Culture 2024, September

Who said that work ennobles a person? Sayings about labor

Who said that work ennobles a person? Sayings about labor

The idea of Vissarion Belinsky that labor ennobles a person was taken as a basis by the ideologies of socialist realism and began to develop in the right direction

The origin of the surname Goncharov, or Who is the potter

The origin of the surname Goncharov, or Who is the potter

A surname is a family name that passes from father to children (with rare exceptions). Every person at least once in his life tried to find out about the origin of his surname and its meaning. Many now even make up a family tree, according to which you can track how the surname passed from generation to generation. In this article we will talk about where the surname Goncharov came from

"There is a person - there is a problem, no person - there is no problem" Who said and the meaning of the statement

"There is a person - there is a problem, no person - there is no problem" Who said and the meaning of the statement

So who said: "No person - no problem"? Let's be honest, the "leader of the peoples" could say it, it was in his manner. Like no one else, he would have dared to speak such words with impunity, based on historical facts. Which is not true because no one has been able to prove it

How an ordinary Arab sheikh lives

How an ordinary Arab sheikh lives

Who are these richest and wisest rulers, mega-successful entrepreneurs of the Middle East, happy owners of fortunes amounting to billions of dollars, the world's largest investors? They are nothing less than Arab sheikhs. Who are these people? How do Arab sheikhs live? It is about them that will be discussed in the article

Incendiary Georgian dance

Incendiary Georgian dance

Georgian dance has become very popular in the world, primarily thanks to "Lezginka". There are few people who would not know the name of this incendiary dance. But how did it happen? When did the dance become popular in Europe?

Ancient and modern architecture of Omsk: photos of the most famous buildings, overview of styles

Ancient and modern architecture of Omsk: photos of the most famous buildings, overview of styles

Omsk is known to every inhabitant of the country, but few people know what kind of city it is. Its remote location provokes a distant idea of it. We will talk about this amazingly beautiful city in this article. We will get acquainted with the architecture and modern monuments of the relatively young, but historically rich city of Omsk

Tajikistan holidays: dates and description

Tajikistan holidays: dates and description

Today 64 holidays are celebrated in Tajikistan. Some dates remain the same every year. The most significant celebrations: Independence Day, which is celebrated on September 9, Navruz (March 21-22), the religious holidays of Kurban and Ramadan, as well as the New Year, which is celebrated, like all over the world on January 1. Tajiks rest on these holidays from two days to one week

Cheese Festival at VDNKh -2017: participants, reviews

Cheese Festival at VDNKh -2017: participants, reviews

Cheese Festival at VDNKh in 2017 was held for the fifth time. Every year it attracts more and more attention. However, not everyone had time to visit there. From our article you will find out what happens at this large-scale event

Meat Week - Shrovetide Eve

Meat Week - Shrovetide Eve

Exactly three weeks, including four Sundays, is the period of preparation for Lent. Each week, and Sunday in particular, carries its own semantic load, has its own features and names, its own traditions and rituals that are obligatory for believers. Penultimate Sunday before Lent - the day when they stop eating meat - this is what Meat Week (Sunday) means

Monuments to animals in Russia and in the world: photo

Monuments to animals in Russia and in the world: photo

In all countries of the world, including Russia, they not only erect monuments to famous people who contributed to politics, art and other spheres of life, but also erect sculptures in honor of our smaller brothers. Some of them have a symbolic meaning, others are dedicated to real or literary characters, and some depict a generalized image of one or another representative of the fauna

Arab sayings - all the wisdom of the Bedouins available to everyone

Arab sayings - all the wisdom of the Bedouins available to everyone

At all times, people have sought not only to accumulate knowledge and experience, but also to pass them on to their descendants in a simple and accessible form. One of these forms is a saying, a brightly colored expression that reflects emotions and is easy to remember. All languages in the world have them, and Arabic is no exception. We often use them without even knowing it. So what are they, Arabic sayings?

