Shrub with fragrant flowers, in the aroma of which citrus notes are pronounced, is called “garden jasmine” among amateur gardeners, but in fact it is crown mock orange. Its flowering period is the last week of May. From 3 to 9 buds of white color can appear on one branch, and in some varieties they can be creamy green, milky and even pink. To the touch they are velvety-terry. Due to the fact that the inflorescences themselves are quite large and very densely spaced from each other, the shrub looks like one huge flower with a strong aroma. In this state, the crown can be up to three weeks.

Garden jasmine can be planted in the ground either in autumn, after all garden work is completed, or in early spring. It should be noted that when choosing a place where a shrub will grow, it must be taken into account that subsequent transplants will be excluded. This is due to the fact that the coronal mock orange has a powerful root system with numerous branches from the main root, which penetrate the soil to a considerable depth, and when transferred to another place, it can harm it, as a result, the shrub cannot settle down in the new area. The hole should be dug large enough, up to half a meter in diameter.
As for further care, it does not involve any special events. The most time-consuming process can be pruning a plant. Once a year, after the end of flowering, gently remove the branches on which there were no buds, pinching the tops with the rest. This procedure is protective in nature, it will allow the garden jasmine to survive the winter and at the same time not freeze. Removal of dry branches is carried out as they appear, but at least once every four years. As for decorative pruning, the coronal mock orange does not need it because of its natural shape. Feeding is carried out in autumn and spring: in the first case, it is of an organic nature, in the second, it is a complex of mineral fertilizers.

Reproduction can be of three types - seed, cuttings and through layering. With the vegetative method, it is necessary to harvest the shoots from the fall. Pruning is carried out so that the lower edge is located as close as possible to the corner of the trunk of the main branch, and the upper one is above the last pair of buds. For the winter, cuttings are dug in or left in the basement. Landing is carried out immediately after the snow cover has melted into light sandy loam.
When sowing, mock orange (jasmine) is initially grown in greenhouses until the first shoots appear, which can be seen already a week after the seeds are planted in the soil. They are placed in open ground at the end of summer. In order to reproduce by layering, in late autumn or early spring, severalbend one-year-old shoots to the soil and sprinkle them with earth, and then, after the end of winter, plant them in a permanent place.

Garden jasmine (mock orange) grows especially well in open areas where there is no shortage of sunlight, although it feels great in partial shade, the only thing that can be affected by a lack of bright lighting is a slightly delayed period and flowering duration.