributed almost throughout the entire territory, they are found in such rivers as the Volga and Ural, in Lake Tavatui and other reservoirs. Such creatures also live in large rivers and lakes throughout Eurasia.
The plucked fish has the ability to feel comfortable both in running and still water. And besides large reservoirs, it is sometimes able to get caught in ditches and springs. The main thing is that only the current in this place should not be too strong. The fish also avoids too deep waters. In the summer periods, these creatures often simply hide in the mud or silt, exposing only a small head outside. If the weather is good, then the fish can just rest on the bottom.
The breathing features of such creatures allow them not only to successfully survive in waters where there is a clear lack of oxygen. They are able to exist for a sufficiently long period, remaining in the atmospheric air. Therefore, for a significant time, the loach fish remains fresh, being caught by a successful angler.

To catch such prey, ordinary earthworms are most often used. Fishing with a net is also successful. Such fish are often caught in it, accidentally catching on their famous spikes, while being completely unable to get out. Also, the pluck itself is often used as bait to catch bigger fish. Thus they catch burbots,zander, perch.
Aquarium keeping
Schipovka is a small but very cute fish, therefore it is very suitable for aquarium keeping. In addition, it is important to take into account the harmless nature of such tiny creatures, therefore, they can be placed along with any neighbors. And it doesn’t matter if they are big or small, as long as they themselves do not pose a danger to such a fish.
By the way, pluckers may well play the role of a living barometer in the house, as they react very peculiarly to fluctuations in atmospheric pressure. They show nervous activity, rush about, often convulsively swallow air with their mouths. Thus, these creatures of nature are able to warn their owners about changes in the weather. That is, the loach fish in the aquarium is a real home weather station.

When buying such small pets, especially if you plan to get offspring from them in the future, it is very important to learn how to distinguish males from females. The first can be distinguished by the significant size of the pectoral fins. Males also have flattened sides, a narrow muzzle and are smaller in size - about 8 cm.
How to feed?
The successful maintenance of any fish depends on proper feeding. Is no exception and plucking. During aquarium life, such domestic creatures should not eat monotonously. The diet should be diversified, and it must include both live and dry food. It is also important to take into account in this matterindividual preferences. They determine the diet and whether it should be more plant-based or mostly protein.

In nature, these creatures feed on insects, larvae and small invertebrates. At home, they are almost omnivorous. However, frozen foods may not attract the attention of these fish. As for the size of the portions, it is better if they are moderate. And per day, food should be offered to pets no more than once.