What does "al" mean in different languages

What does "al" mean in different languages

You hear the word "al" without context, and you don't know what to think. This word is very ambiguous, and each person has his own association with it. Let's try to figure out what "al" means in our language, as well as in others, and what deep meaning it has

Tribute to the memory of the war veterans. What is an immortal regiment

Tribute to the memory of the war veterans. What is an immortal regiment

Every year on the day of the Great Victory in the ranks of the participants in the festive procession, there are fewer and fewer people involved in the events of seventy years ago. Time is relentless. But the descendants want to remember and know those who saved the world from fascism

Historical museums in Moscow - what to visit? Overview of historical museums in Moscow

Historical museums in Moscow - what to visit? Overview of historical museums in Moscow

A truly priceless heritage is kept by historical museums in Moscow. A lifetime is not enough to explore all the expositions. But we strongly recommend getting to know some of them better. We offer a short tour of the most famous and noteworthy museums of the capital

Creativity is creativity that can be developed

Creativity is creativity that can be developed

Creativity is a person's ability to go beyond everyday reality and create something fundamentally new and unusual with the help of creative abilities. This is a deep susceptibility to the situation and a multifaceted vision of solutions

A blank is a projectile, blank, disk

A blank is a projectile, blank, disk

Any pot, frying pan, car frame is a metal part that is processed in a special way, giving it the desired shape. To make the delivery of the base more “comfortable”, iron is formed in a special way into dense monolithic ingots of various sizes. Such an ingot is a blank

What is a "sheaf"? This is a bunch of herbs or ears

What is a "sheaf"? This is a bunch of herbs or ears

Depending on the period in which the harvest took place, in order to reduce the loss of sprinkled grain, mowed cereals were stacked in sheaves or stacks. Thus, the peasants reduced the amount of rotten millet during the storage period

What is "shpak"? Interesting Facts

What is "shpak"? Interesting Facts

Older people may remember a film made by a Soviet director, where the future son-in-law and father-in-law, respectively, having the names of Skvortsov and Shpak, sorted out the relationship. Everyone thought that his last name was better. But not everything is so simple with this word! Indeed, the word "shpak" has at least three meanings. Let's take a look at each of them

What is cardon? The meaning of the word "cardon"

What is cardon? The meaning of the word "cardon"

Cynara scolymus means "dog's teeth" in Greek. Cardon got its name because its fruits and leaves have a sharp shape, similar to the fangs of these animals

Tatar ornament as a manifestation of culture

Tatar ornament as a manifestation of culture

The Tatar people have an ancient and colorful culture. His way of life, sorrows and joys, wars and unions, way of life, beliefs could not but be reflected in his work. Since the people are ancient, history and culture go back centuries. In its way of life and worldview, the nation differed from the tribes that settled nearby and was isolated. Therefore, for example, the Tatar ornament used to decorate clothes, household items, houses is original and original

Croats and Serbs: difference, history of the conflict, interesting facts and character traits

Croats and Serbs: difference, history of the conflict, interesting facts and character traits

It's hard to believe, but there were no extreme disagreements between the Balkan Slavs. Until the 19th century, the most friendly nations were precisely the Croats and Serbs. The difference still existed, but only religious

Modern man as a bearer of the culture of his people

Modern man as a bearer of the culture of his people

Any person, born in this world, absorbs the national culture with mother's milk, masters the native language. The life order and traditions of the people turn out to be their personal way of life. Thus, a person, as a bearer of the culture of his people, organically grows together with it. Unfortunately, in modern life, the unity of a person with culture does not always justify itself

Appearance of the Dutch: description and characteristics

Appearance of the Dutch: description and characteristics

Every contemporary dreams of visiting such a bright and mysterious country as Holland. She became famous for her tulip fields, windmills and cheese. But what about the Dutch? What are they? We want to tell you about this amazing people. You will learn not only about the appearance of the Dutch, but also about their habits, character, lifestyle

On unfamiliar terms: what is cumulative voting?

On unfamiliar terms: what is cumulative voting?

Did you participate in the elections? And what? President, municipal? Then, most likely, you have not come across the concept of “cumulative voting”. The fact is that the concept is special. This type of voting is used in special cases. Let's look at them at least with the aim of raising the educational level

Gangster phrases dashing nineties

Gangster phrases dashing nineties

The nineties of the last century are a rather troubled period in the history of our country. It was during these years that devastation and banditry in our country reached its climax. Bandit phrases of that time are part of the history of Russia, no matter how strange it may sound

Zon's phrases and expressions with translation

Zon's phrases and expressions with translation

Today, Zon phrases can often be heard everywhere: among young people who have nothing to do with the criminal world, from the lips of young mothers and the elderly, as well as from adolescents and even young children

Sheremetyevsky Palace and its beauty (photo)

Sheremetyevsky Palace and its beauty (photo)

In 1703 Peter founded Petersburg. In just nine years, it becomes the capital of the state. The main city of the country, with the direct participation of its patron, begins to be actively settled and improved. One of the first to move to the banks of the Neva was a relative of the tsar, Count Field Marshal Boris Petrovich Sheremetyev

