Every day of the year is special. Someone is born and dies, makes grand contracts and discoveries. The days contain preserved memories of the events of the past. We will fix our eyes on the winter day on February 10 - the date marked by the anniversary of the death of Pushkin, wounded two days earlier in a duel with Dantes. However, this sheet of the calendar is not only marked by a tragic mood. We will talk about what we celebrate on this day in our article.
Orthodox holidays celebrated on this day
The calendar of Orthodox Christians offers us many dates associated with the lives of the saints. On February 10, a church holiday also fell: this is the day of Ephraim the Syrian. About Ephraim's Day, the signs that can be seen at this time, their meaning, we will discuss further.
Efremov's day - Brownie's name day
Reverend Ephraim the Syrian is noted in the history of the Christian religion as a compiler of church hymns. Also hisrevered as a teacher of repentance and a preacher. The authorship of Sirin is attributed to prayers that are read during Great Lent. The holiday has many names that have been used for a long time: this is the Syrian Day, and the Joker, and the Zapechnik. The name Cricket Protector is interesting in its meaning. In connection with him, there is a belief: on Efremov's day, no midges, insects, even cockroaches and other pests should be killed in the house. Otherwise, the brownie will be offended and will do dirty tricks all year until the next Ephraim day. What's with the housewife? And this is another belief associated with Sirin.

In addition to all the named roles, Ephraim the Sirin is considered a pacifier of the brownie, and the holiday of February 10 is the name day of this kind home spirit. Domovoi people call the spirit that helps a good owner in housework. The family, in turn, thanked the brownie for help: on Efremov's day they fed the spirit. In a secluded place at home they put porridge, pronouncing special words. The brownie appears from behind the stove at midnight and eats a treat. However, if suddenly the owners forgot to put food or neglected the tradition, he becomes dashing and harms the house.
In addition to the belief about the brownie, people notice natural phenomena on this day. Our article in honor of the date of February 10 would be incomplete without folk signs. So, a strong winter wind on Efremov's day (we recall here the church holiday of Sirin) portends a cold, damp year.
Name day
Ephraim's name day falls on this date, as mentioned above. Next is Olga. About the second name and its owners it is worth mentioninga few facts. Women with the name Olga are individuals prone to introspection, concentrating on their feelings. They are good wives, wonderful housewives, who clearly define the spheres of the supremacy of the spouse and their own. In matters relating to the house, Olga will not allow her husband to make final decisions. Olga is a person with excellent diplomatic skills. Contribute to them such opposite character traits as isolation and activity. Together they help Olga to be prudent, which is what a real diplomat needs.
Also, on February 10, the owners of the names Vladimir, Ignatius, Fedor, Georgy, Yakov celebrate their name day.
Other holidays
Expanding further our knowledge about February 10th. What other holiday falls on this date? October 31, 2002 in Russia approved by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation Day of the diplomatic worker. The institution of the holiday was prepared for the 200th anniversary of the Russian Foreign Ministry. The official fixing of the date suggests that the profession of a diplomat is highly valued.
Interesting facts from history
History is updated with interesting events every day. Many significant and not very, but interesting facts are tied to February 10th. There is so much to learn from history! And that's what we're going to start right now.
What holiday is February 10 celebrated in Sevastopol?
In 1784, on this day, the Empress issued a decree on assigning the name Sevastopol to the port on the Black Sea coast. The word of Greek origin was taken, it meant "city of glory". Sevastopol was at that time a naval port and a fortress. the prince himselfPotemkin chose a place for the founding of the city, he built it entirely according to his own design. For these merits, Potemkin is considered the father of the city.
First mention of the iron
Not only the dates of birth and the founding of cities have come down to us. Other entertaining events on February 10 also deserve attention. So, an ordinary item, an iron, used to be a curiosity. And even earlier, people eliminated wrinkles on clothes in various intricate ways. What was worth only the use of a hot rod by the ancient Greeks, persistent attempts with mugs of hot water to "expel" bruising!

February 10, 1636, the first mention of the iron as such is dated in Russian written sources - the book of the queen's expenses. She reported that a certain "blacksmith Ivashka Trofimov" was paid 5 altyns to cast an iron iron for use in the royal chambers.
Death of a legend: Pushkin A. S
In the winter of 1837, namely, on February 10, Pushkin Alexander Sergeevich, a significant person in world literature, died of a wound received two days earlier, on February 8, in a duel with Georges Dantes. This event is known to everyone who is even slightly familiar with the work of the poet.
The death of the poet was a heavy blow to his friends. Contemporaries did not believe in this loss for the country and world culture. Mikhail Pogodin, who was in Moscow at the time of the news, recalled the prediction made by Alexandra Kirkhoff for Pushkin. The words of the fortune-teller said that the poet could die at the age of 37 at the hands of a blond man. Other predictions of Kirkhoff also came true: about great fame, marriage, exile. Tragically, the worst of what she said happened with terrifying accuracy.

