International integration. Definition, causes, forms of manifestation

International integration. Definition, causes, forms of manifestation
International integration. Definition, causes, forms of manifestation

Society is a dynamic system that is always in motion, in which certain changes always occur, leading either to development or regression. These changes are often so contradictory that it is only possible to say whether they contributed to the improvement or, conversely, negatively affected society, only after some time. One of these phenomena can be called interethnic integration, the trends towards which are now becoming more and more pronounced.

What is this?

Interethnic integration is a social science term. It means the rapprochement of cultures of different nationalities, erasing the boundaries between them.

Our common planet
Our common planet

Where does cross-ethnic integration come from?

This happens as a result of another process that is also observed in modern society - globalization. The world is gradually becoming oneeconomic, political and cultural space. With the development of transport, means of communication, the Internet, those borders that could impede the establishment of contacts between states have disappeared. In addition, in the age of high technology, in the age of information, the struggle for minerals, for territory has lost its relevance - wars for land have ceased. Conflicts and disagreements were replaced by the understanding that it is much more effective to cooperate with other countries, the realization of the need for unification. All this is the prerequisite for interethnic integration.

How does it manifest?

Interethnic integration can manifest itself in many ways and at different levels of society. It permeates everything, starting from the foundation of society - the economy, ending with the worldview of people, their consciousness. Depending on what area of activity it affects, there are several forms of interethnic integration. The first is economic. Examples of cross-national integration of this type can serve as a variety of interstate economic unions (OPEC, WTO, European Union), trade campaigns affecting several countries, transnational corporations (the same automobile plants, the head center of which is located in one country, and concerns are scattered around the world). The next form of integration is political: in addition to economic unions, large associations are being created that, by joint efforts, are trying to solve global problems and answer questions of a global scale. Such alliances include the United Nations, the NATO military alliance andothers.

All flags visit us
All flags visit us

When the soul lies to unity

Perhaps the longest and most complex process is inter-ethnic integration, which takes place at the level of people's consciousness. When cultures are united not thanks to specially created unions, but as if by themselves, penetrating one into the other. When the values of one people imperceptibly intertwine with the guidelines of another, when under the influence of a different culture the mentality of the people gradually changes, and customs are enriched with new traditions. Now, many Muslims are no longer surprised by a European girl in a mini skirt, and Europeans, meanwhile, are happy to eat sushi with Japanese chopsticks. Interethnic marriages are concluded, centers of foreign culture, language schools are opening, communication with foreigners is being established everywhere.

For unification
For unification

The other side of the coin

Of course, the global unification of peoples and cultures has its positive features: when issues are jointly resolved, the interests of all parties are taken into account, when spiritually drawn together, each of the nations is enriched with something new, plus, integration contributes to the development of tolerance in people, tolerance for differences. However, despite all the advantages, there is a downside to the coin. With a strong convergence of two cultures, they can lose their originality, uniqueness. One, more developed and stronger, can absorb, simply destroy the other. Therefore, we must think not only about how to become closer with other nationalities, but also about preserving our traditions and customs. Necessarytake care of their original culture, do not forget the values that it preaches. Each of the representatives of a particular nationality should be proud of his people, remember his roots and origins, and not stupidly copy the lifestyle of another ethnic group.

Discrimination based on nationality
Discrimination based on nationality

The antipode of interethnic integration

By the way. When a state tries to preserve the purity of its culture without mixing any other traditions into it, tries to move away from the influence of other nations, this phenomenon is called interethnic differentiation.