Unusual monuments of Tomsk: interesting facts and description

Unusual monuments of Tomsk: interesting facts and description

Every city has monuments that are its calling card. There are also in Tomsk. There are about forty of them here. Each of them is unique and inimitable. If you do not have the opportunity to travel to different cities and explore the sights, it is enough to come to Tomsk

Park "Sadovniki" - a green corner of Moscow

Park "Sadovniki" - a green corner of Moscow

Sadovniki Park is a piece of green comfort and ecological cleanliness in concrete Moscow. Locals love to come here so much, and tourists are always shown and told about the interesting history of the park

Russian wooden architecture: a museum in Suzdal

Russian wooden architecture: a museum in Suzdal

Do you want to visit the past? There is nothing easier - pack your bags and go to Suzdal. This is a unique city in which there are more historical monuments of architecture than modern buildings. If you are most interested in Russian wooden architecture, the open-air museum of the same name is a must-see

Fairy-tale tower of the Snow Maiden in Kostroma

Fairy-tale tower of the Snow Maiden in Kostroma

Fairy-tale characters are very busy during the New Year, but they do something in all other seasons, they live somewhere. There is such a place at the Snow Maiden

Fire - what is it? What are folk crafts?

Fire - what is it? What are folk crafts?

"Craft" is a word that has long denoted any occupation, due to which a person lives. Many have heard the expressions "fishery" or "folk craft". How did the meaning of this word develop? What kind of activities does it apply to?

The most beautiful castles in the Czech Republic. Castle of bones in the Czech Republic

The most beautiful castles in the Czech Republic. Castle of bones in the Czech Republic

Those who built the castles of the Czech Republic many centuries ago probably could not even imagine that hundreds of thousands of tourists from all over the world would someday walk along them. In the Czech Republic, castles were built for practical reasons - to protect against the troops of various enemy states that dreamed of seizing the we alth and lands of this country

The most interesting museums in Kaliningrad

The most interesting museums in Kaliningrad

Kaliningrad is a city with a very noticeable cultural life, the activity of which is reflected in the number of museums, of which there are quite a lot. Moreover, both old, with a rich heritage, and recently discovered, with the most recent history. This is an indicator that the museums of Kaliningrad not only preserve traditions, but multiply and develop. Kaliningrad offers its residents and guests of the city museum-oriented events for any, even the most demanding, taste

Friedland Gate: address, history. Museums of Kaliningrad

Friedland Gate: address, history. Museums of Kaliningrad

Russian Kaliningrad is a city with an interesting history. Until 1946, it was called Koenigsberg and was one of the most important cultural and educational centers in Germany. Among the most interesting tourist sites in Kaliningrad are the Friedland Gates. For several decades, this building has been a museum dedicated to the pre-war history of the city

Monument to Baron Munchausen, the most famous and great visionary

Monument to Baron Munchausen, the most famous and great visionary

The first stories about the adventures of the resilient baron appeared at the end of the 18th century. Their creator, Erich Rudolf Raspe, either heard funny stories in the company of neighbors, or read something similar in one of the magazines. This remained unknown. But the character he described, his resilient disposition, his ability to fantasize, fell in love with readers all over the world so much that people began to erect monuments to Baron Munchausen, make films and cartoons about him, draw comics

Americans in Russia. What do Americans think of Russia?

Americans in Russia. What do Americans think of Russia?

The attitude of Americans towards Russia (most often not only negative, but in most cases absolutely wrong) seems to be based on the propaganda in the media that is generally accepted in the United States, which brainwashes its own citizens. And the origins of this phenomenon should be sought in the back streets of history. Only after studying all historical events will it become clear what modern Americans think about Russia and Russians

10 February. Traditions, signs, holidays and historical events on this day

10 February. Traditions, signs, holidays and historical events on this day

Every day of the year is special. Someone is born and dies, makes grand contracts and discoveries. The days contain preserved memories of the events of the past. We will fix our eyes on the winter day on February 10 - the date marked by the anniversary of the death of Pushkin, wounded two days earlier in a duel with Dantes. However, this sheet of the calendar is not only marked by a tragic mood. We will talk about what we celebrate on this day in our article

Serafimovskoye cemetery - the memory of the past

Serafimovskoye cemetery - the memory of the past

Probably, in every city there are such memorable places that are not customary to show to all city guests, tourists are not taken there. However, they have a rich history and are of great importance for the past and present. Serafimovskoye Cemetery (St. Petersburg) belongs to such sights of the city

Japanese modern technology and tradition

Japanese modern technology and tradition

Article about modern technology in Japan. A brief excursion into the history of the country. The principle of "Eastern morality - Western technique"