Residents and guests of Nizhny Novgorod are very lucky. They have the opportunity not only to enjoy the beauty of local attractions, but also to visit unique exhibitions. Both local craftsmen and international talents exhibit their exhibits. So, one of the highlights of 2016 was the exhibition of stunning works by South Korean artists "".
Detailed poster
For lovers of exhibitions (autumn-winter season 2016) in Nizhny Novgorod there are venues of various themes:
- 13.11.2016 – 11.12.2016 – "".
- 2016-15-12 – 2017-31-03 – exhibition of 3d paintings.
- 16. 07.2016 – 4.12.2016 – project “Life of the Living”.
- 17.09.2016 – 4.12.2016 – program "Radiation".
- 23.11.2016 – 15.01.2017 – photo exhibition “Iceland. Ice, fire and rhyolite mountains.”
- 8.06.2016 – December 31, 2016 – presentation of paintings “New Age”.
- 23.11.2016 – 10.01.2017 – photo exhibitionLandscape photos.
- 27.09.2016 – 10.10.2016 – Tretyakov exhibition in Nizhny Novgorod.
- 4.11.2016 – 6.11.2016 - exhibition of cats and cats "Season in Nizhny".
- 11.12.2016 - dog show of all breeds rank CHF (RFLS).
The main exhibition venues in Nizhny Novgorod are the Arsenal, the Russian Museum of Photography, the Nizhny Novgorod State Art Museum and the Exhibition Complex.

South Korean trends
Nizhny Novgorod holds exhibitions regularly, and "" is no exception. As part of this event, paintings by ten artists from South Korea are exhibited for the viewer's judgment. Unusual installations are hospitably placed within the walls of Arsenal. A distinctive feature of the paintings of South Korean artists is a subtle understanding and reproduction of details, as well as painstaking work in the process of creating a masterpiece. With their paintings, the artists try to convey to the visitors of the exhibition the problems between man and nature that have arisen due to the rapid development in the technology sector. Also, the spirit of memory and questions about the perception of the surrounding world breathe from the exhibits. Among the artists whose paintings graced the exhibition "" were: Kyungsu Ahn, Gisu Kim, Jang Yong Min, Eungyeong Ho, Xuan Choi.

Thirty Travel Masterpieces
Nizhny Novgorod organizes exhibitions at various venues. For example, masterpiecesThe Tretyakov Gallery were presented to the residents of the city on the basis of the Nizhny Novgorod State Art Museum. The exhibition includes thirty works by twenty-five famous artists, each of which is an integral part of a unique collection. The exhibition of paintings by the Tretyakov Gallery in Nizhny Novgorod is a truly large-scale and unique event for the city. The paintings were exhibited in several halls. The first hall contained the creations of the Wanderers and genre painting. The exhibition of the Tretyakov Gallery in Nizhny Novgorod provided an opportunity for guests who got into the first hall to personally get acquainted with world masterpieces. There are paintings “Visiting the Poor” by Vladimir Makovsky, “Mental Account. In the folk school of Rachinsky" by Nikolai Bogdanov-Belsky, "Autumn Landscape" by Grigory Myasoedov. The exhibition of paintings from the Tretyakov Gallery in Nizhny Novgorod filled the second hall with works by the younger generation of the Wanderers. The working class is skilfully depicted in Arkhipov's paintings Laborers at the Iron Foundry, Reverse, and Kasatkin's Miner. Landscapes of the Wanderers exhibition of the Tretyakov Gallery in Nizhny Novgorod placed in the third hall. Here you can look at the paintings "Behind the spinning wheel" and "Lilac". Next are the works of artists demonstrating the harsh life in the North - these are "Blue Mountain", "Hermit", "Fresh Wind". It was useful for the guests of the exhibition not only to get acquainted with the works of famous artists, but also to listen to fascinating lectures by art critics.

Climbing Mount Everest is easier with an exhibition of 3D paintings
The sixth pavilion of the Nizhny Novgorod Fair became the venue for the exhibition of 3D paintings, beloved by many residents of the city. The event is held for the third time, but the desire to visit it among the townspeople does not decrease. Here, any of the visitors can find themselves in the most unexpected place for a moment. So, for example, the third season of the exhibition will provide guests with the opportunity to fight the dragon from the most popular Game of Thrones series, ride a bike through fluffy clouds, go to the jungle in the company of their favorite cartoon characters, conquer Mount Everest and much more.

The finest hour of each Barsik
Cat show in Nizhny Novgorod is a frequent and certainly popular event. Every second person has a pet, so why not show it in all its glory to the city. In the exhibition complex "Nizhny Novgorod Fair" lovers and connoisseurs of cat beauty were able to enjoy magnificent cats and cats of breeds:
- Russian Blue;
- Siamese and Oriental cats;
- Maine Coons;
- Neva Masquerade;
- Burmese cats;
- British Shorthair.
The exhibition is traditionally organized by the Cadiz Cat Fanciers Club. Experts from Russia, Poland and the Czech Republic volunteered to judge the participants.

Who said wow
On the basis of the Iskra sports and youth complex, a dog show is planned in Nizhny Novgorodall breeds of the rank of the Black Sea Fleet. The experts of the event are Gavrilova Yana Adolfovna (a dog breeder with almost thirty years of experience, a judge on the exterior of different breeds of dogs) and Senashenko Ekaterina Vasilievna (an international expert, an experienced connoisseur of Airedale Terriers). The following breeds of dogs are presented within the exhibition:
- cattle and shepherd's;
- pinschers and schnauzers;
- Molossians and mountain dogs;
- dachshunds;
- terriers;
- spitz and primitive breeds;
- hounds;
- cops;
- greyhounds;
- companions;
- retrievers and spaniels.
According to the requirements of the exhibition, each of the participating dogs must have documents confirming its pedigree. Also, the dog must have a veterinary passport. In case of his absence, the participant may be disqualified. Participation in the exhibition is paid and ranges from seven hundred to two thousand rubles. The cost depends on the show class in which the dog will compete.

Nizhny Novgorod, exhibitions at the turn of the century
On the occasion of the 120th anniversary of the well-known All-Russian Art and Trade and Industrial Exhibition, the Nizhny Novgorod State Exhibition Complex presents the canvas "New Age" by the artist from Nizhny Novgorod Natalia Tsvetkova. The work depicts a city at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The painting, measuring 2.5 by 7.2 meters, belongs to the list of the largest canvases written about Russian history. In terms of composition, it is also very complex, soas it includes types of historically significant events and characters from the era of the economic and cultural heyday of the city. Nizhny Novgorod holds exhibitions of this level with the support of various institutions and museums. And so it happened with this event - the painting "New Age" was kindly transferred for display by the St. Petersburg State Academic Institute of Sculpture, Architecture and Painting. I. E. Repin.