At all times, people have sought not only to accumulate knowledge and experience, but also to pass them on to their descendants in a simple and accessible form. One of these forms is a saying, a brightly colored expression that reflects emotions and is easy to remember. All languages in the world have them, and Arabic is no exception. We often use them without even knowing it. So what are they, Arabic sayings?
Universality and similarity
Each nation is unique, but wisdom and knowledge accumulated in one world. That is why the wisdom of different nations is similar and forms a common, international fund of proverbs and sayings. For thousands of years, all the peoples of the world have developed special rules and techniques, with the help of which the wisdom of ancestors, social ideals and the very philosophy of the worldview are transmitted. Reading Arabic sayings absolutely unknown to us, we can always find something similar with Russian ones. This is primarily due to the fact that certain situations and the conclusions drawn from them are approximately the same for most people.peoples.

Like any complete thought, Arabic proverbs are dedicated to a topic:
- friendship;
- respect for elders;
- protecting the weak and disadvantaged;
- hospitality;
- wisdom;
- courage and bravery;
- the concept of honor and dignity, etc.
In the folklore of any nation, you can find sayings dedicated to these topics, and they will be very close. For example: "Sadi´k ti'ri´fu fi-d-di´k" (translated as "You recognize a friend in trouble"). The Russians have a very similar one: "Friends are known in trouble."
Specificity and national characteristics
The national characteristics of the Arab people left their mark on Arabic sayings, giving them a special charm. From them you can trace what the Arab people faced for a long time. They found their place in sayings and specific musical instruments, and tools, and national cuisine, and outfits. The climate and landscape, characteristic of the habitat of the Arabs, is also reflected in national folk wisdom.

Contain Arabic sayings and the memory of historical events, and even of prominent historical figures, and they can easily be traced to a change in outlook on life with a change in religion. But let it be studied by paremiologists (scientists, experts in the study of folk sayings). Our goal is just to understand how interesting the sayings of the Arabs can be for us.
Proverb animals
Let's look at specificity using animals as an example. The camel plays an important role in the folklore of the Arabs. For the Bedouin, this animal is very valuable, because it is both a transport, a breadwinner, a currency, and a sign of well-being. Only 20 different words in Arabic are translated into Russian as "camel" or "camel". In many sayings there are references to this animal. Here are some Arabic sayings with translation in transcription so that you can pronounce them out loud. Feel their originality, uniqueness and charm, and if you wish, pick up similar Russian sayings.
"La naka li fiha ўa la jamalya" - "There is no camel or camel for me in this."
"Kad yumta as-saabu baada mo ramaha" - "You can saddle a fearful camel".
This will be interesting
How often do you hear, and perhaps you yourself use the expression: "He who seeks will always find"? There is a similar expression in Arabic, and the translation sounds like this: "Who seeks, he finds the desired or part of it." Beautifully said, isn't it?

It is a pity that we are little interested in the wisdom of other nations, otherwise many Arabic proverbs and sayings would have been used long ago. And who knows, maybe after reading the article you will have a desire to get to know them better and even use them.
Statuses for social networks can also be found in Arabic sayings. And they will be fresh and original. As you like, for example: "If you love someone, then love them in their entirety, along with their scars, sadness and flaws." Why not a status?
And finally, a little oriental humor: "The kiss was invented by a man to silence a woman for at least a minute."