Wyman Jane: filmography and biography

Wyman Jane: filmography and biography
Wyman Jane: filmography and biography

Actor is one of the most popular and at the same time difficult professions in the world. Millions of teenagers and children in their youth dream of becoming outstanding personalities in order to take part in the filming of cinematic works of various genres. In addition, representatives of this field of activity receive quite high wages, but many do not even realize how difficult this profession is. Today we remember one outstanding actress, Oscar winner.

Wyman Jane
Wyman Jane

Wyman Jane is a world famous woman, actress, producer, screenwriter and singer. In this article, we will discuss in detail the biography of this girl, her filmography, and much more. And we'll start right now!


Wyman Jane was born on January 5, 1917 in St. Joseph, Missouri, United States of America. Not so long ago, professional biographers were still able to prove that the date of birth of the actress indicated in this material really coincides with the real one, and earlier many were sure that this girl was born on January 4, 1914. One of the main reasons why Wyman Jane increased herage, is the desire to work legally at the very beginning of one's career.

The girl's parents are unique people: an employee of a public catering company and a doctor's secretary in a city hospital. In October 1921, the mother of today's popular actress filed for divorce, and a year later, Wyman Jane's father, unexpectedly for everyone, died at the age of 27.

Jane Wyman
Jane Wyman

A little later, the mother of the actress moved to the city of Cleveland (Ohio), having previously given her own daughter to another family. Then the young girl unofficially began to bear the name of her new adoptive parents, who were very strict about their child. At the age of 11, Jane came with her mother to California. After 2 years, the mother and adopted daughter returned to Missouri, where Jane began to go to a local school. By the way, in the same year, a young girl began performing with musical compositions on the radio.


At 15, Jane Wyman, whose filmography will be discussed later in this article, left school and went to Hollywood, where she began working as a telephone operator and manicurist. After a while, she received several small roles in cinematic projects. At the very beginning of her career, the girl appeared in such films as "The Kid from Spain", "My Servant Godfrey", "Gold Diggers", and many others. In addition, in 1936, the young actress signed a contract with Warner Brothers, a well-known at that time (and even now) cinema company, and the following year she received a major role infilm "Public Wedding" in 1937, which was a very big breakthrough in her career.

Jane Wyman: filmography
Jane Wyman: filmography

The real popularity of the actress came only to the beginning of the 1940s. In 1941, she took a direct part in the cinematic work called “Now you are in the army”, in which in one of her scenes her kiss with another actor lasted more than 3 minutes.

Private life

CI is far from the whole biography of Jane Wyman, because there is quite a lot of information about this woman. During her life, this actress was married several times. Her first lover was Ernest Eugene Wyman, whose marriage was officially concluded on April 8, 1933. There is no information about the date of dissolution of this marriage.

The next lover and husband of the actress was Myron Futterman, a well-known clothing manufacturer in New Orleans. Officially, their marriage was registered on June 29, 1937, and they divorced on December 5, 1938, having lived together for only one year and 3 months. The reason for the divorce was that the girl wanted to have children, and her husband was categorically against it.

Biography of Jane Wyman
Biography of Jane Wyman

The next husband of the actress was Ronald Reagan, with whom in 1938 she starred in a film project called Brother Rat and Child. The official date of marriage registration is January 26, 1940. The lovers had three children during their life together, but one child died the day after birth. The application for divorce was filed by the actress in 1948, and it was issuedonly in 1949.

The last husband of the actress was Fred Karger, a famous composer and conductor. Their wedding took place on the first day of November 1952 in Santa Barbara, California. The couple separated after two years and six days, and the official date of the divorce was December 30, 1955. In addition, on March 11, 1961, the lovers got married again, but almost 4 years later they divorced again.


The actress died on September 10, 2007 in her sleep, at the age of 90, at home.

That was such an interesting woman named Jane Wyman, whose biography was covered in this article. For now, let's take a look at some of the movies this woman has been in.


During her long career, this girl took part in the following films: “You are a smart blonde”, “Eighth round”, “Baby Nightingale”, “Brother rat and child”, “Flight of Angels”, “Love returned to me”, “Honeymoon for three”, “Fraud and Co.”

Jane Wyman: biography
Jane Wyman: biography

In addition, it is also worth highlighting the films "Hollywood Shop for Troops", "Another Tomorrow", "Fawn", "Night and Day", "Magic City", "Kiss in the Dark", "Stage Fright", "Glass Menagerie", "Blue Veil", "The Bridegroom Returns", "Only for You", "With the Stars Aboard", "Let's Do It Again", "Three Lives", "Magnificent Obsession", "All That Is Allowed Heaven”, “Miracle in the Rain”, “My Three Sons”, “Happy Journey”, “How to Marry”, “Sixth Sense”, “Love Boat”, “The Image of Yourlife” and many others.


Comments about almost all films with the participation of the actress are positive. People are satisfied with the interesting plots and the professionalism of the actors.
