Ensemble "Vatan": fiery dances of Dagestan

Ensemble "Vatan": fiery dances of Dagestan
Ensemble "Vatan": fiery dances of Dagestan

"Vatan" was born and raised in the house of pioneers and schoolchildren of the Leninsky district of the capital of Dagestan - the city of Makhachkala. 1988 is considered to be the founding year of the ensemble, but then it was only a small group of talented, but still inexperienced dancers. By 1991, they had already shown themselves enough in performances, the audience fell in love with the guys performing Caucasian national dances. Now rehearsals and training of new dancers were already in full swing in the center. Choreographers sought not only to teach their wards the movements of a particular dance, but also to convey its special meaning within the framework of the traditions of the people. Through dance, members of the creative team join the national culture, get to know it, become part of it.

A wedding dance
A wedding dance

The soul of the ensemble and its head

At the moment, the author of the dances, their choreographer and artistic director of the ensemble "Vatan" is the Honored Art Worker of the Republic of Dagestan and the Honored Art Worker of the Russian Federation Ali Magomedovich Magomedaliev. He strivesto develop in pupils a feeling of love for their small homeland, for its age-old traditions and customs, to revive many of them. Ali Magomedovich was born here, in Dagestan. And already at the age of eight he represented his republic as part of a delegation in Moscow, defended the cultural honor of his small homeland, reading poetry. After the performance, invitations to filming a movie rained down, but Ali Magomedovich chose a different path: first he served in the army (he was a member of the red banner song and dance ensemble), then he graduated from Dagestan State University, and finally became the head of Vatan.

Ensemble "Vatan"
Ensemble "Vatan"

Hot dances of the ensemble "Vatan"

It was under the competent leadership of Ali Magomedovich Magomedaliyev that the Ensemble repeatedly became the laureate of various international and European choreographic competitions. For example, at the Fourth International Competition of Choreography "Nalchik - Horseshoe of Happiness" the team won a landslide victory, in 2015 the members of the ensemble brought the Grand Prix from Georgia, where the annual International Folklore Festival is also held in Kobuleti. The guys perform colorful national dances with all the passion and fervor of the Caucasian mentality. No wonder the masters of their craft have won the hearts of many, many viewers.

How to sign up?

At the moment, the ensemble consists of several groups of different ages from preschoolers to almost adult boys and girls. To sign up for one of them, you need to come from September 1 to September 10 at the address: the city of Makhachkala,Ushakova street, building 4. Here you will find entrance tests, upon successful completion of which you will be enrolled in the group of beginners.