The Day of Remembrance of the death of the great classic is held in St. Petersburg every year on February 10th. Pushkin once again finds himself in the spotlight. In house 12 on the Moika, a circle of Russian intelligentsia gathers - representatives of creative professions, government bodies of the country and St. Petersburg in particular, in order to remember the reformer of the Russian language and the creator of the literary poetic treasures of the people. event. But we will now move on to more positive ones, find out who was born on this day and what other significant things this page of the calendar holds.
Who was born on February 10th?
Perhaps one of the most interesting aspects of a date is the birthdays of famous people. Remember: those born on this day are patronized by the zodiac sign Aquarius. People born under this constellation have innate charisma, charm, they are dreamy and loved by others.
And now let's move on to outstanding personalities and find out who was born on February 10th. Undoubtedly, among such people there are many interesting people with their achievements. Originality and attractiveness contributes to their fame.
So, celebrities born on February 10th. There are many such famous personalities, but we will recall only a few. Let's start with the names of those who are no longer with us, but their legacy remains in the memory and hearts of people.
Boris Pasternak
Russianpoet, one of the greatest geniuses of the twentieth century, Boris Leonidovich Pasternak, was born on February 10 in Moscow. His poems are still read today. Significant achievements in the literary field of Pasternak were reflected in the fact that he was nominated as a candidate for Nobel Prize winners for many years in a row.
Despite many trials, including the strongest pressure due to the nomination for a high award, in 1958 the award ceremony took place. Thus, on February 10, it is worth getting a volume of Pasternak's poems and remembering once again the great man recognized by the world.

Berthold Brecht
On February 10, 1898, another famous cultural figure, Bertolt Brecht, was born in the German city of Augsburg. He is known as a theater playwright and director. Brecht's plays were controversial, as were his theories of theatrical art. However, very soon his ideas took a firm place in the European theatrical world. Despite the fact that Bertolt Brecht himself devoted most of his life to poetry, it was the plays that made him famous.
Cliff Burton
Fans of heavy rock music should know what holiday February 10 is. On this day, the idol of millions, the master of playing the bass guitar Cliff Burton, a member of the Metallica group, was born.
On account of the legend of rock worldwide recognition: in 2011 he was ranked among the best bass players in history according to Rolling Stone.
Sergey Penkin
Another Russian cultural figure, our contemporary Sergey Penkin also celebrates his birthday on February 10th. He was born in 1961year in the city of Penza, began his journey in Moscow, in the famous Gnessin school.
Unique data, a voice with a range of four octaves made Sergei Penkin a famous vocalist. In 1991, his first solo concert took place. During his musical career, the singer has accumulated a good repertoire. It contains folk songs, romances, and dynamic Western hits. Director Igor Klebanov even made a documentary about Penkin's path to success in music.

Radamel Falcao Garcia is a football star
Colombian football star Garcia, known to fans around the world, was born on February 10, 1986 in the Colombian town of Santa Marta.

Garcia is known for his aggressive play style and unpredictability. Sometimes, as the athlete himself claims, he himself does not understand why at one point or another in the game he is attracted to the opponents' goal. Naturally, in the team (AS Monaco FC) Garcia plays as a striker. Hundreds of goals scored, an interesting game - and now fans around the world are celebrating the football player's birthday. Famous people born on this day serve as role models for millions of fans.
Character of those born on this day
Let's dwell on the personality traits of those who were born on the indicated date.
Those born on February 10 are distinguished by originality of thinking from an early age. They have leadership qualities, powerful charisma. However, fate can beat the character traits of such people in different ways. She highlights the positivequalities as well as negative ones. Therefore, it is important for them to consciously adhere to a highly moral line of behavior.

The peculiarity of Aquarius is that they easily evoke emotions in others. At the same time, they themselves show feelings rather restrainedly. This makes them excellent leaders and mentors. Sometimes they need to give way to the dominant place and let someone else from the environment show up, because against the background of such a bright personality as a person born on February 10, it is difficult to be proactive.
Ways of life
If those born on February 10 have enough efforts to develop their personality first of all, they are easily given the path to power. Self-confidence and charisma, which we have talked about more than once, contribute to success. However, before deciding on the type of activity, there are many different areas to be sorted out.
These people do not change their ideas about how to do this or that. They can only apply new methods, but not abandon the old ones. The ability to maintain super-equanimity often leads to embarrassment of others. Often this misleads others about the identity of those born on February 10.
Our informative article was devoted to the winter date - February 10th. What holiday falls on this day, what significant events occurred in history, what signs people tried to see - all this is extremely curious for a modern person.
interesting historical facts. What is worth mentioning about a real iron in Russia and a decree on the founding of Sevastopol!But each person supplements the dates in the calendar with their personal events. We wish you that every day becomes a holiday for you!