Fine art is one of the oldest art forms. Archaeologists are still finding new rock paintings that depict the lives of our prehistoric ancestors. Thousands of years have passed, man has changed dramatically, and painting is still popular among people. Over the years, it has developed and modernized, a great many different styles and trends have appeared, artists whose works are so different from each other. Collectors-connoisseurs of masterpieces of fine art began to appear, then more and more people were drawn to the beautiful: the first galleries were opened, where works by various artists were collected.
Surely, many of you also like to visit such galleries and exhibitions. And people who often visit art museums will agree that each of them has its own special unique features, despite the similar themes. Somewhere more attentiongiven to contemporary artists, somewhere to the classics. But in the museum named after Albikhan Kasteev, national color is of great importance. Do you want to plunge into the atmosphere of Kazakh creativity? Then you should definitely visit this gallery.

A bit of history
The history of the A. Kasteyev Museum of Art dates back to 1935, when the Taras Shevchenko State Art Gallery was established in the capital of Kazakhstan. Its opening was an exhibition of works of art in honor of the fifteenth anniversary of the formation of the Kazakh SSR. In 1970, another landmark institution in the fate of the Kasteev Museum was founded. The Museum of Folk Applied Arts of the Republic of Kazakhstan has opened.
Six years later, that is, in 1976, the two collections merged. This is how the new State Museum of Arts of the Kazakh Republic was formed. Especially for him, a new spacious building was built, which could accommodate all the exhibits. Now we know this gallery as the Kasteev Museum. A cultural institution has been named after him since 1984.

Who is the museum named after? Abilkhan Kasteev - who is this?
Albikhan Kasteev is a well-known watercolorist in Kazakhstan who wrote in the twentieth century in the spirit of socialist realism. He became the founder of the Kazakh school of painting, made a huge contribution to the development of the culture and art of his country, for which he was awarded the title of People's Artist of the Kazakh SSR. Now the Kasteev Museum is named after the artist. Here you can also seeand his works, such as "Amangeldy's Army" or "Talas Territory", which depict the ordinary, everyday life of the Kazakhs.

Artist's House
In order to get better acquainted with the artist's work, with his biography, you can visit not only the art gallery, but the house-museum of A. Kasteev, which is located in the eastern part of the city of Almaty, on Bekkhozhin Street, at number 6A. By the way, the house was built specifically for the large family of the artist. This building was recreated as it was during Kasteev's lifetime. Household items, furniture, clothes - all rooms are furnished as if the owner of the house still lives here with his wife and children.
On the walls there are photographs of Albikhan Kasteev and his early works, in the windows there are archival documents that can tell facts from the life of the artist. You can get to this museum on Tuesday and Wednesday from ten in the morning to six in the evening; on Thursdays, visitors are expected here from ten to five. The institution is closed on the rest of the week.
Collection of the State Museum of Arts. And Kasteev has more than twenty thousand copies. Most of them can be seen in several halls (the rest are stored in storerooms). The first of them presents paintings by Kazakh artists, the next one is dedicated to the arts and crafts of national masters, the third hall contains works by foreign artists.
Research activities
In addition to the exhibition, the Kasteev Museum conducts research andeducational activity. To achieve these goals, a special library, a center for innovative technologies in the field of art, was organized. There is also an art workshop at the museum, where lessons in painting, graphics and other areas of fine art for children and adults are held.

How to get to the museum?
It is located at the address: Almaty city, Koktem-3 microdistrict, house number 22/1. The doors of the gallery are open to visitors every day of the week, except Monday, from ten in the morning to six in the evening. At the same time, the cash desks stop working half an hour before the closing of the exhibitions. Every last Friday of the month the museum is closed for a sanitary day.
Ticket prices
To view the exposition, you need to purchase an entrance ticket, the cost of which is 500 tenge, which, translated into Russian rubles, is approximately 90-100 rubles. A discount is provided for pensioners and students - the price of a reduced ticket for them will be 300 tenge, that is, a little more than 50 rubles. For schoolchildren, a ticket will cost even less - 200 tenge - about 30-40 rubles.
Reviews about the State Museum of Arts. A. Kasteeva is mostly positive, so we confidently recommend it for a visit to all lovers of fine art.